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100% Z-Dayz : Crafting In An Apocalypse (HOTD AU) / Chapter 15: Year 4: Freak Feast

Capítulo 15: Year 4: Freak Feast

"Cause I am about to rip and tear into you."

Takashi smirked as he with a flick of his wrist tossed a stun grenade at Saddler who reacted by instinct and shot his tentacles toward the airborne object and lashed out. The stun grenade exploded upon impact and Saddler screamed in pain rubbing his eyes as the bright light blinded him.

Takashi who had pulled Ashley towards him and down smiled once the stun grenade was in effect as he spun on his heels and dashed towards the zealots. He kneed the one on the left in the gut pinning him to the wall as he used the zealots' crossbow and shot the one on the right, right in his nuts.

"Ahhhh-" The one on the right screamed in pain grabbing onto his punctured ballsack but his screams were cut short as Takashi smacked him into the ground by slapping his shotgun across his face before shoving the barrel of the shotgun into the face of the one he had pinned against the wall.

"Laters." Takashi said as he pulled the trigger-


And blasted the man's face off along with some of the wall behind the zealot.

Turning on his feet he saw Ashely staring at him in shock but he ignored her for now as Saddler was recovering from the stun grenade.

Dashing towards Saddler he slid onto his knees and leaned back avoiding getting pierced by the sharp tentacles. He grabbed the tentacle and spun on his feet pulling Saddler towards him. Using the momentum of the spin, he kicked Saddler in the stomach, rupturing it, making him double over coughing up blood before landing an uppercut on his face and sending him tumbling back.

"Y-You-argh!" Takashi gave Saddler no time to react or talk shit as he rushed at him yet again and slammed the butt of the shotgun into his face breaking many of his teeth. "I-I will kill you!"

Saddler screamed in rage as he aimed his hands toward Takashi, which transformed into giant pointed tentacles and shot toward him. Takashi simply jumped sideways, dodging the attack, and then rolled forward before dashing towards Saddler once again.

Takashi weaved through the tentacles as they penetrated the ground as well as the church pews but Takashi ducked under the last one once he was finally within lethal range. Takashi smirked getting into Saddler's face as he shoved the super shotgun toward Saddler's extended shoulder and pulled the trigger.


"Ahhhh!" Saddler screamed tumbling backward as Takashi shot his entire left arm off. Saddler tumbled into the wall, against his back as he fell onto his ass gripping the part where his arm used to be once. "I... I will kill you, you worm-"


Takashi didn't bother replying verbally as he pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it toward the handicapped Saddler.

Saddler's eyes widened as he could only watch as the cylindrical object shifted, expanding and glowing purple before exploding in a flash of bright purple light.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Saddler screamed in pain as the bright UV light flashed in front of him. His long robes had covered most of his body from the flash of the bright light, but his exposed face, eyes, and skin on his remaining arm began to boil and steam causing him immense pain. Saddler screamed as he had never before, the pain was too much for him to bare as even the parasite within him was affected. "You... You won't get away with this!"

Saddler yelled as he grabbed his smoking, semi-burnt face with his remaining hand. His bleeding eyes glowed through the cracks of his finger as the parasite in him began to shift his muscle and nerves causing him to convulse abnormal before darting towards a window and jumping out but not before Takashi aimed at him and shot another slug at him blasting the twisted pope even further.

Humming to himself as he analyzed the situation, Takashi mounted the super shotgun on his back as he turned towards Ashely who was looking at Takashi with a mix of emotions.

"Just... Just who are you?" She asked speechless as Takashi smiled offering her a hand.

"Your companion... For life." Takashi said the first part seriously before shrugging and adding the last part as a joke to cheer the young woman up. The joke did the trick as Ashley giggled taking his hand.

"I can accept the first part but the second one... We will have to see Mr. Komuro." Ashely said with a smile as Takashi chuckled leading her out of the church.

"As long as I get my check I don't mind either way." Takashi added as Ashley huffed slapping his hand lightly.

