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35.94% Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series / Chapter 55: 53rd Adversary: Wavering Resolve

Capítulo 55: 53rd Adversary: Wavering Resolve

"Just Nebulous?"

Miko frowned at Nebulous's words. Him being a member of the Flameheart clan just made this battle even more complicated. He became curious about Nebulous' origin. He wanted to know who he really was and what made him like this. However, his curiosity proved to be deadly.


Nebulous flew past him when he saw an opening. A long cut appeared across Miko's chest. Blood gushed out of it endlessly.


He held his chest and spun around swinging his swords. Before he could turn around, he was hit with a heavy blow to the side.


His insides received a powerful shock. He was kicked under the chin and fell to the ground. He looked up and saw a foot stomping toward his head. He rolled out of the way. Nebulous foot smashed the ground. Miko quickly got to his feet. He had to avoid a foot to the face by bending backward.


He threw a kick. Nebulous jumped over it and hit him with a drop kick. Miko used his new momentum to roll away. He quickly got back to his feet.

"His fighting style changed? It's far sharper than before."

"Of course, did you really think I became this country's crime god with the moves I used earlier?"

Nebulous smirked.

"Earlier I was using Darry's fighting style. I use it whenever I want to enjoy a fight."

A sharp look appeared in his eyes.

"What I used just now is my own style. I use it whenever I want to break someone. Isn't it more suited for killing?"

"Sounds like bullshit to me."

"Really? How's your side?"


Miko was quiet. It felt like his organs were on the verge of bursting. It also felt like Nebulous had injected something inside him, which was only causing more damage as time passes by. He soon realized that it was Vita. He looked down and saw that his side was black like he was poisoned.

"Now then, I think I've seen the full extent of your abilities, and I'm disappointed to be honest. As such, I'm gonna destroy you."

The playful atmosphere disappeared and he seemed like a completely different person. Miko believed the person who stood in front of him was truly this country's Crime God.

"Ishma, Regis, get ready."

His eyes turned crimson as he activated his demon blood. Flames covered the two swords as well as himself. Nebulous started walking towards him. Miko jumped into the air with his swords overhead. The images of a dragon and crow entangling around each other appeared behind him.

"Mad Beasts of Avicii!"

He swung the swords and three beasts made out of different colors flames rushed forth. Nebulous calmly lifted his hand in front of him. Behind him, a white orb made out of light floated silently.


The orb fired a giant beam of light and pierced through Miko's flame beasts and rushed towards him.


He crossed his swords in front of him and blocked the light.


He was blown back into the air after blocking the attack. Before he could land, Nebulous popped up in front of him standing on the orb. He formed a gun with his fingers and fired small lasers through Miko's limbs like he using a machine gun.


Miko attacked him with another blast from his mouth, but Nebulous disappeared before it could hit. He reappeared above Miko, still standing on the orb.

"That orb can be used to move him around?"

Miko saw a dozen orbs appear beside Nebulous. They all started lighting up.


The orbs fired dozens of giant lasers. They hit Miko and forced him out of the sky.


A huge explosion erupted and destroyed everything for around 100 meters.



Another explosion occurred right after. This one was caused by a mass of crimson flames. When the explosion died out, Miko appeared standing in a deep crater.

"He used an explosion of flames to cancel out the lasers?"

"Fuck! Those orbs are a pain in the ass!"

Miko cursed.

"Not only that!"

He spread his wings and shot up toward the air like an arrow.

"How did he get so strong?!"

He swung his swords with his full strength, while Nebulous fired his giant beams. The swords clashed with the beams and exploded. Smoke filled the air. Inside the smoke, sparks flew and beams were fired. A shockwave from a clash blew the smoke away. Miko was seen attacking Nebulous in a mad rush. He slashed at Nebulous' vital points, but Nebulous would easily parry them away with his handblades, before hitting Miko with a laser. Anyone could see that Miko was losing.

His blood constantly gushed from his wounds, which were now countless, causing him to feel light-headed and weak. As their fight dragged on, Miko became slower and had more openings. Nebulous mercilessly attacked those openings pushing him closer to death. After some time, Miko could no longer lift his swords.

(Miko, watch out!)

Regis shouted in his head. In her sword form, she struggled out of his hand and moved in front of him. She blocked an attack aiming at his heart.

(I don't care if you complain, I'm interfering in this fight!)

She shouted.


However, she didn't get a reply. She only saw Miko falling out of the sky and crashing into the ground below.


He lay on the ground coughing up blood.


Regis returned to her human form and landed beside him. Nebulous saw a moment to attack and decided to take it.

"Woah, there."

He was however blocked by Ishma, who also returned to her human form.

"We're taking a time out. Our champ needs a minute."

She blocked his path with an arrogant expression as if saying "What are you gonna do?"

Nebulous wasn't interested in her, so he didn't push the matter and looked at Miko with disappointment.

"Hmph. Letting unnecessary thoughts cloud your mind."

Ishma smiled because she knew what he meant. Meanwhile, Regis was checking on Miko. His side looked particularly bad. It was obvious the wound he got earlier had gotten worse.

"Miko, you can't fight anymore. At this rate, you'll die."

