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82.35% Who Are You? (BTS Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok) / Chapter 14: Twelve

Capítulo 14: Twelve

Oh Areum

I was awakened by the shrilling noise of my alarm telling me it's time to get up. Today was an important day. I had to make sure everything from my hair to my fashion was perfect. I forced myself up and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and blow-dried my hair.

I was given a picture of Yoona by Hoseok and I used her picture as a reference to fix myself as close to her photo as possible. I did my make up and gave my hair light curls as Yoona had in her picture. I let my bangs grew over this past month and it was long enough for me to manipulate it to look like Yoona's with a little help of hair spray and hair mousse.

I choose a nice cream-colored lace dress with the sleeves covering up to my mid-arm and paired it with a nude pump before calling Hoseok to see where he was at.

"I'm on my way up to your room. Are you almost ready?"

"I'm ready. I'll just meet you in the lobby," I told Hoseok as I grabbed my matching bag and dragged my suitcase full of clothes that I had packed. I was going to be staying at Hoseok's home now and I had to make it look like I had just returned from America.

I met up with Hoseok in the lobby and boy did he look good. He wore a light tan suit that perfectly matches mine. If anyone were to see us, they'd think we were a couple. I blushed at the thought and noticed that Hoseok's cheeks had turned pink.

"You look beautiful Areum."

I smile and thanked him before complimenting him as well.

"You don't look too bad yourself. Who would have thought we'd both match this morning?" I smile at him but he didn't answer me as he just kept staring at me.

He flutters his eyes, snapping out of whatever daze it was that he was in before grabbing the suitcase from me, dragging it along with him while leading the way to his car. I followed after him and we both made it to his car in silence.

When he pulled up to a huge gate, that was when the sweating started for me. We were here.

Oh god, please let me play this part well, and don't let me fuck up.

Hoseok took out his phone and made a call to his parents to let them know that we've arrived. The gate soon opens up and we drove along the long driveway to the front of the mansion. My eyes open wide at how big the house was. I have seen pictures of the place, but it was a lot bigger than I had anticipated.

Hoseok smiles towards me after parking his car. He reached to the back to grab a bouquet of flowers for his Grandma. He turns to me and asks me one question.

"Are you ready?"

I nod my head and let out a deep breath before replying.

"I'm ready. Let's go."

Hoseok and I both got out of the car and he leads the way while I followed closely behind him. He turns and smiles a little at me before telling me not to be too nervous.

"You'll do just fine. Calm down okay?"

I nod my head repeatedly while taking slower steps after Hoseok. He asked me to stay around the corner and to wait for his cue before I show myself. He walked into the room leaving me behind to peek at what was happening.

"Grandma! Happy birthday!" Hoseok called out cheerfully and I could see his Grandma sitting in a wheelchair with a big smile on her face as she warmly welcomes Hoseok into her arm with a hug.

"Oh my little Hobi, you're here."

I took a look around the room to see that Hoseok's parents were present and so was Mrs. Yoo and Minjoo. I also saw a few of Hoseok's friends and even Namjoon too. There were a lot of people here and I made sure to remember everyone's name.

"Thank you for the flowers Hoseok. I would have been perfectly fine with no presents."

"Are you sure about that Grandma? Because I have another present for you. A bigger and better present. Something that you've been waiting for."

"Oh, now where is this big present at then?"

 Hoseok turns around and calls out for me.

"You can enter now."

I let the biggest breath that I could out before mustering up every last bit of courage and walked into the room. My heels clicked against the floor and echoed throughout the room as the whole room falls silent at my entrance.

I looked only in one direction and made my way towards Grandma with the brightest smile I could offer. I could hear the gasps of everyone, but my focus was solely on Grandma. She had managed to slowly get up from her wheelchair, her right hand covering her mouth in disbelief with unshed tears in her eyes.

The closer I got to Grandma, the more my own tears wanted to fall. Her shining tear-filled eyes showed me nothing but pure love. And it's been so long since I've seen anyone looking at me with those eyes. And before I knew it, I was running towards Grandma with tears gushing down my face.

"Grandma! I've missed you so much!" I called out to Grandma while hugging her dear to me.

"Oh, my precious little Nana. Is it really you? Let me see you, my precious baby. I've missed you so much my Nana."

I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out in her embrace. I could feel her love through her hug as she gently pats my head in her arm. We held each other for a minute before we broke the hug. I helped Grandma sit back into her wheelchair. I turned around and met eyes with Hoseok's mom, my mom.

"Mom," I called out to her and she rushes to my side and pulls me into a hug before bawling her eyes out too.

"My Yoona, my beautiful Yoona. You're really here."

I nod into the hug while hugging her back.

"Yes mom, I'm back."

Hoseok's mom knew about her daughter's death. She knew of Hoseok's plan but never imagined that I would look so similar to her own daughter. I never saw Hoseok's parents before now so I can only assume she must have been just as shocked as Grandma.

Soon I felt another person joining in on the hug and it was none other than Hoseok's dad. He had his own teary eyes as he looked upon my face.

"You're as beautiful as ever Yoona."

"Thanks, dad. And you're still as handsome as ever too."

After many more happy hugs from the family welcoming me home, I finally turn to face Minjoo.

"Hey Minjoo," I called out to her.

She runs into my arms and hugs me close.

"Yah! You meanie! How could you ignore me for so long?! You didn't answer any of my calls or texts! How could you keep this away from me too!?" She bawls into my shoulder and I just giggle it off while patting her back.

"If I answered you, you would have caught me. It wouldn't have been a surprise anymore."

"I'm just glad you are okay. I thought something bad had happened to you Yoona."

I swallowed the sudden lump in the back of my throat and I could see Hoseok and his parent's face had turned sad for a second before they were quick to mask their sadness with a happy smile.

"I'm perfectly fine and standing right in front of you aren't I?"

"We need to catch up! I need to hear all about America."

"Sure thing Minjoo, but let me take care of the person that I missed the most," I said while turning back around to Grandma. I walked up to her and leaned down towards her.

"I heard that you've been a bad little lady Grandma. Hoseok Oppa told me that you haven't been going to the hospital or taking your medicine."

"My little Nana," Grandma spoke out towards me while gently stroking my cheek.

"I'm getting too old. Those medicine and visits are not going to help me. I just want to spend my time with my family. And now that I've seen you, I'd be more than happy to leave."

"How could you say that Grandma? Do you think I don't need you? Do you think that Hoseok Oppa doesn't need you? You still have to watch us grow and get married and have our own children. I will feed you all your medicine and make you live a long time with me."

I hugged her tightly before turning around to face Dr. Park, the family doctor.

"Dr. Park, can you prepare Grandma's medicine for me? I'll personally feed it to her and watch her eat every last drop," I playfully gave Grandma a little frown. She chuckles loudly before speaking.

"Oh, my darling. How I've missed your silliness."

I smiled at her before grabbing my own tummy.

"Can we eat now? I'm hungry after the long flight," I pat my stomach while sulking with my both my lips out in the biggest pout I could offer.

"Oh, yes of course Nana. Come sit next to me. You must be tired after the long flight. Come on everyone, let eat so that my Nana can go rest."

Everyone gathered at the table and ate. Hoseok brought out the cake afterward and everyone gathered around the cake to sing 'Happy Birthday' to Grandma. I hugged Grandma every time I could, kissed her cheek every chance I got and fed her medicine that Dr. Park brought after we all ate.

After a few more hours with the family, Grandma forced me to go to my room to rest. I hugged her quickly before finally parting ways with her. Hoseok had shown me a layout of the house so I knew where to find Yoona's room.

I walked into the room and knowing that Yoona really wasn't here anymore made me a little sad. My eyes soaked up every last bit of her room, from the light pink wallpaper to her queen size bed. I also noticed that there was a big couch in her room as well. I made my way towards it and sat down, not really ready to lay down on Yoona's bed yet.

I looked around the room some more and saw a piece of paper that was sticking out of a book. It was an odd book as it was the only one that was turned the opposite of the rest of the books that were on the bookshelf.

I got up from the couch and slowly made my way over towards the book. I took it out from the shelves and opened it up to where the piece of paper was. The paper fell onto the floor and as I picked it up, I saw that it was a poem. The title was written out in big bold letters.


Don't think of anything,

Don't say anything, not even a word,

Just give me a smile.

I still can't believe it,

All of this seems like a dream,

Don't try to disappear.

Is it true, Is it true,

You, You,

You're so beautiful, that I'm scared.

Untrue, Untrue

You, You, You.

Will you stay by my side,

Will you promise me,

If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break,

I'm scared, scared, scared of that.

Will you stop time,

If this moment passes,

As though it hadn't happened,

I'm scared, scared, scared, I'll lose you.

Butterfly, like a Butterfly,

Just like a Butterfly, Butterfly.

You're just like a Butterfly,

From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you,

You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect,

Your light touches, I forget the reality at once.

It's like a wind that gently strokes me,

It's like a dust that gently drifts along,

You're there but for some reason, I can't reach you, stop.

You, who's like a dream is a butterfly, high to me.'

There was no name or author on the page. Just the poem itself was written neatly in black ink. I didn't know who wrote it, but I could feel the love in those sad words. Whoever wrote this was a poetic genius and I instantly fell in love with it.

I heard a knock on the door and I quickly put everything away how I found it. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Hoseok on the other side.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course."

I stepped aside and let Hoseok enter the room. He brought along the suitcase that I had packed earlier. I closed the door behind me and turn around to face Hoseok.

"You did an awesome job Areum. I didn't think you'd really cry. It made you so much more believable."

"I couldn't help it. When I saw Grandma, they just came out naturally."

"My parents are probably going to stop by soon to talk to you too. So don't be too nervous and just be yourself around them. You don't have to act if it's just me or my parents."

I nod to answer him. He put his hand into his pocket and pulls out a phone that had a pink glittered phone cover.

"Before I forget, this is Yoona's phone. It was locked and I couldn't open it to see what she had inside so I had to factory reset it. It's still Yoona's number and I saved all the necessary numbers that you needed here. Just remember to use this phone when you are Yoona."

I took the phone from Hoseok and thanked him.

There was another knock on my door and I went to open the door for Hoseok's parents. They had already caress my faces countless of times before, but it seems they could never get enough. I couldn't help but think that it must hurt them more since they know that Yoona's is no longer in the world.

"Thank you, child. You don't know how much this means to us. I don't know how we'll repay you. And... I still can't believe that you're not my Yoona. You look so much like her..."

And she weeps while gently caressing my face. I held onto her hand while she was still caressing my cheeks. I thought to myself how Hoseok's parents needed me just as much as Grandma did. Yoona had suddenly left, not giving anyone a chance to say goodbye to her.

"I'll be here and will be here for as long as you need. Whenever you're ready to let me go, whenever you're ready to say goodbye, then I'll leave. So don't thank me yet and just think of me as Yoona. Okay, mom and dad?"

They both cried while hugging me for a while before they left, leaving Hoseok and me alone again.

"Thank you Areum for doing that for my parents."

"It's okay Oppa. They needed me just as much as Grandma did. I hope I can heal your parents and Grandma all at once. Maybe I'll even heal you too," I smiled playfully towards Hoseok, but he didn't laugh nor did he smile at all at me. He just simply stared at me and soon his eyes moved down as if he was looking at my lips. I instantly swallowed and turned away from him.

"I'm a little tired. Do you think I can rest for a bit Oppa? All that crying did wear me out."

"Huh? O-oh yeah, s-sure thing. I'll uh, I'll see you tomorrow Areum."

And he left the room, taking all the tension out along with him. I grasped the lace fabric on my chest and scrunched it up into a fist.

"Okay, breathe Areum. He did not just look at your lips. You're going delusional."

I breathe in deep breaths and let it all out.

"I need to sleep this off."

I took off my dress and wore the silk pajama that Hoseok had bought me. He bought me a few sets since I was going to be staying here for a while.

I found a thin blanket from the closet and I took it out. I made my way back to the couch and adjusted the square couch pillow before finally laying down to rest my body. My eyes were still a little swollen from all the crying, but hey, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Everyone was so welcoming. It had been so long since I felt like I had a family and felt genuine love. Soon I drifted off to sleep with a happy smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart.

To Be Continued...

Shookieillegirl Shookieillegirl

Happy Belated 7th Birthday to BTS! Did anyone watch BangBangCon The Live? I am waiting patiently for Bighit to upload The Live so that I can rewatch it again. I hope everyone is doing well during these hard times. And I just wanted to mention one last thing, Black Lives Matter!

I'll see you all in the next update! ^_^

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