"And you will get your check as soon as you get me out... In one piece." Ashley retorted as Takashi lead her through the dirt roads and towards a quarry area.

"That is the plan, Milady." Takashi answered as he suddenly came to a halt when he saw the exits of the area being closed off by two Ganados. Then suddenly two huge sets of double doors near a cave-like structure opened and several Ganados were dragged inside by something huge. Ashely stepped back and hid behind Takashi as Ganados tried to resist but failed and then a monstrosity, a behemoth stepped out of those gates and proceed to brutalize every Ganado in front of him. Ashely gasped freezing in her place as the giant monster's eyes then landed on the duo as it growled at them. It raised its hands over its head intending on smashing the both of them as Takashi sighed. "But sadly, we will have to deal with Mr. El Gigante first before we proceed with your extraction!"

"Takashi do something!" Ashely shrieked, as what was typical of her and Takashi rolled his eyes before smiling and sweeping her off her feet surprising her. "Eeek-"

Takashi buckled his legs and leaped up, ahead and out of the monster's way as its hands smashed the ground where they stood only a few seconds ago.

"Waaah! How... How do you do that?!" Ashley gawked, looking up at Takashi while the man just smiled landing on top of a wooden cabin. The jump was significant and with the added weight of Ashley, normally it should have been impossible for Takashi to pull that off. And thus, naturally, Ashley had a lot of questions. But the top most was- "Just... How?"

"I am..." Takashi began tossing some explanation around in his head. He came up with a lot of elaborate explanations (lies) but decided to just settle with overly simplifying the matter.



"Yep. Quite strong."

"No shit!" Ashely blinked as Takashi jumped ahead yet again onto another cabin as the El Gigante destroyed the previous one in an attempt to flatten them. "I got that but still... how?!"

"I just train." Takashi replied as Ashley stared at him blankly. "And then take some steroids."

"...You are fucking with me aren't you?"

(A/N: Not now, Not yet... But soon. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ )

"Yep." Takashi said simply as he jumped off to another rooftop again.

"Tell me?!"

"That should be the least of your concern right now. Missy Graham. We got a giant monster on our ass." Takashi said as Ashley harrumphed folding her hands and looking away.

"That's what I have you for, no?" Ashley said batting her eyelashes at Takashi who stared blankly before letting go of her, dropping her onto her ass. "Hey! That was uncalled for-"

"No." Takashi said simply pulling out his shotgun and shooting the El Gigante in the knee and then its belly making it fall onto its ass as green bile began to flow out of its punctured stomach. "I am your escort, tasked to extract you safely, and make no mistake I will do that. But you aren't going to just sit duck behind my armored ass to take cover while I take the full brunt of the fire. Remember, It is as much as the passenger's duty to keep himself out of the harm's way as much as it is the duty of the driver."

"What do you mean-"

"You'll need to be able to defend yourself in case something happens to me or if you get cornered." Takashi explained as the El Gigante growled getting up to its feet. "Which brings me to the question, can you shoot Ashley?"

"Huh? Of course, I can! I'm an American, plus I am the president's daughter-Whoa!"

"Then here." Takashi said simply cutting her short as he shoved Archangel into her hands along with a few rounds. "Aim for the eye and blind it on my signal. Capeesh?"

"Yes, but how-Ahhhh!"

"Good enough." Takashi said as he pushed Ashley off the edge of the cabin making her fall onto a stack of hay negating any fall damage. Takashi turned towards the El Gigante who roared at him as he reloaded the Super Shotgun. "Well, then..."

"...Onto you chunky boy."

Takashi ran and jumped towards the El Gigante as it swung its giant arm towards the airborne Takashi, who dodged it mid-air using his grappling hook to swing out of its way.

Landing on the ground, Takashi rolled under the El Gigante and back onto his feet before aiming at the back of its knee joint.