She whispered to Miko.


Miko sat up.

"D-Don't be ridiculous…Cough!....I'm not that weak."

"Just talking makes you cough up blood. Retreat, that's your only option."

"I refuse."

Miko got to his feet and stood with his body trembling.

"I will not retreat or surrender."


He slapped his cheeks so loud it echoed.

"That's for thinking about stuff that has nothing to do with this battle."

He looked up at Nebulous.

"Who cares who you really are? Who cares if you had no choice but to turn out like this? Who cares if you're probably a victim?....Who cares if I once respected you."

A dark aura started covering his body.

"All I have to do is kill the enemy in front of me!"

He turned into his black beast form. All the blood that was gushing out of him had stopped and his wounds had all disappeared as if being devoured by the darkness. He stood firm and faced Nebulous head-on.

Nebulous showed a bright smile when he saw that.

"Good. Looks like you're ready."

Miko walked past Regis and Ishma moved out of the way.

"Die, Nebulous!"

"Die, Miko!"


The two cut the distance between them and clashed with their fists. Miko slashed his claws at Nebulous' face. Nebulous ducked under it and countered with an uppercut. Miko flew back. A beam shot from Nebulous's fist and into the sky. Miko used the momentum from moving backward to throw a kick aimed at Nebulous' head. Nebulous grabbed his leg and threw him like a doll. Miko saw him appear above him.


Nebulous stomped Miko in the ground so hard the ground cracked open. Miko grabbed his leg and tried to crush it, but before he could, a laser pierced through his arm, causing him to let go.

Nebulous took that chance to stomp on his head.

"Are you starting to feel the difference between us?"

He increased the pressure of his foot. Miko's head slowly sunk into the ground. Miko tried to attack him and throw him off, but the orbs created by Nebulous turned into cuffs and locked his limbs to the ground.

"You used this form against Darry, right? And you lost then, so why do you think it can defeat me, who is far superior to Darry."

Miko's face was almost completely underground.

"And there's something I don't get. What's so great about this form? You're slower, and your actions become similar to a beast's so you're easier to predict; other than brute strength this form has no benefits."

"It does."

Nebulous felt something stab into his abdomen. He looked and saw a shadow spike that was connected to Miko's body.

"I can do this."

Nebulous leaped back to avoid dozens of shadow spikes. He looked and saw the cuffs, he created to trap Miko, get cut by a shadowy blade made from the darkness surrounding Miko.

Miko stood up and the darkness, that covered him like fur, started to move like it had a mind of its own. It took the shape of various weapons while moving like tentacles.

"There's more to this form than brute strength. I've learned that recently and started to get an understanding of it."

Miko stretched his arm to the side and the darkness moved like a slug and gathered at the arm. The rest of Miko's body returned to that of a human.

"Either way, it lost against Darry."

"True. But there was one technique that really scared Darry to the point that he looked like he wanted to run away. You don't seem to share memories with him, so let me show you."

One of the orbs behind Nebulous fired a beam which hit Miko head-on. The area Miko stood was destroyed and covered in flames.

"Why would I allow you to use something like that?"

A strong gust blew and all of the flames and smoke were blown away. Miko was seen standing there completely unharmed.

"Because you no longer have a choice."

The orbs behind Nebulous started firing dozens of beams at Miko without delay. The beams however were unable to reach him. They all hit a semi-transparent black barrier, which appeared every time they were about to be hit, leaving Miko untouched. Miko smiled when he saw Nebulous's surprised expression.

"I didn't take the Black Beast form just to waste time. I need it to reach the next step."

His blue eyes darkened and became black. The darkness around his arm started seeping into his body. After that, starting from that arm, Miko's existence started to dim. It was like the sun was setting on his existence. His caramel skin became darker, his azure hair started to look like the evening sky, and a black haze started leaking from his body.

"Dark Apostle, that's what I call this form."

He spread his arms and dark mist started gathering in his hands.

"Now then, DIE!"

The dark mist turned into two black spears. Miko threw them at Nebulous before dashing towards him. Nebulous fired a couple of lasers and destroyed the spear and got ready to face Miko.

Miko quickly entered his range. Nebulous attacked him with dozens of lasers. Miko thrust his hand and a black vortex swallowed the beams. He created a ball of darkness with his other hand and thrust it toward Nebulous.

Nebulous leaped back, but his body was dragged towards Miko by a suction force.

"The black ball?!"

He immediately realized the purpose of the black ball. He was sucked towards Miko and was punched in the face by Miko's other hand.

Miko hit him with an uppercut, a hook, and then followed up with a few fast jabs. All these hits were powerful enough to send a grown man through the air, but Nebulous body didn't budge like he was being grasped by something.


He headbutt Miko with an angry expression.


Miko laughed and lifted Nebulous and slammed him into the ground. He repeated this a couple of times. Nebulous was kicking and struggling to break free from the black orb.

"You're toying with me?!"

He became furious. Several emerald markings started appearing on his body with the burning heart symbol in the center. His body started glowing.



