Well Author, this was kind of anti-climactic. Didn't feel... earned... to get intimate so fast and without much right or reason other then "why not?". I can see that this might just be the way the MC swings and it's ok. But I'd still have wished for a little more built-up, a little more feelings, a little more... "special" - if that makes sense. Still, I like the story up to now. Please look at this as constructive criticism, though I'm hardly at 12 % of the story at the time I write this comment. Possibly future encounters might get the chance to be a little more fleshed-out..?
Este livro foi excluído.
Well... is this the end? ó.ò
It's over 9000!!!
The reason for it? Vidal's reduced Defense and the natural 50% Critical Chance attached to this skill. Not to mention, Kieran's current Attack Power with all of his modifiers attached surpassed 11,000.
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
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