it's a Chinese novel LoL.
The Japanese food was just so-so, but they still had a great time chatting.
Urban · Hidden Away
Wouldn't he realize that ranking up a goblin would be OP? And most likely better? (i.e they can use weapons and shaman magic if he gets the right corpse) plus wouldn't they be able to talk/communicate to him easier?
"Hehe, my dear brother, you're going to crash and burn this time."
Games · Sunrise Glow
my favorite is spear and guns. love when those get swapped
A Goblin warrior could generally be taken down in two rounds, while a Goblin brave would require four rounds.
Games · Sunrise Glow
if they are dragons i would think cwis wouldn't work. plus cwis are not cheap either. it's a matter of killing off screen or on screen. both cost stupid amounts of money. but one would put the ship in danger
"Unlatching 8 VLS Door Cells, Foxes are open!" Following the other one's words, naval personnel announced the launch of their standard missiles.
Fantasy · Mister_Archon
Well at least you're honest about it not being yours.
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Games · Notorious_911
75% of all these stories are Chinese. But I mean also can't blame them Japan made Godzilla fight King Ghidorah (which is based on China) and always won.
However, in reality, there seemed to be no significant difference between this sword and other Imperial Japan swords…
Movies · DarkShadow95
total rip. story is already on here and 死灵法师在末世疯狂屯兵 Necromancers are frantically gathering troops in the end times it's a bit wonky but it's not a bad read
Dropped. this was to much
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Fantasy · Ink_Weaver122
rookie numbers
"This is actually so tiring," he said, his fingers trembling, having earned about 121 pesos from tapping.
Idle Money System