Kuchinashi, the cesspool of the Mistral continent.
The city was located south of the capital city of Mistral, tucked away into the open mouth of the mountains, referred to as an egg in a viper's nest in the local region. The surrounding region served as natural defense and concealment for the city and its inhabitants, stopping both large scale military or Grimm attacks on the crime infested city, making airships the best option to reach it on normal days. But to discourage any thoughts of airborne attackers, the city has anti-air artillery as a form of defense, alongside various sirens and air horns which can travel through large distances.
Because of this and the distant relationship between it and those in power, criminals, vagrants, fugitives and those looking to lay low gathered in this place to live. The result being in many organizations forming or moving to Kuchinashi for their own prosperity.
The two most prominent crime syndicates within the city are the Hana Guild and the Wave. Hana being the older organization dealing in narcotics across the continent of Anima and the wave focusing more on stolen goods and Atlesian tech. Although there are other players such as the Black Sheep, The Skillful is where the major decisions of the city are made, mostly because of the high number of huntsmen active through it.
The entire city is divided into three main sections: Central Strip, The Lower Valley and The Upper Cliffs.
The Central Strip was what you could consider the sunny face of Kuchinashi. The strip holds all the 'legit' businesses of the city; hospital, shops, blacksmith, sheriff, an unofficial huntsmen school and The Skillful itself. The 'Light' side of the city so to speak, even if many of the businesses are either in the pocket of or backed by various criminal groups.
The Lower Valley is were the slums, warehouses and most crime organizations are based. The vast majority of less savory inhabitants reside in this part as they ply their trades as thugs, mercs, drug dealers, loan sharks or whatever other illegal profession.
And finally The Upper Cliffs, where the rich and powerful of the city reside. Built in the dangerous cliffs of the city, the higher you live the more powerful you are deemed usually. It is also where you can find the crime bosses and shady nobles involved in the underworld.
This is the general situation on the Kuchinashi Nix could recall. Nothing more simply because team RWBY didn't go there or hadn't yet when he watched what he could with the Death couple. He did remember someone mentioning something about a game that takes place in the city, but he hadn't played it during his marathon of culture.
But from what he heard from his rescuers and new older sisters, their group had their home base in this city's Central Strip. Nix could easily guess there were circumstances behind such a varied group coming together in one of the most volatile cities in this world, but he found this a good place to grow and hone himself in. A city full of criminals, danger and opportunity for those who knew how to play by the rules of the underworld. The perfect playing ground for someone who had dedicated his life as an assassin and warrior. As long as he didn't step on too many toes that is.
"Here we are gang, home sweet home." Declared the boss with a free spirited smile as they disembarked the airship.
"Whoopi. Back in this cesspool." Grumbled Jasmine as she glared at the customary thieves and pickpockets looking for easy marks and tourists around the area.
Even through the ever present light fog she could spot them a mile away due to growing up in the city.
Nix could easily spot them and the more dangerous types walking around the place, as well as what seemed to be city guards and the various security measures around the area. He was actually impressed at the level the scum running the city had managed to fortify the airship port, but it was a logical move to secure such a ressource as best they could. He did get distracted by the great numbers of neon signs and the nearby market as he took in as much useful information on the layout and good shops, but he made it look like a curious child in a new place in the process.
"I hope my clinic windows haven't been shattered this time." Liam said mostly to himself as he mentally calculated his window budget for the month.
"Should be fine this time. Robin and Mul wouldn't let that happen when they're there." Vanta reassured as she carried Nix securely in her arms, making sure no one tries anything on him nor could he accidentally wiggle out somehow. Not that he was intending on doing so.
"Who's that big sis?" Nix asked as he heard the new names the group was apparently close enough with to protect the doctor's clinic in this dangerous city.
"Well do you remember how we said we called ourselves Smoke and Mirrors?" She asked to which Nix nods. "Well Mul and Robin are members of our second team, team [MROR]. And since they didn't come on our mission they stayed behind this time. Both are very nice."
"But that's only two. Don't you need four for a team?" Nix asked simply to get more names of people he is about to meet.
"Well there's also Roman and Ocean waiting at home, but Ocean has her own store and Roman usually takes care of the house and cooking when they're not out." Vanta answered without thinking much as the group walked through the busy streets.
"What are they like?" The little cub asked.
"Well Mul is our oldest member and the captain of our other team. He's a big guy, but he's also a big softy. Roman is the youngest on team [MROR], real quiet but he's a sweetheart that likes to cook and does most of the house chores. Robin likes to act like a mom, we all know that's because she cares but making her actually angry is a no no. And Ocean is a really energetic girl who loves tech and weapons, usually a big ball of sunshine really." Vanta happily told her new little brother.
"You should see old man Mul's muscles. He's ripped. And Roman makes the best carrot cakes. Robin's kinda naggy about learning stuff and cleaning your room, but she's really nice. Then there's sis Ocean who made my [Rabbit Claws] too." Jaz said as she went from having sparkles in her eyes, to drooling a bit, to slight shivers and finally showing off her 'sheathed' gauntlets.
