being a murderer keeping your identity hidden is even higher priority than batman's. and in a short time two people already know it.
The man chuckled lightly. "It's quite obvious really. You want to make the world a safer place for those you care about. Where those people you hold dear never have to be exposed to danger again. You even considered joining the Talon knowing that he could very well succeed in making Gotham safer until you realised that he was every bit as corrupt as those you were trying to stop. You want to create a world safe for Barbara and Jim Gordon and that means changing the world as it is. What else could that be?"
Anime & Comics · Carrots123
In Runeterra magicians are rare, a minority.
por lo q se el clon de sombra es unico por trasmitir experiencia,y el clon de madera su caracteristica es ser mas resitentente....
Sobre el Clon de madera, progresamos casi al mismo tiempo, eso me ayudara en reducir el tiempo en aprender nuevas cosas.
Anime & Comics · Janjo24
De momento siento q el prota brilla demaciado,ojala muestre otras facetas mas adelante.
"Tu familia se encuentra bien, pudieron superar tu muerte. Tu madre fue que más sufrió, pero siempre recordó las dos últimas palabras que le has dicho "VIVE y LUCHA" - Voz desconocida, continuo - "Pudo superar tu perdida, y continua ayudando a más personas."
Anime & Comics · Janjo24
Creo q este parrafo es muy random.....
Durante esa fecha, mi madre me pregunto de casualidad de lo que paso en esa fecha, cuando cumplí 8 años. Cuando le conté lo que pasó, donde casi muero, solo me abrazó, y se puso a llorar. Y decirme porque no le dije en ese momento, para agradecerle a la señora.
Anime & Comics · Janjo24
This chapter and the previous one, you are abusing too much that everything is commensurate with the MC.
Este capítulo foi suprimido.
Anime & Comics · U_ardi
the only thing he expected in this chapter was the fight against ghislaine.
Este capítulo foi suprimido.
Anime & Comics · Roxy_Greyrat21
You should explain in more detail because he is a suspicious type, because if the plot does not feel very forced.
Is very good.develops the characters very well, the level of power of the mc is very even to those of the other characters, the development of the story at the moment is very fluid, with the chapters that it takes so far I have almost nothing to complain about.
Does everyone know his psychological profile?
It was precisely why Deathstroke had warned Esau against going because he knew, that the moment he did this, Esau would do the exact opposite. He was so desperate to not be manipulated that he was letting himself get manipulated so easily.
Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
Anime & Comics · Carrots123