Officer: Time for Breakfast
Alfie: Heghhh?! It's already morning?
They all then starts Yawning
Minoke was wiping his eyes
Officer: Uriyuki Minoke?
Minoke: Haaaaiii' what's up
Officer: Meet your lawyer right after you've had your breakfast
Officer: Did you hear m-
Minoke: Yes, I heard you...Who the hell is this lawyer of mine you're talking about?!
Officer: She goes by the name...
Alfie: A lady? You didn't tell me you had A Girlfriend
Minoke: Hmm...
Officer: Shintani Neon...
Minoke: ....HER?!
Alfie: This idiot has a Girlfriend? What kind of world are we livi-
Minoke: Is she a licensed lawyer?!
Officer: Go get your breakfast
The Officer then walks away
Minoke: Oi Officer!! Officer!!...Huhhhh
Alfie: So, what's she like?
Minoke: Are you an actual Lawyer?
Neon: Focus. This wouldn't be hard to handle but I need you to cooperate with me on this
Minoke: Why do I need to face the court this early anyway?
Neon: Oi Oi, Now listen-
Minoke: Wait, actually no. Listen to me on this for once...These guys has been trying to arrest me since the beginning of time itself. Whether you believe the accusation on me or not. Matter of fact is that they wouldn't trust a single thing we say because we don't have any evidence of the scene. You can't possibly gather enough information about me in just a day
Neon: Well then, I didn't think of getting you out of here cleanly in the first place
Minoke: Hehh?!
Neon: Looking at your face, I know you're an innocent
Minoke got confused
Neon: However, the Police wouldn't have believe anything that we have to say because the Crimes you're accused of are all too weird
Minoke: I see. Uhmmm. So, What's your plan?
Neon: Have you come up with an idea yet?
Minoke: To be honest, I have one and it's pretty over the top but I take it as a challenge
Neon: Perfect. Because We also have somewhat of a Big Brain when it comes to doing crimes over here with us
Neon then ask for that person to come in to check on Minoke...
Minoke: Ehhh?? Aren't you the leade-
Neon: SHHHH!!! Idiot, we're trying to get you out of here. Do as we say
Minoke: Sorry *awkwardly laughs* Uhmmm. What's your name?
"I am Teru"
Minoke: Ahhh Teru. Alright then. So, do you have any plan?
Teru: I have one but it's kinda over the top
Minoke then smiles & laughs mischievously...
Teru: What's with that...Scary face of yours??
Minoke: Nothing. Oh, why did you decide to help me?
Teru then points at Neon who's on her phone..
Neon: Oi, do you think I can't see that you're pointing at me Hmm?
Teru: Erghh. I thought she would be cute based on her appearance but...
Minoke: I see. Well, let's get on with the plan
Alfie: Yo, Uriyuki. How's the plan
Minoke: We can get this settled with by The Evening
Alfie: Is everything assured?
Minoke: More importantly, How are we supposed to make "that thing"?
Alfie: Tch! Trust me on this one, it's gonna be easy. Look, I already have the Cola here
Minoke: Next thing is the Paint right?
Alfie: Precisely but hang on- Do you know where to get them? We need to get them as much as possible just for ourselves
Minoke listened to what Alfie had to say & just continue running
Alfie: Erp- *sighs*
They Both Then proceed to do their plan one by one...
Minoke: Hmm? Are you sure about this?
Alfie: Heh, Of course I am. But, how do we begin?
They both then look at each other...
Then, they both look back at the toilet bowl
They again proceed with doing their plan
The Officers already caught them being suspicious multiple times...
Officer Tate: Don't you think they're making an escape plan of some sort?
Officer Sui: If they're doing one. I can give you an early spoiler about it
Tate: Huh?
Sui: It's going to be a Colossal Failure
Tate: ...I-I see
Teru: Alright, everyone listen up
Worker A: Oooh Boss is bringing a cute one home. Our boss is really at the game right no-
Neon then smacked his Worker right at his head
Worker A: Ehhh!!
Neon: I'm not his Girlfriend. Now, listen to what we have to say
Right after that, Everyone was shaking of fear after seeing Neon smack one of their friends
Worker B: Holy Crap! Isn't that the lady who beat up the Bos-
Teru: SILENCE!!!
Neon: Now you're talking
Teru: Hurgh...
Neon: Hurry up, we can't waste any of our time
They also then proceed with doing their plan
Later On That Day...
