King_Gluttony - Profile



male LV 14
2017-08-25 Unido United States

Emblemas 11

Moments 1651

Replied to Sami_Alfoheday

A grandmaster, who forgot that Fujin is also a grandmaster, wants a dabbler to seal it.

In the end, Hiruzen said, "If you want, you can move to the tower in the Forest of Death as well. You can seal Sasuke's curse seal once the second round is done."

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex


Then study a generator or something else that converts one form of energy into another, and use that to create a spell that converts Ki into Magical Energy.

According to Michael, this wasn't even what he had been aiming for. No, he was trying to find a solution to his low Magic reserves and came up with this as a side effect. He failed as he only developed a way to store Magic in objects, but she still saw this as a major success.

I Cast Fist (DxD - Celestial Grimoire)

I Cast Fist (DxD - Celestial Grimoire)

Anime & Comics · GRZG12

Replied to kurotsuki007

I know, but it is a common occurrence. They usually aren't major plot points that won't derail the story, but that doesn't take away from how annoying it can be.

"You can call me mom too!" She released him and I found myself having a smaller Goddess hugging me. "I've never been able to meet one of my son's lovers before! This is the best day ever!"

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne


Author, you should take some time to re-read your own work. There are often these little plot holes and mistakes. While they don't often take away from the story, it is kind of annoying.

"You can call me mom too!" She released him and I found myself having a smaller Goddess hugging me. "I've never been able to meet one of my son's lovers before! This is the best day ever!"

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne

Replied to Laziness_IsThe_Key



And here I was hoping that Lily had even a sliver of a maternal instinct. Well, we'll see how Harry foils her plans if they contradict his own.

And of course, that was another vulnerability against the Red Witch, who returned his comment with a sneer, "The boy is necessary for my plans… You will not touch him until he has played his part."

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr


Even then he shouldn't be completely powerless. He still has his knowledge, and as the Devil he should be still a master magician.

But it was. Gone was the immortal shell he'd inhabited since his fall from grace. The body that had strolled through Hell, that had taken bullets without flinching, that had exuded raw, celestial power. In its place was... this. A human form, fragile and weak.

Marvel: A Devil Called The Morningstar

Marvel: A Devil Called The Morningstar

Anime & Comics · LORD_ASHURA_

Replied to Alfiemooon

While I agree it wouldn't be familial, I feel that his upbringing lends itself more to him actively seeking people to stand by him, case and point his vision in the Mirror of Erised. Instead, I feel her unhealthy mental state will create distance, which results in them becoming friends only in the best case.

AN: So I decided to get Harry another type of magic to grow into. I have plans for it to synergize well with the rest of his arsenal. However, I'm not really sure how I handled Lily. He's kinda out of options and scared because of the possibility of Ragnarok, so a tentative alliance would make sense. As usual, please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr


I like this version of Lily. We always see her as a good person with a vibrant personality, who wears her heart on her sleeve. This one is a "functioning" sociopath who is a genius at magic and cares for her son in a twisted way. She is likely too far gone to be a normal person in society, and probably wouldn't want to be, but there is still potential for her to be a meaningful part of Harry's life rather than just an ally.

AN: So I decided to get Harry another type of magic to grow into. I have plans for it to synergize well with the rest of his arsenal. However, I'm not really sure how I handled Lily. He's kinda out of options and scared because of the possibility of Ragnarok, so a tentative alliance would make sense. As usual, please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr


Your house*

Harry responded thoughtfully, "You can try warning them, but I doubt they'll heed the advice. However, if they insist on going out during curfew to move the dragon, it's better you don't join them. Your presence could increase the likelihood of getting caught, which would mean even more points lost for our house."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


Horcruxes or another form of phylactary?

The Soul Binding technique was among the most esoteric and challenging Inscribed Abilities imparted by the Yellow Mountain Sect. There were plenty of rumours of disciples driven mad by the strain of merging their spiritual essence with inanimate objects. Yet Zhang Yuan had not only survived the difficult process - he'd surpassed his peers, his affinity for the art now rivalling even the oldest Elders'. A flicker of pride kindled within him. Let the others whisper about his arrogance - his results spoke for themselves.

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius

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