The first shot blew a good chunk of the hind knee away exposing the bone and strings of rotting flesh as thick orange-ish blood flooded out of the wound. The El Gigante roared in pain punching downwards, but Takashi dolphin dived ahead before rolling back onto his knee and aiming at his chin, pulling the trigger.

The hit was solid exposing the chin bone upon impact, while Takashi crouched looking down reloading his shotgun as flesh and blood fell to the ground around him.

Done reloading he raised he shot the other knee of the El Gigante, this time blowing it off as the monstrosity almost flopped onto its giant belly. Takashi used the opportunity and jumped onto the giant's back with his Machete drawn out as the parasite popped out the giant's back while its flesh bubbled under its skin trying to repair the damage but Takashi wouldn't let it do as it pleased.

With a swipe, he cut a good chunk of the parasite off before the El Gigante spread its arm with a shriek as its muscle began to contort and shift.

"Stupid handsome jerk..." Ashley grumbled shaking her head as she pulled herself out of the pile of hay. Getting the dry grass off her Prada sweater, she blinked as she noticed Takashi manhandling the giant. "Just what is that guy..."

Jumping off its back, Takashi aimed the shotgun at its back and pulled the trigger, blowing its back off and revealing its spinal cord as he smirked. He switched his Shotgun for the grappled gun as he changed the basic grappling hook with an advanced two-hook before aiming it at the exposed spine.



The hook sailed through the air and lodged itself into the monster's spine, sinking its metallic claw deep into the bone and into the marrow. Takashi then shifted his aim and then shot the other hook end towards the Gigante's right hand.



With both of the hook-end attached Takashi smirked beaconing towards Ashley.

"Ashley! Shoot it's left eye! Blind him!" Takashi yelled over startling Ashely who looked at him with worry as she fidgeted with the gun. "Now!"

Ashley jerked and hastily aimed at the giant before pulling the trigger.


The bullet sailed through the air and hit the Gigante, not in its eye, but its cheek which made it jerk as it turned its attention towards Ashley.

Ashley missed.

And Takashi facepalmed, hard.

"So much for being the president's daughter." Takashi shook his head as he aimed his shotgun at the Gigante just in case as Ashley got ready to pull the trigger again. But this time, she aimed before she pulled the trigger.



The shot was a positive hit as El Gigante's left eye exploded. It growled in pain as it covered its eye with its left hand. Ashley froze as the monster leveled a hateful gaze at her as it raised its right hand back, ready to turn her into a meaty paste but thankfully for Ashely, Takashi's handiwork had saved her yet again.

Just as the giant punched towards Ashley, the grapple line tightened and the force of the punch pulled the other end of the hook resulting in a bloody scene as the monster tore out its own spine.

The El Gigante wasn't even able to register what happen as its body jerked towards the right as it fell onto the cottage right beside a frozen Ashley.

Ashley blinked as Takashi approached her and patted her cheek.

"I... I'm alive?" She asked unsure as Takashi chuckled turning over towards the downed El Gigante. The sight was brutal, it's spine was halfway out as its stomach and intestines poured out of its exposed torn back and onto the ground.

"For now." Takashi said as he saw something shift out of the El Gigante's back. It was the slimy parasite and Takashi wasn't exactly pest-tolerant as he aimed his shotgun at it before pulling the trigger and startling the poor girl.


"Let's keep you that way then." Takashi said putting the shotgun on his back and began walking towards the closed gates of the quarry. Pulling out a disc-shaped object he tossed it towards the gate and the object attached itself to it and began to blink orange before discharging flames, burning the wooden gate to ashes in a matter of seconds. Takashi walked out of the flaming and smoking gate before looking back over his shoulder. "You coming?"

Ashley felt her breath hitch for a moment as she admired Takashi's angular, handsome face. His demeanor was cool and savvy, and even though he was a bit of a jerk to her he had proved his reliability quite nicely to her at this point.

Ashely felt her face heat up a bit as a bashful smile made its way to her face.

"Coming!" She said as she ran towards him.


As Takashi led Ashley across the bridge out of the quarry suddenly his Comm went off as he received a call from Hannigan.

"Takashi... I have some bad news." Hunnigan began as Takashi shrugged while Ashley looked at the projection with a worried gaze.

"Figures." Takashi said as he stared at Hunnigan who found it very hard to maintain eye contact with Takashi since he had warned her about it beforehand.

"Well, how do I put this... Umm, we've lost contact with the chopper." Hunnigan said as Takashi flashed her an 'I-told-you-so' look which she promptly ignored in favor of explaining the situation to Ashley to ease her up. "I believe, somebody must have shot it down though, we can't determine who."

"What... What do we do now?" Ashley asked as the prompt switched highlighting a path on the map.

"We're prepping another chopper for you... We will send scouts ahead this time." Hunnigan added as Takashi didn't bother replying. Hunnigan frowned but continued with the briefing nonetheless. "Meanwhile, I want you to head towards the extraction point."

"Aye, gotcha." Takashi said disconnecting the call. He was about to turn and leave when he saw Ashley looking at him with a worried gaze. "Worrying anymore wouldn't do you any good. You heard the lady, let's keep pushing-"

Takashi stopped mid-sentence as his hearing picked up groaning noises. Multiple groaning and moaning noises were heard as he simply, turned his head back.

Ganados. They were everywhere, from the end of the bridge they came from and from the area they had to move forward to. They were being surrounded.

"What are we gonna do, Takashi?" Ashley asked, still shaky but a bit calm as she grabbed Archangel and held it in a low ready stance. Seeing this Takashi smiled to himself.

"Well, we have guns and they don't." Takashi said as he then turned towards the cabin behind them. "All we need now is a good cover."

"To the cabin!" Ashley realized as she rushed in that direction while Takashi pulled out a handful of marble balls and rolled it onto the ground as he bolted Ashley behind and into the cabin.

Entering the cabin, Takashi turned around and attempted to close the door but a few Ganados had already caught up.

"Matar! Matar!" A Ganado hissed as he grabbed Takashi's arm but Takashi instead grabbed the Ganado's arm and twisted in the opposite direction making a sick crunch before opening the door and slamming the door into the Ganado's face a couple of times until it was mangled before he finally kicked him sending the infected tumbling back into its incoming friends.

"Here! Takashi!" Takashi heard a voice and wasn't surprised to see Luis as he ran out of a room with a doorjam as he set it into the hooked locks. Just as he was about to turn, a shifting sound was heard and before he could react several small explosions rocked the front of the cabin. "The hell was that?!"

"Mini-plosives." Takashi replied simply looking out of the window to with a small smile since the Ganados nearby had been blown to bits. Luis blinked as he felt a gun barrel poke his back, this was Ashley's way of greeting him since she didn't know who he was yet or his intentions. "Luis, we meet again."

"Takashi... Small world, eh?" Luis giggled awkwardly rubbing his hands together before his eyes landed on Ashley, or more specifically, on her big breasts as she came around him once Takashi gestured for her to lower her gun. "Well, I see that the President's equipped his daughter with ballistics too."

Ashley growled and was about to retort something but stopped as Takashi lightly tapped on her lips as he moved towards the other window to look out.

"Easy there buddy, you might wanna be careful with this one. She has a .50 in her hand as well. You might wanna see that first before anything if you don't want a round between your forehead." Takashi said as Luis chuckled nervously.

"Ho ho, my bad, your Highness."

"It's good to finally meet you, Ashley Graham." Sheva said as she emerged from a room with a gun in her hand. Spotting Takashi she holstered the gun as she walked toward him. Ashley stepped behind Takashi as Sheva approached them.

"Who... Who is she?" She asked, suspicious of the dark-skinned woman.

"Don't worry. She is my partner." Takashi said as he raised his fist towards Sheva who bumped hers towards him flashing him a smile. "Good to see you apiece."

"I managed. But barely." Sheva said flatly as she gestured towards Luis who folded his arms in irritation. "I almost died by annoyance."

"Easy there, that wouldn't look good on your memorial." Takashi joked as Sheva chuckled.

"A lame way to go for sure." Sheva jabbed again as Luis sighed.

"I'm not that bad..." Luis grumbled but was promptly ignored.

"Well, let's keep you alive then." Takashi said as he turned towards Luis. "I have a few questions for you, Luis."

"Si, I figured that but before we start is she..." Luis asked as he gestured towards Ashley. " know?"

"He has been injected with a parasite but she is fine for now." Takashi said. "We have to extract her quickly and get her to LINE's medical unit or have to find the cure here."

"Eh, never mind then. I'm sure you'll manage." Luis sighed. "There's supposed to be some obvious symptom before you turn into one of them anyway."

"How do YOU know all of this?" Sheva asked narrowing her eyes as Luis stepped back raising his hands in surrender.


"Look!" Luis was saved as Ashley suddenly gasped, looking out of the window. "There are more incoming!"

Takashi peered outside and true to Ashley's words more Ganados were gathering outside the cabin as they began to hit on the doors and the window, trying to get it.

"Sheva, what's the cabin's layout?!" Takashi asked as the window near him broke and the head of a Ganado poked inside. Takashi quickly grabbed the Ganado by its head and slammed its head onto the windowsill where shards of broken glass were protruding. The glass shards cut into the Ganado's eyes as Takashi tossed a sphere grenade into its screaming mouth and shoved it back.

"Two-storey, standard cabin, single stair!" Sheva replied as she shot out of the window, putting the frenzy of Ganados down.

"Get Ashley upstairs!" Takashi said as Sheva nodded grabbing Ashley by her wrist and pulling her towards the stairs. Takashi ducked under the window as the explosion went off, cutting off a portion of the Ganados. Turning he saw Luis pull out his Red9 pistol as he nodded at Takashi.

"It's game time." He muttered to himself as he too began shooting. Sensing the door about to break, Takashi sneaking crafted a bunch of laser trip mines and tossed a few of them around the room before grabbing Luis by his collar, he pulled him towards the stairs. "What are you doing-"

"Get you to safely." Takashi said pulling him up as the door swung open and a tall Ganado stepped inside and into the path of a laser trip mine.



The first trip mine went off settings the others off as well, consuming the horde below in an explosion as the pillar collapsed causing the cabin to tilt. Luckily, the four of them were safe.

"Alright. You each take a window and gun them down." Takashi said as the entry to the stairs collapsed behind him. "No need to worry about the stairs."

"You smart bastard." Luis smirked patting Takashi's chest as he ran towards the window while Takashi pulled out his Super Shotgun.

"Where did you get that?" Sheva asked surprised as she admired the beast in Takashi's hand while she shot a Ganado that climbed up from the balcony.

"Somewhere." Takashi replied vaguely as Sheva just chuckled. "Looks good?"

"Looks metal." Sheva agreed impressed as it was Takashi's turn to laugh.

"Just the way I like it." Takashi said as he pulled the trigger shooting a bunch of Ganados into bits.

"Why couldn't you have given me that Shotgun?!" Ashley complained as she reloaded the Archangel with a frustrated look as a bullet fell onto the floor due to her clumsy/nervous handling. "Two gauges are easier to reload than these stupid single rounds! Even a Glock would have been better!"

"Glock doesn't give you enough stopping power. Glock would be good for suppressing numbers but if you need to one-shot them, then a Magnum to their head is your best bet." Takashi replied as he shot a few more down. "Also, I didn't give you the shotgun because you wouldn't be able even to lift it, let alone aim and shoot with it. The recoil would break your hands."

"Hey!" Ashley retorted annoyed. "That's sexist!"

"Well, she isn't wrong." Sheva joked as Takashi shrugged.

"No, That's just doom." Takashi said as Luis chuckled.