"They can be slightly eccentric however." Commented Liam as he heard the conversation.
"You don't have the right to call others eccentric string bean." A deadpanned Jasmine said.
"String bean?" Questioned Nix with a little head tilt.
"Well yeah look at him. He's tall, lanky and all green, so string bean." Explained Jasmine as she gestured to Liam as Nix nodded in understanding.
"Excuse me, but my body is perfectly proportioned for both combat and medicine thank you very much." The Doctor responded with a huff.
"Nah, you look too nerdy." Jaz offhandedly said.
"Why you little brat." Liam said as his annoyance increased.
"You want a piece of me you annoying nerd!" A now confrontational Jasmine yelled as the two prepared to butt heads.
*Double bonk!*
"Knock it off you two. We're almost there so fight in the ring not outside." The boss said as he blew some anime smoke off his bonking fist.
The two didn't say anything more, but they were intensely glaring at each other in anticipation for their next fight.
"Big sis, do big sis Jaz and the doctor not get along?" Nix asked as he was curious to know if they actually disliked each other.
"It's more like a brother sister rivalry." She answered with a wry smile. "Liam tends to push people's buttons to beat his boredom and Jaz is very explosive, so they end up butting heads a lot. They do trust each other though."
"Ok then." Nix simply said, looking at the duo glare at each other.
It was fortunate for the group that they reached their destination shortly after.
In front of them stood a rather large three story building of Japanese style, with walls which should have been near white but time and the city's filth gradually turned them a dirty grey, black tiled roof, and multiple security systems installed around every entry point Nix could spot at the moment. On the immediate left was a smaller building with [Evergreen Clinic] written on a green neon sign above the door, and on the right was an almost identical building with a blue neon sign advertising [Bell Weapons and Repairs].
The place looked decently secure, even by Nix's standards, which was saying a lot. Plenty of clever little measures which many wouldn't notice or overlook, alarm triggers, electrified windows, reinforced walls and at least dual identification requirements to enter the front door. Someone was rightly paranoid about those populating the city they inhabited that's certain.
The boss walked over to the fortified metal door and swiped his sword sheath over a scanner then entered a code, which was followed by the door making some noises as it unlocked before opening.
The group walked in with smiles on their faces as they were back home after a less enjoyable mission, everyone taking off their shoes and wearing their choice of indoor footwear. While this happened one of the previously mentioned members of team [MROR] came to check on them.
"Looks like you kids are all ok. How was the job and what's with the kid?" A muscled bald man with violet eyes and purple facial hair asked.
He stood taller than all the others present, which wasn't that hard since the two girls were still teenagers, but the man stood at 6'6 with large biceps and pecs on full display thanks to his purple tank top. He had scars spread out on his arms and shoulders in the shape of bullet holes and claw marks, with a large singular slash-like cut on his bald head and sported a dark purple Amish style beard. He wore black and purple camo pants with black army boots, a large six barrel handgun on his hip and a concealed knife Nix was able to spot in his boot. He did not give off an aggressive or killer vibe however, but a strong, disciplined and steady one indicative of a military veteran. (Think a military version of Erhard from Rising of a Shield hero, but with a purple theme.)
"Yeah we're all good Mul. And the little guy is Nix, kinda want to talk to the rest of the crew about him." Answered the boss with a calm smile.
"I'll call the rest." The large man simply said with a nod as he went up the stairs to the right.
"You needn't bother Mul, Roman and I were just finishing up in the kitchen." A polite female voice said, stopping the large man from ascending the stairs. "Ocean is in her shop, but she hasn't activated her 'Do not disturb' measures so it shouldn't be difficult to bring her here."
The voice came from a beautiful young woman in her early twenties, with an hourglass figure emphasized by her red qipao embossed with golden floral patterns, lower back length bright red hair tied into a ponytail but leaving two bangs to frame her face, striking green eyes, and sporting a pair of thigh-high black boots. She also had a Chinese jian style sword connected by an extremely strong cord to a hooked knife visible on her waist. (Younger Rinko Iori, wearing sexy chinese qipao would be my best mental picturing help.)
Next to her was a slightly younger tanned man with short spiky grey hair, black eyes, wearing a black lower face mask, a grey t-shirt with a target on it, faded grey jeans and black combat boots. He had a fairly large metallic grey weapon in its sheathed state on his back which stopped observers from knowing what it was exactly. (Teenage short haired Kakashi with a tan.)
"Robin, Roman, good to see you both." The boss said with a casual smile.
"Nice to see you all back safe and sound Son. How was… your…" The red headed woman named Robin said before her eyes focused on the small and adorable child curiously looking at the members of Smoke and Mirror.
Nix felt a shiver run down his spine as if he was being stated at by a predator, meanwhile Vanta's instincts screamed at her to protect her new brother, only for her to suddenly feel lighter and find an empty outline effect of the cub she was holding a moment ago. Said cub was feeling the possibility of death by softness once again as his face was stuffed in a new chest and his bones creaked under the intense squeezing he was being submitted to.
