
LV 5

I am me.

2017-08-17 Unido Global
Obras originais
Emblemas 16

Moments 56
11 months ago

This arc ruined it for me. Seems like the author just randomly killed him and ruined the system too. Never liked quest systems and works traveling. Just turned into an average power fantasy now.

1 years ago

The main character is so dumb. Also it seems like you killed off the parents just to remove any attachments he might have.He can read and write, and should be good at basic stuff like maths, so him becoming a farmer makes no sense.Also the 7 years of no quests is more that you hadn't planned for that long, so you made a literal quest reward not even be a reward, since it's just his supervisor in a box...Seems like you are just writing with no direction or planning.

1 years ago
Replied to 2B2T

Nuke is way too strong. A hydrogen bomb like the Tsar Bomba can literally wipe out many cities. you can literally nuke the city next to him, and it would be too late for him to do anything. he would just be vaporized into nothing before he realized that the nuke had gone off.

[You were even confident that even if a nuclear bomb was sent to Lynn and your location, as long as you prepared beforehand, your power was enough to defend from the explosion and radiation of a nuclear bomb.]

World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Fantasy · ShadowKatake

1 years ago

Rip, the time travel basically ruined it.

1 years ago

An interesting story, it's strange that it hasn't had that many views. Although it isn't the highest quality, I appreciate the effort it takes to write. And in this case, the story is slightly different to what we normally get from webnovel.

1 years ago

This chapter felt like a fever dream.

1 years ago

Seems like an interesting story. Can't wait to read the rest.

1 years ago
Replied to xLeafx

There is literally a tool called Prometheus for monitoring application containers...

It took Sarah a month to finally finish making everything ready and for them to start operation. The reason it took that long is because she was dealing with two massive projects at once, the acquisition of the law firm, and the hiring and training of new employees. As for the server farm for new product development, she decided to postpone it a little until everything is stabilized and in order.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

1 years ago

This is just AI generated gibberish now. Terrible to read. Like eating a soup with too many ingredient.

1 years ago

Not a fan of the merging memories. Seems like it was only done to give him objectives to complete.

  • Power of Light original

    Power of Light


    The protagonist shows how one of the most underrated powers light/photokinesis isn't just a support ability like most stories portray it to be. ----- 1 chapter every other day. may increase after my exams and coursework are done.

    2 Chs 14 Coleções

  • Accelerated Evolution original

    Accelerated Evolution


    An alien scientist gets into an accident in his space-station and his research falls onto Earth. --- Hi this is my first novel, please tell me what you think about it. The release of chapters will increase when I get deeper into the plot. As I am still learning how to write, I will be rewriting parts of older chapters early on. If anyone thinks a part needs rewriting, post a comment and I will try and improve or rewrite it. I will try to release at least 7 chapters a week upto 14 depending on my free time and the readers request. the first couple of chapters will be information dumps and shorter than normal as I want to get to the main plot as quick as possible. if you want a copy of the books picture to use as a wallpaper here is a link. I shortened it incase you can't copy and paste it:

    3 Chs 33 Coleções