related to diancie or terrapagos
As Indeedee turned to leave, its gaze fell on the mysterious stone Naoki had tossed aside.
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
R.I.P. konoha
I think arachne will be more of a bane for Olympus than mr. Blueberry Cant wait for Athena reaction
I wonder when his avatar evolved in his final form. If it is Jupitermon Zeus will be supriced
Release the pokemon anime as well
Wonder how Zeus reacts when she summier ns a storm
I almost pity camp halfbloed And wonder how the fates will react
courage not the absent of fear and despair but the strength to overcome them
Comment on ideas for apps developed by the God of Fear that could be useful for mortal Internet users XD
Video Games · NunuXD
which quest is this?
Wait. I know this quest. Let's give them some information without raising some suspicion.
Anime & Comics · Ryusenka
What if they get bast's help and Wilhelm introduces himself as a godslayer😈
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne