

male LV 14

Eh I'm just a dude passing time through reading

2017-11-28 Unido Sweden
Emblemas 15

Moments 42
5 days ago

Damn he ruined Arcueid and made her an author with 8 grader syndrom who just hangs around like a lapdog... Not to mention Issei into a joke pervert. And Kiritsugu into whatever the f kind of character he is now. This novel for all its good points is going straight down the shitter with each chapter

5 days ago

So they left their 5 year old daughter alone with her sibling while going overseas, I preferred the Camelot arc because it becomes cringe whenever the author tries to make dumb decisions like this to keep Canon characters around with leaps in logic. Just me?

9 days ago

The author clearly just changed his mind, if he was sorted into griffindor with sufficient reason then fine but he influenced it. And as soon as he thought not getting involved with Harry he immediefly went ahead and did. He didn't harbor much hate for Malfoy but couldn't resist to make them adversaries. I hope the OG author stays more consistent in the story with what the character thinks and then ultimetly does. Or at least stops with floppy reasoning on why the character changes his mind. Maybe author was heavily pressured by his readers idk

21 days ago
Replied to Jonathan4star

No single FL

21 days ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

27 days ago

I personally love this novel so far (I've read up to 200 chapters) Characters are fun, romance is very cute with lots of lovable interactions. I'm not good at reviews so I'll just say that among novels of this type this is probably top 3 not only in writing but in everything else surrounding it. But as said that's my judgement of 200 chapters so take it with a pinch of salt. I wanna support this translation so here I am o/

29 days ago
Replied to Saiko_Intelli

How dare you awaken me from my 4 year slumber, courting death

2 months ago
Replied to Sculp

Thanks man! o/

2 months ago
Replied to Sculp

Thanks for informing us. If you learn of his next novel and what it is called I'd appreciate it (if he writes one) He's a good writer and the writing was good. Unfortunate that he had to drop it but it makes sense, it was very ambitious trying to include all these different worlds but still staying in The Witcher world. Honestly this guy and the dude who wrote The Divine Hunter should colab on a novel since both of them are really talented in different areas. This guy is really good at explaining things and The Divine Hunter author was really good for emotional bonds etc

3 months ago
Replied to Martial_Saint

Not just a virgin, a Monster virgin

"That foolish sister of mine. I had feared the worst after learning what had happened, but to think out of all the men she would choose to settle down, she chose you, Giliath Osborne.", Queen Alicia said, shedding some light as to what had happened.

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