

male LV 13

I am the best

2017-06-30 Unido United States
Emblemas 13

Moments 1145
1 days ago

This chapter was pure nonsense... in a world ruled by martial arts there wouldn't exist a set of parents that would call their blessed child a monster. Hell in our world they wouldn't do this unless they were just pure evil/jealous.

1 days ago

These names!

"There is a problem with the next match." The match official said. "Your opponents are Konoha High, but their previous match was very… tough on them. They want to do a special match."

Martial Arts Worlds

Martial Arts Worlds

Fantasia · Alekzi

1 days ago

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

At that moment, he assigned the final points—three to stamina and two to charm.

Martial Arts Worlds

Martial Arts Worlds

Fantasia · Alekzi

1 days ago

Thank God. Can't stand any story like this where MC doesn't get memories as it's an infinite plot point that never goes away.

Memories flooded inside his mind like a relentless wave crashing against the shore, each one more vivid and painful than the last.

Martial Arts Worlds

Martial Arts Worlds

Fantasia · Alekzi

3 days ago

Wonder if he ever gonna realize this is code word for "I need to kill one of your enemies and mark it in my diary"

"Come on, come on! We can't stand around here all day! I have to find a flower to press in my diary!" Syra said with the kind of excitement a kid would have when they're going to the local lake, beach, or amusement park. 

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Jogos de Vídeo · KarpQQ

3 days ago

Don't underestimate human stupidity.

The Light was very real in Warcraft, and could literally heal wounds, cure diseases, and empower someone to superhuman feats solely based on faith. In some extreme cases, people could extend their lifespan, live forever, or be brought back from the dead! Heck, if powers such as these were readily observable on Earth, the majority of people, if not every person would follow this religion. 

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Jogos de Vídeo · KarpQQ

5 days ago

Alleria becoming a void elf is the silliest thing blizzard ever did. She, surrounded by Fel for 1000 years and no source of mana goes to the most evil/vilest energy source in all of Azeroth? She is 10000% more likely to turn to the Light if she didn't go to the Fel like everyone else... Ofc alliance complained and wanted a high elf playable class so this nonsense happened! So many plot holes in the story all because it is a video game that is balanced toward two factions.

For one he didn't want to be seen next to such beautiful women, lest his wife get some crazy idea. Secondly, the Windrunners were absolutely bonkers. Sylvannas was revenge obsessed, and lost her mind after the events of WOTLK. Alleria was afk in some time portal fighting demons for 1,000 years and somehow became a Void Elf in that time. The last sister, Vereesa took part in murdering every Blood Elf loyal to the Horde in Dalaran in a future expansion, and openly rebelled against the legitimate government. Yeah, Varrus wasn't exactly in a hurry to recruit any of these headstrong ladies.

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Jogos de Vídeo · KarpQQ

5 days ago

Clearly they were all female! All males of all races know what the dreaded squigilly is!

All the while black squiggly lines leapt out from the pages and into his eyes. Malacrass thought he had gone crazy when the Elves told him there was no such thing as squigillies! 

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Jogos de Vídeo · KarpQQ

5 days ago

That... is extremely OP.

Varrus tried to refill it with a Mana Stone, and it seemed to work! He didn't need to get a Soul Stone to recharge his weapon.

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Diplomacy 101: How my Yandere Wife (murders) solves all my Problems!

Jogos de Vídeo · KarpQQ

5 days ago


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