
LV 5
2018-02-26 Unido Global
Emblemas 6

Moments 4
1 years ago
Replied to DMadLord

hi no I followed this on another account that I lost access to so I read on this new one

1 years ago

my guess is that it should be a beholder of 1000th eyed demon spirit with abilities in mind or soul expertise

3 years ago
Replied to radude4411

look I'm talking in the context of novel and what I say is my own opinion and yes it may have some problem in it you can point those problem instead of you should die because we don't hold the same opinion and the whole point in my argument is that by teaching on how to fish thay can provide for themselves and in this case the lin guy can provide for several children in his district and support them and they in turn provide for other children and continue this positive loop instead of this narrow minded path that he is taking after all society isn't build by one guy if you get what I'm saying

3 years ago

a typical way of thinking that he thinks all the human should treated the same way but he didn't think of the hard work sky pillar did when they just trans migrated to otherworldly and help the other humans survive at least they did there share and it's not logical to think that they are saint and should share everything they have but I agree with him about manipulation and using of him for there own agenda but atleast they supported him to grow and now he has the ability to change the living conditions of some other people and if this trend continues the whole district will change for the better continuously instead of one time improvement