Tattooine another Star Wars Reference noice!!!
Before passing between a pair of twin suns deep in outer space.
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
merci mais je ne suis pas gay.
Yayyyy the Pack is Getting Bigger can’t wait for Isaac and Erica to join the Pack, makes it Cooler that even Stiles is finally a Werewolf in this au Universe, instead of staying a human, so much potential wasted with Stiles!
Bruh, honestly Prefer Keith Then Dante, sounds More Yellowstone Name.
About thirty minutes later, Rip parked the truck, shifted the gear lever next to the steering wheel into neutral, turned off the engine, and reminded Keith, who was still asleep.
Movies · SrCuervo
I reckon It will make Jackson a full Werewolf not a kanema, because Scott Is Still a True Alpha But also is a Different Kind of Werewolf with this story compared to the Original. P.S I think Scott should make his pack earlier and Steal Erica, Boyd and Isaac from Derek’s With a few Addition’s like Jackson and Stiles and Who Know maybe add a Few AU Characters, if there Is A Whole lot more Supernatural Happening makes sense to have a Larger Pack!!!
By Garp Being There He’s Changing the Timeline for the better, Dan-Kato May live and become the 4th Hokage then in a Decade or More Finally Shisui Uchiha May Become The 5th Hokage and indirectly Saving the Uchiha Clan from Near Extinction and Proving to the Elemental Nations that Uchiha Can Also Live For Peace and Not War, and Finally The Peace de Resistance The Akatsuki in this Time May well be the Bridge to Peace and Defeating Black Zetsu and Stopping Madara’s Plan from Becoming Successful. Finally Got that off my Chest 😂😂😂😂 (p.s if you finished reading this Know that your Awesome.)
*It Neverland (Sorry Autocorrect)!!! 😣
If Leon Makes his Own Kingdom Eventually, Maybe Let the System Reward Him With a Spatial Node That He can Place anywhere and he and his citizens can enter and exit Whenever and in that Spatial Node it’s a New World He Can Develop and make it larger and Better then Earth by doing tasks for the Sign-In System, and He can Call In Neverland and Can Take in Orphan Children From all around the World to Populate the new Dimension/World?
At this point, you might as well ask the author for his Email, and Negotiate being his Editor/Translator to help with his Chapters you keep commenting on spelling mistakes which Don’t get me wrong are helpful 🙏🏽
My web shooters completed I attached them to my wrsits. Senses of satisfaction and pride swelling up inside of me.
The Superior Spider (Marvel)
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever