

LV 14

Hermit trapped by stories

2017-04-22 Unido Ascension Island
Emblemas 12

Moments 1210
3 months ago

Saying its very low implies you still have some.

Of course, he wasn't willing to admit that his emotional intelligence was very low.

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

Urban · 巫马行

3 months ago
Replied to profdiem

Oh, fun fact to expand on that. The couplets can be made more interesting or challenging by adding more "rules" to the couplets. For example there is a couplet with an upper half consisting of 5 words, the problem was each of the words contained the symbol/word for the 5 elements in chinese culture, so the follow up has to follow a similar pattern. If i remember correctly, noone has found a perfect matching lower couplet yet.

"Let's head to the west gate. The west gate's question is to match couplet. Although many people would fail, there's still a chance for us to enter. Oh, by the way...what field are you specialized in, brother?"

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

Urban · 巫马行

3 months ago
Replied to

Couplets are a popular form of poetry in china, particularly amongst the literati as it requires strong grasp of the langauge as well as a quick mind to be able to not only complete the couplet logically, but also poetically. In ancient china, it was even used as a way for scholars to duel, where they would take turns making up the first half, and the other party had to come up with a follow up within a set number of steps(they would pace while doing this)

"Let's head to the west gate. The west gate's question is to match couplet. Although many people would fail, there's still a chance for us to enter. Oh, by the way...what field are you specialized in, brother?"

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

Urban · 巫马行

3 months ago
Replied to ImNotNarcissistic

Ah no, bowing to heaven and earth is part of the ritual of marriage. Its basically the chinese marraige equilavant of saying their vows. Iirc it goes "Bow to heaven and earth" then "Bow to your parents"(They would be seated in front of them, usually the father) and finally "Bow to each other.". After which the groom would raise the brides veil and kiss her.

"I think they're bowing to Heaven and Earth(1)…"

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

I Really Didn't Want to Be Famous

Urban · 巫马行

4 months ago
Replied to Soldar_Islam

They can get around that issue for their own tech no problem, that doesnt mean they would have addressed the issue of "how can we make low tech stuff that isnt ours perform at the same level of our tech". That would be like saying that we can make bow and arrows faster because we invented guns, all without actually interacting with the bow and arrow.

Naturally, the power bank produced by alien technology had more than this level of performance. A power bank the size of a mobile phone, let alone having 100,000 mAh, it could charge a mobile phone to full in ten minutes. It could be built with a capacity of one million mAh, or even ten million mAh, capable of instantly charging a mobile phone to full, after all, this was the result of the integration of thousands of civilizations' technologies.

Cosmic Trading System

Cosmic Trading System

Urban · Qin Dian Tian Xia

5 months ago

So the joke wasnt teanslated well here, when you say "make someone pay" in chinese, one of the phrases used is "rang ta hao kan" which roughly translates to "give him a good look(at the consequences)" or badly tranlsated to "let him look nice". Hao kan means good look or nice looking, hence Iris saying she already looks good.

Iris came out of the lounge, walked to the bar, and said with a beaming smile, "I'm already looking good, no need for a little girl who wets her pants to fret about it."

Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl

Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl

Urban · Blast Swordsman

5 months ago
Replied to Count_Fro

I dont think its blaming the victim so much as stating that the scenario happening was expected due to the circumstances. Obviously though, even if she chose to wear that and it was a dark night, she shouldnt be accosted, and the people who did so are scum.

There were three of them in total, exhibiting a distinctive thuggish style, with one man grabbing a girl's hand. The girl was quite attractive, and walking alone on such a nighttime path, it was no wonder she attracted undesired attention.

Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl

Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl

Urban · Blast Swordsman

5 months ago
Replied to BlueCactusE

Its a phrase, I suspect rhe term used is Jia Huo, which is like a way to call a adult person a brat, and has connotations of a masculine nature which would translate into guy. A similar term in english would be "Bruh" when used to express your disbelief at someone irregardless of their gender.

Did this guy even listen to himself when he spoke?

Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl

Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl

Urban · Blast Swordsman

5 months ago
Replied to

Don't tell me you actually believe that chinese propoganda. Man, you denser than I thought.


Although such action was somewhat tyrannical, the effect was evident. Ever since the D-Planet Federation was established two hundred years ago. There had been a total of thirteen times whereby a global-wide pandemic occurred. The most serious one even affected half of D-Planet. Yet, the central Asia zone had never been badly affected although their population was the most.

I have a bunch of players on Earth

I have a bunch of players on Earth

Games · The Seventh Magic Cube

6 months ago
Replied to

I see ur mistake, im not american. And while the people there kept screwing themselves over, china still had it worse with how their governmebt handled it.

Although such action was somewhat tyrannical, the effect was evident. Ever since the D-Planet Federation was established two hundred years ago. There had been a total of thirteen times whereby a global-wide pandemic occurred. The most serious one even affected half of D-Planet. Yet, the central Asia zone had never been badly affected although their population was the most.

I have a bunch of players on Earth

I have a bunch of players on Earth

Games · The Seventh Magic Cube