
LV 5

Lover of manga, to the point I tend to go looking for its web novel just to read ahead

2018-04-11 Unido Trinidad & Tobago
Emblemas 11

Moments 29
3 months ago

Total score is 49. 10+10+9+8+7+5=49. So this actually 1 point more than the blue tyrant dragon. It was bothering me so I just needed to point it out.

4 months ago
Replied to Luxielle

I saw this comment and the author response and just had to check at least the first chapter. I can agree with the author that the confusion probably has more to do with the lack of understanding of English. The explanation seemed clear to me so I don't think it's fair to post a low rating and a bad review where people who can understand English might misinterpret what your saying. There are people like me who actually check reviews before reading a story and this could cause a lot of readers who might have enjoyed the story to decide not to read it. Saying "I don't understand the story" and "I don't know English well enough to interpret what you are writing" are two entirely different things. I'm sorry for the rant but I just think saying this story is hard to understand is very misleading and unfair to the author.

6 months ago

I'm honestly stuck on "kate". At one point in the previous chapter you even put "Kate Bishop" but I thought it was Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde?? So she goes by kitty not kate??? I don't know if kate is a comic thing but it's honestly confusing me. But maybe that's just me. Otherwise really love the story so far.

8 months ago

I thought this would be interesting but this is basically Harry Potter set in his father's Era. I thought it was OK at the start but the plot is literally pulled from the original story: - attacked by death eaters at the quidditch world cup, - long time to find a wand that ends with mc being told how powerful it is and how great things are expected of him, - gets sorted into gryffindor after chanting not slytherin (after showing off MC's intelligence and only vaguely mentioning an interest in pranks), - a race that ends by the whomping willow where MC isn't punished and gets to have his broom in 1st year (with a slight change so he gets on the team next year). This isn't even considering the MC's personality. We have MC saying in the beginning that he was reluctant to hang out with his new friends because they act their age (and are therefore immature) but immediately has his personality devolve after the introduction of Sirius Black. All this talk about how smart he was in his past life and how he could read people so well but suddenly he's a rude, inconsiderate, immature 11 year old with anger issues, who jumps into situations with no thought, no caution and no plan. What was even the point of giving him that background?! To explain why he knows french??? I have so many complaints because I honestly had high expectations but this just really disappointed me. I hope this doesn't keep following this trend as I really like the concept but I did not go looking for fanfiction to basically reread Harry Potter with minor changes to account for James Potter's (not the MC but the original) personality.

10 months ago

I am officially dropping this. I was already getting tired of MC constantly researching in his lab with no major interactions while the plot progressed as normal. Now even when he intervenes somehow the story still reverts to canon. The MC has no friends, no relationships, barely even interacts even with the Avengers themselves and somehow despite being Tony's son chooses Team cap instead of doing the normal thing from the beginning and telling his dad in advance so he can come to terms with it gradually. Do you have no understanding of human emotions? If that was you, is that actually what you would do if you woke up one day as Tony Stark's son?

11 months ago
Replied to Eldermask

The first chapter seems to be 161. It wasn't stated in the title but if you look you will notice 161, 162 etc before the actual chapter content which is implying its not chapter 1 but chapter 161

11 months ago

Glad I waited. Was worried for nothing lol. Good story, great chapter, looking forward to where you take the story. Keep up the good work. [img=recommend][img=update]

12 months ago
Replied to Tigr4

I haven't seen that one unfortunately but i did read up on it just now so i will just look forward to whatever you write next.

12 months ago

I thought the infinity stones only work in their specific universe? Even if two ultrons get all the infinity stones in their universe and manage to leave their universe, shouldn't the stones they have become useless in a new universe? Like how in Loki the TVA just had tons of them but loki couldn't use the space stone to escape?