it might not be perfect at first but as you write more your knowledge and experience will develop so one day it will be successful
"Success comes after numerous failures," Hela replied with icy detachment.
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
you think I got duped? ha! I've got fastpass no money wasted lol
Elevating his right hand, Lumian summoned into being a host of crimson Fire Ravens that swirled about him.
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
proud mother lol
"New Dragon God. That's my son," the Ice Dragon King said.
Eastern · Sounding Stream
The Star do have some knowledge, because of palez, notbsure bout aidrey
Judging from Monette's familiarity with Underground Trier, it is evident he has traversed these passages countless times. Yet, that level of familiarity should have taught him that barging into a well-lit spot amidst the darkness could easily trigger conflict…
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
What the heck is this demon doing here?
In tandem with his words, the swindler produced a crystalline monocle, inserting it into his right eye socket.
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
Baron Brignais gave him a sidelong glance before shifting his attention to the boy. "Time to head back, Ludwig."
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
what a grocery list lol, maybe we can add some ritual for the baboons if ever he got acquainted with their inner circle lol
When the time came, he might have to try contacting Madam Magician. It seemed like he would be very busy.
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
they all just wanted to see the light, however they believed in the wrong one T.T
Leading these peculiar humans were several distinct and detailed guides. Some had gray hair and carried two swords on their backs. Others wielded dark-blue sledgehammers emitting a sun-like glow. There were also figures clad in dark black armor with silver-gray curly hair…
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
it's not like I am trying to help you! Baka!
Termiboros didn't deny it.
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
I am sensing something weird on this statement, seems like that laurent will be mpreg one day
"This is Laurent. He's remarkably talented, well-informed, and unfailingly polite. I've been observing him for nearly three months, and I'm considering offering him a position as my assistant and deputy editor-in-chief. Laurent, how do you feel about this unexpected proposition?"
Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving