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2018-07-07 Unido Global

Emblemas 8

Moments 233

Replied to Jazpex

isn't there the mcu vs. I think it's the comic version? is that the inferior? As I know in one he was the child of a celestial and another he was some alien kings kid.

Although his death was a harsh memory, It was a stark contrast to the hardships faced by this body's original inhabitant. The loss of a mother to cancer and subsequent alien abduction leading to the wretched conditions of his current captivity.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to Metalloid

still better than an edgy murder hobo that many seem to love on this platform.

It was only after many years of patient reasoning that Corvious found a way to convince Kolly. He decided to take a different approach, offering fabric instead of clothes. Explaining that he could tailor his own clothing, thereby preserving their master and servant bond. This wasn't something grand, but it was one step in the right direction.

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903

Replied to ZeroTheF0olish_

Have you seen some of the people who reached jedi master not surprised such things like this slipped through

"No problem Van." She said. Yennali then got an angry expression on her face and began looking around the mess hall. Her eyes landing on a group of older initiates snickering at us a few seconds after she did.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

Replied to Project_Traveler

it isn't as he was always in the body without him the body would not have even existed

To put it simply it looks like I was reincarnated in the Star Wars universe with the memories of my previous life locked, and once I reached the age I selected to reincarnate as they unlocked.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever


Is this a chinese novel translation

Este livro foi excluído.

If you need a cheat for a regular world I pity those involved in your creation.

He came to realize that the system lacked any form of artificial intelligence or even an instruction manual. He couldn't help feeling a bit downcast – the cheat seemed disappointingly irresponsible, earning it a bad review!

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Anime & Comics · Leonzky

Replied to Tyrek_Willis

think about it jaune has seven siblings just imagine each sibling having three children and well you got a horde.

"Exactly, instead of decisively tipping the scale towards one side and quickly ending the war, they ended up prolonging it and turning everything much more chaotic than it would be if they all had just stayed put. Their shame over the consequences of their actions was such that they erased all records from that time from the family records, all that we know today about that time was pieced together by their successors much after the event, so the information may not be completely accurate but you can imagine what transpired there."

The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic)

The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic)

Anime & Comics · DaoistyaSOLa

Replied to I_dont_believe_it

I helped batter food and roll dough at that age it was fun back then. No sharp objects or hot stuff.

But my own studies were not the only way that I acquired skills in this period as I was taught many things by my family, especially my mother. I received several lessons into cooking which I picked up very quickly due to knowing a bit about it from my previous life, sewing, dancing and playing instruments. Despite those things looking seemingly less important than becoming stronger I accepted the lessons without any complaints.

The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic)

The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic)

Anime & Comics · DaoistyaSOLa

Replied to The_Puffer

Yes and no I genuinely knew some kids who were able to articulate about that well it is RARE, but it does happen if they are well read and parents encourage proper speech rather than baby talk.

"I want to train in order to become strong, my family is always sheltering me and treating me as someone that needs to be protected from the world, I want to become strong and independent in order to prove them what I'm capable of, to be able to protect them from anyone who seeks to harm them and show that I don't need to always rely on them and that they can eventually also come to rely on me. And I'm asking you this instead of my parents because every time I tried to ask them they would either refuse, dismiss the question or not put their heart to it when they would train me, so I need someone who would train me seriously."

The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic)

The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic)

Anime & Comics · DaoistyaSOLa


what is up with this plot its just everywhere but I guess that's the point.

Not only was he born into the Facold family, a bloodline of servants loyal to the Agnus, but he was also personally trained by Master Omi, a samurai from the East who helped resolve the civil war in his country.

How to Redeem a Trashy Side Villain

How to Redeem a Trashy Side Villain

Fantasy · nemolikessoju


This chinese garbage has killed it for me just gonna stop here

"From outside the continent, you say? If it's not the Great Yuan Empire, then it might be the Murim alliance. Both are enemies of the Chinese Empire. Hmm... It does make sense, but would they dare openly attack the Chinese Empire?" Shi Huang wondered aloud.

Systemless Villain

Systemless Villain

Eastern · abinn


this fet somewhere forced espically since in modern times it is perfectly fine to have one parent for a variety of reasons

"Your father helped make you, but he did not raise you. You are the product of those who care about and value you, not of a man you never have met. There have been few great men who have ever been raised missing part of what makes most men normal. That is what sets them apart, hardship and perseverance. Embrace who you are and be a great man."

Son of Franklin

Son of Franklin

History · HydroG3

Replied to CaptainBoyHole

I mean he is three

Giving a small smile, "You want to go for a walk, then let us go." Leaning down some more she picks him up and sets him on a nearby table and puts a small coat over him.

Son of Franklin

Son of Franklin

History · HydroG3

Replied to 57843

I mean diversifying your investments is not a bad idea as it provides a more solid income stream, but glass is finicky as well what with the glass makers in this world not veinte afraid to keep their trade secure.

Replied to NexIuz

plus the sheer chaos and backstabbing bringing in Guns would cause so close to everything going bad could easily lead to the fall of Westeros

As such he used a lot of memories of the history lessons during his school years, which proved the german school systems correct, at least once during his lifetime. The helpful memories belonged to the time in which the Roman Empire was the topic.

Game of Thrones: Victor Di Natale

Game of Thrones: Victor Di Natale

TV · marcoo

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