A Character for a ships Klabautermann... the only thing i can think of in a short time would be the Fleet of Fog...
Ken wanted to see if he could make use of the system and take the Klabautermann on a system ride. He had been talking with Merry constantly, but there was no response. This wasn't good. But there was nothing Ken could do, and thus he could only wait for the future.
Anime & Comics · thelightedghost
This feels like the first half is missing
Over King(One Piece Fanfic)
Video Games · LazyTanaka
how about quinn adds his own cursed vault that one could be an virtues vault, then again if he added one it would probably go way more into all kinds of magic than the virtues that balance the sins out.
'Oh boy, that synced in so smooth,' Quinn shivered a little internally.
Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
so, hes gonna be best friends with Sly Marbo?
You'd think an army of bad mother fuckers wearing power armor, riding tanks and helicopters, throwing fire and lava and hot lead and sharp steel everywhere we go was the max level of awesome, but then you make those people hardened recon jungle raiders and even I felt the need to tip my metaphorical hat and thank them for their service.
Video Games · JManM
why not Both? but start with Rayleigh please
1. Rayleigh
Anime & Comics · Dark_Vader98
Random Omnipotent Being .... a classic
ROB: [God, you can call me ROB though.]
Anime & Comics · Dark_Vader98
Change to Plates
Video Games · JManM
The first thing i thought of when you mentioned ANCIENT SPACE HISTORY was Spectre finding and looking closely at an anomaly in the Fabric of Space/Dimensions only for the Dimension hopping broken Deadalus from Stargate Atlantis to pop out of it and Accidentaly Ram his face^^, from there you could have the SG team invite him to their Universe to bring them back, then Spectre could visit whenever he wants a fancy new toy e.g. Ancients tech. Or just to Troll SGC.
3. I have some thoughts, and ideas for plots and events that can happen in ANCIENT SPACE HISTORY of marvel already, especially mixing a bunch of other characters or races into it. But what would be some things you as readers would like to see? Feel free to comment.
Giratina in Marvel MCU AU [Rewrite]
Movies · Spectre_Ouroboros