"You guys are like family." He said as Takashi and Sheva shared a look.

"We only meet today but I guess, we are." Sheva said looking into Takashi's eyes who just smiled.

"That means family bonding time after this all is over." Takashi said with a sly smirk as Sheva looked ahead with a bashful smile. "Are you up?"

"If the food is good." Sheva hummed before flashing him a grin. "Then I just might be."

"Ugh, love." Luis groaned lightheartedly while Ashley huffed to herself. "Get a room you two."

"Partners indeed." Ashley added grumbling the last part. "There goes my chance..."

(A/N: Well, someone is Jelly :P)

The shootout by the four continued at the expense of the Ganados before a Ganado jerked backward pulling back from the rest of the pack and beaconed his other brethren to retreat.

"Vamanos." He hissed quietly as the rest of them followed his lead, dispersing into alleys and creeks.

"Running? What are you scared of now?!" Luis yelled from the window as Takashi shook his head at his antics.

"Looks like they're backing off." Sheva stated as she reloaded her gun and frowned noticing the drop in her remaining ammunition.

"Looks like you scared them, Amigo." Luis grinned as he walked towards Takashi along with Ashley. "You are strong, my man."

"Uh-huh." Takashi said simply as Sheva walked towards him.

"I'm running out of ammo. You have any?"

"I've got some." Takashi nodded as he pulled out two boxes from his bag (inventory) before handing them to Sheva."


"No worries. Take your shot but keep it precise, and to the dome." Takashi said as he raised a hand for a fist bump as Sheva nodded returning the gesture. "Run low, give me a hint. I'll call for the drop."

"Roger." Sheva said as Luis turned towards Takashi.

"So, what do we do now?" Luis asked as Takashi ripped the windowsill off and jumped out of it and onto the slanted roof before beaconing Luis to come out as he offered him a hand.

"Gracias, hermano." Luis smiled grabbing his hand as Ashley huffed.

"Well, aren't you a gentleman." Ashley commented sarcastically folding her arms as Sheva smiled, amused while Takashi raised an eyebrow. "What happened to 'ladies first'?"

Takashi and Luis shared a look before chuckling as Takashi pulled him out.

"Haha, don't sweat the small stuff, cariño. It's nothing personal." Luis replied with a smug face as Ashley harrumphed childishly. "It is as the Americans say..."

"... Bros before hoes." Luis smirked causing Ashley to gawk at Luis, vivid at the nerve of the man.

"How rude-"

"Relax Ashley, it's not that deep." Takashi interjected with a calm, small smile as she offered Ashley a hand. "If you are fine with Luis looking up your skirt, then I will let you climb up a window or a ladder first."

Upon Takashi's answer, Ashley became embarrassed as she realized the reason while Sheva just giggled.

"He is a gentleman, indeed." Sheva said as she nudged Ashley to take his hand which she did snapping out of her embarrassment.

"A-Alright, I'm sorry for being c-childish." Ashley said as Takashi winked at her, pulling her out.

"Relax, I know you didn't mean it." Takashi said while Sheva smirked as she got out of the window by herself and smacked Ashley's ass.

"Hya! S-Sheva?!"

"White lacy panties~ How conservative of you Ashley." Sheva grinned as Luis burst into laughter while Takashi just smiled at Ashley's expense.

"Pervert!" Ashley said as Sheva smiled jumping off the slanted roof and onto the ground below, as she beaconed Ashley to come down as well, which she did albeit, a but grumpily and clumsily but Sheva helped her land safely.

"We all are." Sheva smiled as Takashi helped Luis get down.

"So what's the plan?" Luis asked seriously once he down as Takashi hummed to himself.

"We don't have much of a choice. The bridge we crossed to get here is out and while I have other means to get Ashley out here but President Graham isn't all too trusting even if he asked me to retrieve his daughter hence he is keeping the extraction means under the watchful eye of our handler, Hunnigan." Takashi explained as Sheva frowned. "I get where he is coming from, so I guess we will just have to keep moving towards the evac point and hope Hunnigan doesn't fuck this one up."