Neon: Your Honour. My client is obviously responsible for all the crimes that he's made
Audience: HEH?!?! How are you supposed to be a lawyer?! Isn't your job is to defend your client?! You Fraud!!
Judge: SILENT! We're in a court! Miss Shintani, Are you sure that you didn't mistaken anything?
Neon: I've not mistaken anything, Your Honour
Judge: *clears throat* So, you'll be in for The Death Row 2 days from now
Alfie: *clears throat* I believe you would think that I'm less guilted than he is...But I afraid you might have mistaken
Judge: Wh-What do you mean?!
Alfie then starts laughing maniacally & starts talking as if he's Delusional
Neon In Her Head: This guy can win an Oscors with his acting, honestly...
Alfie: I've been working together with him all this time!! Hohoho
Neon In Her Head: And now he sounds like a Character from YoYo's Bizarre Adventure...
Alfie: Your Honour. I would like a set of Death Row...For two!!
Audience: What?! Are you mental?;
Minoke: Your Honour, can you just kill me here already? I beg you. I would rather die now than having to be with this idiot for any longer!! PLEASE!!!
Judge: The Case is closed, you may all go home now
Minoke & Alfie then were dragged back to their cell
Officer Sui: Hmmm...
Tate: Sui! Don't you think they're suspicious?!
Sui: Yes but I'm trying to understand what their plan here is...
Tate: Are they still destined to fail their plan now?
Sui: Hngghhh...
Tate: Attention Officers! Please keep your eyes on Cell number 43 In the block West!!
Right Then
Officer: Huh, What...What the hell happened here?!
All The prisoners that were near to Minoke's Cell were all scared...
Sui: Oi! What happened?!
The Officers got panicked & went to ask everyone regarding Minoke & Alfie's disappearance
While Sui was asking the Prisoners who were stunned...
Tate: Sui! It seems they've gone through the
toilet hole here!
Sui: Huh?! Are you serious?!
Sui then went to check in for himself
Sui: Damn it!!!
While The Officers were still looking around for clues
Tate: Wait! Have we checked the cctv yet?!
Officer A: No, we have n-
Tate: Then, what are you waiting here for?!
Alfie: They can't solve a problem that has too many evidence to a branch of possibilities
Minoke: Huh, what else can your nails do?
Alfie: Stab people...
Neon: WHAT?!
Alfie: Oi Oi, Focus on the road
Neon then took a brake
Alfie: This is bad...
Neon: Are you an actual murderer?
Alfie: Yeah, what's the fuss about?
Neon: Hegh?! but how can you not be accused of anything?
Alfie: Okay, we can talk about this later. Now, the boat...
Neon: *sighs*
Teru: Did you guys really break through the wall?
Minoke: Huh. Yeah, again, his nails
Teru: I thought you said something about cola & paint?
Minoke: Ohhh. Well the plan was
Minoke: Huh? Why are you painting the hole for the toilet?
Alfie: Just cause. This wouldn't be fun to leave without affecting anything here right
Minoke: Hehh?...Yeah sure
Minoke: What's the Cola for again?
Alfie then pour some of the cola into the toilet bowl & pour some to the wall
Minoke: Was that neces-
Alfie: Absolutely. If they're too rusty, I could broke my nails
Minoke: Really-
Alfie: Could
*Back To Present Time*
Minoke: And then, he did a weird Hypnosis on the other cellars. I don't know what he did
Neon: Alfie, tell us everything about you
Alfie: I was born like this
Neon: What do you mean?!...
Minoke: How did you guys hack into the cctv?
Teru: Well...
We just investigated the placement for all the cctvs. We just dismantle them.
Alfie: Waittt, what about the cctv inside?
Teru: Hmmm.
To be honest, we just threw some stones at it
Alfie: Holy crap, that's disappointing
Minoke: Was the cctv able to pick up your faces?
Teru: No, we knew the pattern and had to try break it down every time it looks away from us
Neon: What are the paint & pouring the cola into the toilet bowl for?
Alfie: Hmm? Geez, just look out for yourself. It's nothing necessary, I was just bored
Tate: Wha?!- Where's this smoke coming from?!
Smokes starts coming from the Toilet Bowl used by Alfie & Minoke
Sui then starts taking a close look at the paints around the Toilet's Site and then...
Both Sui & Tate collapse...
Officer: Eh?! What?! Someone get the medics!!
Alfie: *quietly laughs*
To be continued...
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