Peter remained silent, as he thought to himself.'What's wrong with Scott and his pack? They're all monsters. I should never provoke them. Never.'
TV · Ayoub_AMZ
Shin said, looking at Kai's eyes. He was truly curious.
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
"That was close. I almost died in that sea of fire."
Anime & Comics · MoonEater8
What kind of person names his castle Dreadfort? Though he had to agree that the name had a certain ring to it.
Book&Literature · Vanguard_V
I am sorry for everybody who dislikes the Mc x Hinata pairing. But this was a long time coming.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
Leo grinned. "Hey, you. You're finally awake."
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
Aizen's eye twitched. His body stiffened.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
This shit was way above his pay grade.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
He had some unpleasant flashbacks to his teenage years during his previous life. He was a dense idiot back then too so really, he had experience in that department.
Naruto: Ren the Sealmaster
Anime & Comics · KasiCair