when using japanese, his name will be Kazu bo
"I'll obviously be the main character," she said with a laugh. "Stop calling me Shihōin-san, or I'll start calling you Lil' Kazu."
Anime & Comics · GloriousMilfHunter
Kasuriuta, Fubuki Giri....
"Hanauta Sanchō…Yahazu Giri~"
Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker
Este livro foi excluído.
remember that buggy train with seastone, it not really affecting him now except his df (buggy in this series is as strong or stronger than shanks even without his DF
Buggy grins and says, "When my kids are all grown up, I will visit Impel Down, formally."
Anime & Comics · Capt_mermain1
I really really like this story until the author made dxd route, because of this route, i drop it off because the dxd story is just trash, Its like you have a diamond and you just have yo dip it in absolute sh*t. Just Why it must be DXD author, Just Whyyyyy
nonono, the author said the one who fied was ace,not his brother, so its indeed natsu
I mean everything changed when a dragon attacked their village and in this attack, Ace's family including Ace himself died.
Anime & Comics · thelightedghost
now I see you atleast read one piece up to ch 1060+
"What's next?... Pirates putting bounties on marines...? Hmph, the world is getting crazier each day..."
Anime & Comics · Anonyrius
buggy vs Obito lol
Well, in simple terms, Matt's body is in a different space from Ellie's attack. He isolates himself in a different space. It's like he is there but also not there at the same time.
Anime & Comics · Capt_mermain1
plus kaido and 2 disaster
Unbeknownst to him, the Sky Islands now were more akin to a Sky Archipelago...
Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
so author is Saboten enjoyer too huh
As for the "Cactus Series," Yagyu couldn't even remember how many times he had watched it.
Naruto: Drop System
Anime & Comics · RoseWhisky