"Now who's this little bundle of cuteness?" Robin asked as she nearly had hearts in her eyes.
"*sigh* That's Nix. He's what I want to talk about with everyone." Answered the boss as he looked at the poor kid.
"Give him back! You're hurting our new little brother!" Vanta shouted as she attempted to grab Nix back.
"No way. Look at his little cheeks and those sparkling eyes. He's just so cute!" The near shotacon answered while dodging her feline friend/little sister's grabbing attempts.
"Robin! You and Vanta are hurting the kid right now. Give him here." The strong voice of Mul ordered as he did not like the way the two of them were treating such a small child, appearing in the room with a much smaller blue haired girl sporting some grease smudges on her cheeks.
She looked quite young due to her cute face, her status as the shortest present when excluding Nix, her flat chest, short blue hair which half covered her azure blue eyes. The girl named Ocean was currently wearing some stained navy mechanic's overalls over a white t-shirt, some black work gloves and boots, topped off by high-tech looking goggles on top of her head. (Thinking kinda like a flat and short Rem who's a tech and mechanic.)
The mechanic girl was surprised to see such a small child, but found it funny to see the looks on her female associates faces when Mul took him from them.
"Awww" pouted Robin slightly.
"Now boss, since everyone's here can you explain what's going on with this little guy?" The large man asked as he carefully held the little cub in a position which made him lean against his biceps and chest without any trouble.
The topic did get the attention of the members of team [MROR] however.
"Alright, so here's what happened during the job…" the young boss started as he explained the previous chapters minus the first one. "And that's how we got Nix over here. The girls and Liam want to take the kid in since his situation is special, but I want to here what you all think before we make such a decision.
"I'm for it!" Robin immediately said with evident desire on her face as she looked at the little cub who's ears and tail were now on display to prove his status as a white tiger faunus.
"Hold your horses missy. Taking in the kid means we have to at least leave one member behind to take care of him unless we want to risk bringing him along. Plus caring for a child is much more difficult than you can think." Mul cautioned as he understood that keeping the child would mean restrictions and responsibilities.
"Although I do understand your worries Mul, I believe taking in young Nix would be beneficial in the long run and that if adult supervision is required, I would be willing to stay more frequently at my clinic." Liam countered as he believed that the advanced level of intelligence and strength Nix had demonstrated for his age indicated his potential as a huntsman in the future should they train him.
"I for one don't particularly mind as long as he's not noisy." Roman said as he calmly looked at the child and then Jasmine.
"Oh you don't have to worry, Nix is much better behaved than Jaz has ever been." Vanta reassured since she knew what Roman feared.
"What'd you say you mangy cat!?" An angry Jasmine shouted at the comment, even if she knew it was true.
"Not know Jasmine. And Vanta do not antagonize others during meetings." Mul sternly said as he was one of the only people the two actually listened to.
""My bad/tch"" The two female faunus said in unison as Vanta looked totally unapologetic and Jasmine turned away.
"Just don't let him touch my stuff and I don't mind. Don't want to him to hurt himself after all" Ocean answered since she had quite a few dangerous, incomplete or unstable things in her workshop.
"If that is what you all think, I have nothing more to say on the matter. It is not like I want to reject the child, I simply wanted you all to know the demerits first." Mul said as he looked down at the small child on his arm.
"I guess that's that then. No one against?" The boss casually asked as he looked at his group to confirm the unanimous decision. "So what do you say kiddo, want to stay here with us?"
"Umu!" The little cub seriously responded as he nodded his head.
"Then welcome to Smoke and Mirrors Nix." Son said with a gentle smile as he rubbed his head between his little tiger ears, getting a bright smile in return.
Extra notes:
Character names and colors:
-Son Mahog: His name references his Semblance and the color/tree Mahogany, linked to his reddish-brown hair. (He chose this name for reasons.)
-Vanta Katt: relative of Neon Katt but with the completely opposite idea for colors as her name references Vantablack, the blackest black we have so far.
-Jasmine Scarlatina: relative of Velvet, with the whiter hair represented by the white flower she's named after.
-Liam Evergreen: Pretty obvious for this one, lots of green. His name is actually what popped up in a RWBY name generator so Liam = Lime green.
-Mul Morus: The big man's first name comes from Mulberry and Morus which is part of the Mulberry tree's scientific name. Hence the Purpleness of his beard and eyes.
-Robin Rouge: Straightforward red bird with the French word for red.
-Roman Silva: what came out of the RWBY name generator for the color Roman Silver.
-Ocean Bell: Ocean = blue and Bell = Bluebell flowers.
Welcome to the crime center of Mistral. A place where Nix can grow away from Wizards and Immortals.
I think my decision to minimize Nix’s actions for now was the better choice. Showing that he’s smarter and stronger, while being cute was pretty much the plan so that he could get temporary shelter. Plus it would be off if the three year old could make logical and convincing arguments, so let the grown ups talk instead.
Anyway, gonna start him growing and add some minor time skips.
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