"I see." Luis hummed as he rubbed his hand a bit nervous which Takashi noticed.

"We will get you out too, so stick with us." Takashi said as Luis looked up surprised.

"Really?!" He asked as Takashi nodded.

"You don't sound like a bad dude, shady yes but we all have our shadows. We will take you in as long as you are willing to come clean." Takashi said as Luis nodded after a bit of contemplation. "Besides, Sheva has a lot of questions for you."

"Hah." Luis sighed. "As long as I stay alive, I don't care if it's behind the bars."

"Worry not, we promise you a clean slate, and even a bonus if you do well." Takashi hummed as Luis blinked in surprise as Sheva and Ashley observed the interaction between both men.

"Bueno hermano. You got me... Gracias." Luis said with a smile before a light went off over his head. "Ah, there is something I can do to help Ashley immediately!"

"What is it?" Sheva asked as Luis started running in a certain direction.

"I can't explain but I'll find you once I have it! You guys go on ahead!" Luis said as Sheva stepped ahead but Takashi was quicker.

"Wait, Sera!" Takashi called out as Luis stopped turning back. "Let Sheva come with you, she will keep you safe."

"You sure?" Sheva asked as Takashi nodded.

"I got this. I'll take Ashley to the extraction get her out and then be back for you." Takashi said as Sheva smiled at him. "You keep Luis and yourself safe in the meanwhile. I have called in the drop and beaconed it to your location. It will be here in five, so take make sure to stand in an open space."

"Roger." Sheva said as she raised her hand for a fist bump. "Caught ya in a few, stay frosty."

"You too." Takashi said returning the gesture as Sheva ran and joined Luis as he lead her out of the area.

"Will they be alright?" Ashely asked as Takashi nodded.

"Yeah, I have faith in Sheva." Takashi said as Ashley nodded. Takashi walked towards the fields with Ashley following him.

"So... How long have you been doing this? You are very young to be killing people." Ashley asked catching up to Takashi who hummed to himself as he blew a lone wandering Ganado to bits before he turned left to a small alley once they were out of the fields.

"Long enough." Takashi replied shortly.

"Since you turned eighteen?" Ashley asked curiously as Takashi smiled.

"I AM eighteen." Takashi said, amused as her eyes widened in surprise. "I started since my early teens."

"No way! Holy shit that's young!" She exclaimed. "Well, for an eighteen-year-old, you sure do look a lot mature. I thought you were around my age."

"Is that why you were hitting on me?" Takashi asked amused as Ashley flushed walking ahead.

"N-No! Don't be absurd! You are barely legal!" She said as Takashi chuckled as he grabbed Ashley by the wrist and pinned her again the wall of a barn house. "W-What are you doing-"

"What's the matter, Missy?" Takashi asked huskily as he leaned in, whispering into her ears as he felt the girl shiver in excitement. "Are your morals getting between us two?"

"N-No..." Ashley said looking away as Takashi smiled when she replied in a small voice. "The clothes are..."

"Well, let's help ourselves out of them once we are done here." Takashi teased further as he pulled back caressing her cheek as Ashley subconsciously leaned into his touch. "I'm sure Sheva wouldn't mind you joining us."


Pulling back he chuckled as Ashley tried to calm herself down. This man was too much for her.

"Anyways, stay here. I'll check the barn and see if there is anyone inside. I'm sure you must be hungry." Takashi said as Ashley's eyes lit up at the mention of food. "Yes, I have some MREs. LINE makes the best, you'll see."

"Alright then!" Ashley smiled cheerfully as Takashi answered her unasked questions.

"You take cover and stay down in the corner." Takashi instructed as Ashley nodded hiding behind a patch of tall grass.

