If you have time to send the pics to a compatriot that would be awesome
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Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
In my world, this change wasn't caused by dino.
Hibari resumed his attacks but Lambo stopped him in his tracks by sending electric shocks all around him forcing Hibari to dodge and take a more defensive position. Seeing this Lambo attacked Hibari by hardening his fists with his lightning flames which created sparks when they came in contact with Hibari's metal tonfa, but at that moment the ends of Hibari's tonfa broke off to leave small pointed weights connected by a chain to his tonfa which allowed him to take some distance and catch his breath.
Anime & Comics · Deadpool_0069
no, I juste had exams. I write day by day without really any plan aide à few major things
thanks you and in fact I have a lot of ideas for Lambo, so perhaps wé will see his conterpart from another reality ( idea in progress)
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Anime & Comics · Deadpool_0069
Don't worry if we still are in chapter 22, I just deleted the filler chapter (don't read). We finally reached 15 000 words for the story and it's thanks to your support. So good read and good reading :)
Anime & Comics · Deadpool_0069
she is tsuna's mother
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Anime & Comics · Deadpool_0069
A mature woman = she has experience , she had a child = Don't problem for the babies, mother of Tsuna = Father of Vongola Decimo
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Anime & Comics · Deadpool_0069
But none of those people who chased her to her door were ever able to leave because they were all shot to death by her father without her knowledge.
Fantasy · Mutating from Myself
It will be like orca--->hero who look like a villain
"This character is not playable." he chuckled.
Anime & Comics · Simple_Russian_Boi
the red in his hair will contribute for the image of a "red" santa claus
Hum... Maybe I should create a kind of celebration since there is no Christmas?
Reborn as Thor!
Anime & Comics · Ghost_84