An explosion devoured the two and everything around them. Miko was seen retreating with Nebulous hot on his tail. Nebulous fired a giant laser at him. Miko fired a stream of darkness. The two clashed and canceled each other out.

"You mad, Nebulous?"

Miko mocked him and formed dozens of dark spears behind him. He sent them at his opponent. Dozens of orbs appeared behind Nebulous, and he countered with dozens of powerful beams. Explosions rang out in the area as the two fired their attacks at each other. They rushed towards each other. Miko formed a spear. Nebulous created a claymore out of light. Miko thrust the spear. Nebulous deflected it with his sword. He took a step towards Miko and slashed at his waist. His sword only cut air. Miko had flown over the attack at the last second. His Dragon wings were also black.

He thrust the spear downwards and stabbed into Nebulous shoulder.


However, Miko couldn't push it past a few inches deep. The muscles in Nebulous' shoulder had tightened up to an abnormal degree, preventing his spear from penetrating too deep.


The light claymore grew and stabbed Miko in the stomach. But, the sword wasn't able to penetrate too far. Yet, the one smiling was Nebulous.

"Miko, do you want to know the real difference between us?"

The markings on his body started glowing.

"Experience and power!"

The sword disappeared along with Nebulous. Before Miko could search for them, he was forced to the ground with several light blades in his back. The dark haze surrounding his body quickly destroyed them and he stood up. When he stood up, he realized that it was suddenly dark. He looked up at the sky.

"What the fuck?!"

He cursed at the top of his lungs. Above him, the sky was covered with orbs. There were so many that they actually blocked out the sun and cast a massive shadow that covered at least a kilometer. Nebulous stood on an orb in the sky and looked down on the world with an arrogant smile.

"As much as you piss me off, I kinda want you to survive this."

He lifted his hand.

"Let's see how it goes."

He swung his arm down and then it happened.

"Judgement Shower."

The orbs all fired at the same time. To Miko, who was on the ground, it looked like a holy shower was coming down from the heavens to wash away the earth's impurities.

That being said, what really happened wasn't something that poetic.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

The shower of laser beams hit the earth and destroyed, scorched, and reduced everything they touch to ashes. Buildings were leveled, people were erased from existence, and the earth was baptized in flames.

It was hell on earth.

The shower of light continued for nearly a minute. For that time, the sounds of destruction reached every corner of the city, frightening countless souls and even causing rioters to run in fear. The shower could also be seen by countless people. They started to wonder if it was a punishment from the gods for their deeds.

After the beams finally stopped, Nebulous made the orbs disappear, except for the one he was on. He could feel the heat coming off the ground from hundreds of feet in the sky. There was smoke covering everything for miles, so it was hard to see below.

After a while, the smoke dissipated and a wasteland lay before his eyes. He looked around a bit and saw a body burnt pitch black laying motionlessly on the ground. Seeing that, he made the orb he was standing on descend. He arrived near the body and confirmed that it was Miko.

He got off the orb and stood next to him.

"Now this is shocking, you actually survived."

Miko had one eye partially opened. He couldn't speak or move. The best he could do was to remain conscious.

"Well, I guess it's my win with this huh?"

Nebulous showed a complicated smile. Miko of course, couldn't reply. He lay there looking at him.

(Just who is this guy? I was sure that I gained the power to win, but he was able to pull off something like that.)

Even with his body like this, such thoughts ran through Miko's mind.

(Just what am I fighting someone like this for? To test my skills? This isn't someone I can fight for such a stupid reason. So why am I fighting? Because I felt betrayed? Yes, I do feel like I was played, and am I angry because of that, but can I really kill him for that?)

He started to question his motives in the face of defeat.

(Maybe I should just call it quits and face it….I can't kill Darry.)

He remembered the painful expression Darry had that day when they truly faced each other.

(I can't do it after seeing him like that.)

There was a reason why Tiamat believed that Miko was incapable of killing Nebulous. It wasn't because Miko was too inferior, no. It was because Miko was someone who valued friendship to a high degree. This might sound weird, if you consider the fact that he was somewhat of a loner, but it's true. Ace and Hina also realized this when they suggested partnering up with Miko to Sora, before the two met. He doesn't trust easily, but he's very loyal to those he does. That's Gamiko Dragna the third in a nutshell.

Nebulous also realized Miko couldn't fight him seriously in the middle of their fight and got mad and disappointed. In the end, he tried his best, but now after facing defeat, his resolve started to waver again.

(Even if I had won, I'm sure I would just lock him away somewhere and not kill him.)

He looked at the burning heart mark in the center of Nebulous' chest.

(He's a Flameheart alright. It doesn't seem like Darry or Nebulous are his real names though…..)

He closed his eyes.

(Before it reached this point, I wished I could've at least known his real name.)

His consciousness started to fade.

(I wish I knew more about him, and maybe we wouldn't have reached this point.)

(I could grant that wish if you want.)

A strange voice echoed in Miko's mind. At that moment, a black light shot out of Miko's body and hit Nebulous.


Nebulous was shocked. The light didn't harm him in the least, but he felt like his soul was being invaded. A bright light then engulfed him and Miko. And then-

The tale of a man seeking his freedom had begun.

next chapter
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