Smiling to himself, Takashi waved at her as he entered the barn and it was empty. Well, it looked almost empty but Takashi knew better as Bitores Mendez stepped out from his cover and charged at Takashi but the man just rolled ahead avoiding the tall man's attack. Bitores snarled in hatred as Takashi picked himself up. Takashi noticed that Bitores' clothes were tattered and his shirt was gone. The hole in his stomach was also patched as he noticed purple plastic pipe-like flesh where the hole once was.

Snarling Mendez turned around and in the words of a great man he 'casually twisted the steel door handles into origami' before turning back to Takashi. Bitorez had no plans to let Takashi out of the barn alive but too bad for him, Takashi wasn't worried as he put his Shogun back on his bag and cracked his knuckles.

"Closing off your only escape route was a bad idea, Mendez." Takashi said as he smirked at Bitores his eyes glowing with malicious intent. "Too bad..."

"Now you are trapped in here with me."

Bitorez rushed at Takashi intending to grab him as Takashi grabbed both of his hands by his wrist and twisted them down in a show of overwhelming strength, before headbutting the man in the face, breaking his nose and sending him tumbling back.

Mendez spat out blood and was about to retaliate when Takashi hit him with a solid left haymaker which was followed by a knee to the face sending him back onto his ass, as Takashi was then above him.

Takashi grabbed the man by his beard and dragged him toward a pillar and slammed his head into it, breaking the pillar. Takashi didn't relent as he then lifted the man by his beard and then slammed him face-first into the broken wooden pillar that was still in the ground, causing the sharp wooden shards to penetrate Mendez's eyes, mouth, nose, and what not.

Bitores screamed in pain as blood flowed out of his mangled face but Takashi raise his hand and punch the back of the man's face, hammering his face deeper and deeper into the sharpened wood. Mendez unable to scream because of his mangled face thrashed his arms around but Takashi had already stepped back as he grabbed a barrel filled with fuel and tossed it onto Mendez dousing him with the flammable liquids.

"Hang in there big guy, it will be over soon." Takashi said pulling out his shotgun and then aiming toward the barrel.



Takashi fired into the fuel and smiled as it caught fire engulfing Mendez as well as most of the barn in a matter of seconds. But Mendez, however, did not die yet as he pulled his head out with a jerk and turned screaming and convulsing as his torso begin to shift grossly.

With a sickening sound, Mendez's spine grew in length, severing his torso from his lower body while his fingernails grew into claws and two insect-like appendages protruded from his back. Takashi knew this would happen and this made Mendez more dangerous and hence he had mangled the man's face beforehand.

So, as dangerous as the hideous monster in front of him was, it was blind now with its horribly brutalized face.

And Takashi was going to make sure to use this to his advantage as he aimed his shotgun at the man's exposed spine. "Hasta luego, Mendez."

*Baam!* The shot severed the spine causing Bitores' lower body to go limp and fall back while his upper body fell down ahead. But the giant man, now halved, proved to be more persistent than a cockroach as it began to crawl towards Takashi using its hand but alas, it also proved to be as strong as a cockroach.

Takashi lifted his leg and with a powerful stomp, he crushed Mendez's head, turning it into a bloody pulp.

"In hell, he awaits you." Takashi said as he turned and walked towards the Barn door as the Barn began to collapse behind him.

With a kick, he slammed open the door as he saw a worried Ashley standing in front of the him but at a distance from the burning barn.

Ashley's face lit up, her worries vanishing as she saw her savior emerge out of the fire and smoke.

"Takashi!" She said as she rushed towards him and hugged him, burying her face into his chest. "I was so worried! I thought y-you-"

"It's alright." Takashi said rubbing her shoulder as he looked back at the burning rubble of the barn.

"Looks like we will have to put dinner on hold for now."

"I don't care about the dinner right now... Are you... Are you okay?" Ashley asked as she looked up at him, still not pulling back as Takashi smiled, looking down at her.

"I'm fine..."

"Please, don't do that again... Don't leave me alone."

"I won't. Relax, no one is going to take you from me."

"You promise?"

"I do, I promise."


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