
LV 6

Avid reader

2018-03-27 Unido Global
Emblemas 5

Moments 128
1 years ago

Ok, fine no loose ends. Did I miss the part where he killed or mind wiped Lette. Author-san is not fully committed

3 years ago
Replied to FalloutNerd

I can understand not wanting an over powered MC but the wishes themselves have to make sense for readers. One way to limit a MC is simply only grant 1 wish or have the ROB say no to some OP wishes or attach conditions.

3 years ago

WTF. Couldnt even get past the second chapter. MC is as stupid as fuc%. First he didnt even try to figure out if the system prioritize his life or the data. Secondly he didnt even ask if he was immune to the virus or even get powers from it. Thirdly he spent almost all his money on useless guns when he could have staked out and grabbed all the weapons locker and confiscated weapons at work. He knows RE zombies dont go inactive so a homebase, food, water, medicine, fuel, cold weapons and specialized equipment (generators, etc) are much more vital than guns. Finally hes in fuc%ing Racoon City...get the hell out before the walls go up and the nuke drops. Also the zombies arent the only threat he has to take down umbrella to survive. So step 1...information is key...if the system can hack then create a high level access ghot account and backdoor into umbrella systems...then ghost some umbrella safe houses, cloning facility, and munitions. Use the map function to tag all location of all resource sites (civilian and military) global if possible. Forge orders to preposition remote controlled tactical nukes in high population zones for when shit its the fan

3 years ago

Sorry but I am not summoning anything I dont have 100% control 24/7. Especially people clearly smarter than me

3 years ago

Honestly the flying wish was a waste. Could have asked for the Martian Manhunter abilities and gotten flight, as well as shape shifting, telepathy, super speed, super strength and eye beams for free. I would also swap out the speed reading for power nullification, absolute defense, compulsion or stealth. Dumbles and his ilk keep all the best stuff locked away so speed reading is useless if you don't have access. Finally, a blessing from the Goddess of Love is good if its good looks and a form of compulsion. Otherwise I would have to go with Ra or Hades for a death domain related blessing.

3 years ago

🙄Not sure why the MC is getting angry with the system about the cost of the summoning tickets. ROB clearly stated the conditions for the accumulation of points each life gives 0.5 pts. As well, the MC had the choice to negotiate/amend the wish before being reborn

3 years ago

🤔Not sure why the MC decided to fight the mountain tribes at this point when all he had to do was ambush Lysa's party and snipe the kid from a distance using his newly acquired Legolas Bow Skills

3 years ago
Replied to MurataShougo

Yup last wish was a total waste. GOT verse comes with 3 big threats...1 magic (gods, dragons, white walkers, warlocks, etc), 2 people (greed backstabbers) and 3 environment (poor hygiene, weather, little technology, etc). Any wishes that dont at a minimum protect you from the big 3 is a waste.

3 years ago

Clearly the first summon character has to be a plumber. No way am I spending my life in GOT using pit latrines.

3 years ago

Like the novel but there is no way I would enter the Star Wars universe with the same level of tech as everyone else. I would definitely wish for tech at least 1000 generations ahead. To others my tech should be so advanced it seems like magic. Also I would definitely have to get gate or portal tech no way am I flying everywhere