The five months have been great for Hufflepuff, the students walk the hall safely, get personalized training from their seniors, and can hold their heads high without fear or weakness.
Much has changed in Hogwarts, Slytherin has become docile, to say the least, very few of them were willing to stand against Malakai due to his family and political power.
Ravenclaw could be considered Hufflepuff's best friend, they studied, practices, and spent time together, the houses are almost inseparable.
Gryffindor on the other hand tried to be the alphas they think they are and step on the badgers, only to get fucked, one morning, every senior and prefect in Gryffindor was found beaten, stripped, tied up, and put on display in the cafeteria for everyone to see.
Painted on each of their bodies was a single letter, and when lined up perfectly next to each other, the letters formed these words: The Circle Sees All.
After that debacle, the Gryffindor house became very tame, except for the weekly pranks by the Weasly twins which were fine since it was never bullying and almost always innocent fun.
While everyone in The Circle was loyal to Malakai, it was obvious that his biggest supporter, bodyguard, and follower is Diego Caplan.
No one in the Circle knows why Diego is so in awe of their leader but it is obvious that the prefect would happily die for Malakai.
Winter break has started, while several of them are staying at Hogwarts, Malakai decides to head home to spend some time with his family... and Draco, who he despises greatly.
Knowing that he will need to make his little brother change or disappear sometime soon, fills him with joy.
His parents adore him, even after being put into Hufflepuff, they stand by him.
They send weekly letters and gifts they think might help him with his studies.
Now, he sits aboard the train, heading from Hogwarts to the train station.
Sitting in his compartment with Diego and Haywood, they go over their plans.
Kai looks towards Diego, "I know that you're not dumb, in fact, the reason i like being around you is that i don't feel like I'm speaking to a reject but i want to go over your mission"
Diego nods, "Over the next few months, i am to use the money you send me to hire werewolves, vampires, and centaurs, that are tired of being shunted by the magical society as no more than beasts"
Haywood waits until her cohort finishes, "my job is to use the money to acquire eyes and ears everywhere, especially the ministry"
He gives a small smile to the both of them, "good, while the bother of you are busy, I'll be having dinner and attending parties with the families on both the lights and dark side"
The rest of the journey to the train station was rather dull, they spoke about the future and their plans.
--- Malfoy Manor ---
In the months that Malakai spent at Hogwarts, his family's lives were hectic, many families wanted to suck up to the now all-powerful Malfoy family.
Draco now went on many playdates with children from many other families, almost everyone noticed he wasn't his brother, he didn't have Kai's intelligence, maturity, authority, or manners.
Narcissa refused dozens of letters wanting to marry Malakai to their daughters, and Lucius had a smile on his face almost every day, his family's stature, wealth, and power kept on rising.
Over the past several days, the Malfoy family has been in a rush, why? they wanted to through their eldest son's birthday.
Guests from every family on the Wizengamot, including the Light side.
Decorated Aurors, high-ranking ministry members, and influential figures.
It's set to be the greatest party in magical Britain's history.
--- General POV, Malakai ---
Stepping off the train, he apparates home only to be greeted by a slew of people, bright lights, fancy dresses, music, and smiles all around.
Before he can speak, his mother lunges at him, smothering him in a tight hug, it's only after Lucius steps in that she takes a step back.
He gives each of them a charming smile, "I see you have been busy"
Lucius puts a hand on his shoulder, escorting him further into the room, "It's my son's birthday, it has to be perfect"
A few people caught the eye of Kai, namely Augusta Longbottom, Kingsly Shacklebolt, Amelia Bones, and his old friend, Alastor Moody.
After a short but sincere greeting to each of the guests, he walks over to his first target, Shacklebolt, who guards the main entrance.
"Good Evening, Mr. Shacklebolt", he says in a hushed manner so he doesn't startle the unaware man.
Turning to see the dark-haired preteen, Kingsley gives him a smirk, "If it isn't the boy wonder of Britain, what can I do for you?"
Leaning on the wall opposite the African man, Kai looks up towards the night sky, "Mr. Shacklebolt, are you happy with the way Britain is being run?"
The man doesn't answer but the answer is obvious, the heavy sigh and slump of his shoulders, says it all.
"corrupt politicians, Aurors on the verge of going extinct due to low funding, Hogwarts teaching segregation, and that's only the tip of the iceberg", Kai continues to press, receiving a nod from the Auror.
"In the next few years, a change will happen in Britain, you should decide who you want to put your trust in... Dumbledore or me", Walking away and leaving the man to think on his words, he walks up to the ever-paranoid Moody.
"Uncle, It's been a while, did you miss me?" he says with his usual charming smile.
[Very short chapter, just want people to know that this isn't dead, stop saying that it's dropped, some of us have lives, it's not my fault if some of you don't]
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