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FarmVille Jump Build

Origin: Farmer

Location: FarmVille

Age: 25


Agronomy (Free) – You specialize in agronomy, cultivation of plants for food, fuel and fiber. Just to

keep it simpler, this includes large-scale crop farming and includes farming of all types of plants, like various grains, vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Animal Husbandry (-100 CP) – Your specialization is raising and breeding animals, anything from livestock,

poultry and common pets to more exotic zoo and wildlife preserve animals, but nothing unique like various fantastical animals.

Aquaculture (-100 CP) – Farming on water includes farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants

and algae. It is now your specialization. Keep in mind that this doesn't include hunting wild specimens.

Crafting (-100 CP) – Instead of specializing in actual farming you specialize more in creating various things

from farming products, everything from cooking variety of foods out of ingredients, to making soaps and

perfumes from flowers, to brewing teas and creating beers and wines.

Magical Farming (-200 CP) – Dragons & unicorns? Pixieberries & dragon vine? If it's not clear, you've

decided to expand your farming to include plants and animals more at home in magical and fantasy worlds. Just hope that dragons don't decide that you'd make a tasty meal.

Builder (-200 CP) – You specialize in building various infrastructure needed on farms, from garages and

craft-shops to animal pens and storage silos.


Buy Menu & Express Delivery (free for Jumper) – As busy as you'll be with all of your farming tasks, it

doesn't seem like it would be good idea to waste additional time by traveling to various shops and

markets to buy things that you need. So you'll be getting this almost-magical buy menu, through which you can make necessary purchases for things for your farm and have them delivered to a place of your choice on any of your farms. Anything from seeds, animals to various types of equipment can be purchased with this.

Farming Community (free for Jumper) – Having good relations with your fellow farmers is a good idea, so this gives you access to the farming community to exchange ideas and knowledge and otherwise help each other. Even more, if you send a request for some basic equipment like building material or fertilizers and your farmer friend responds to help you, then both of you will magically receive that thing. Unfortunately this is limited only to one help request daily per friend and requests can't be for more than one item. You also can't ask your Companions for help with that.

Beekeeping (-100 CP) – Why not benefit a bit more from all these crops and trees you're growing? You're now a beekeeper and thanks to the beehive you've set up in the corner of your farm you're now producing honey as well. Who knows, bees are said to have a positive effect on farms, maybe they'll also bring you a bit of good luck that will result in a bigger harvest?

Geneticist (-100 CP) – In order to do some genetic engineering you've now become expert at genetics, knowing everything that needs to be known for you to start genetically enhancing plants and animals. Flowers will now have best-looking blooms, wood from trees will now have beautiful patterns, sheep wool will be extremely soft to touch and so on.

Horticulturist (free for Agronomy) – You are now expert at horticulture, knowing perfectly at what time certain crop has to be planter or harvested, what type of terrain is best for them, what sort of fertilizers to use and so on.

Know Your Animals (free for Animal Husbandry) – You are now expert at knowing animals, which helps you be great at caring for them, knowing everything from their dietary needs to their sleeping cycles.

Butcher (-100 CP, discount for Animal Husbandry) – Being expert on animals is all nice and good, but it won't help you when time for their butchering arrives. Butchers cost quite a bit, but fortunately for you, you're trained as one yourself, saving you both money and time.

It's All About Water ( free for Aquaculture) – Aquaculture requires its own set of knowledge, after all it has to do things quite a bit differently. Good thing then that you're expert in all of that, should make it a bit easier to set everything up.

Fisherman (-100 CP, discount for Aquaculture) – Sometimes cultivating things on your own just doesn't

work when it involves water animals and plants. After all, certain fishes need to live in large groups moving freely over large amounts of water out in wide open oceans, or large numbers of various species that need to live together in complex systems on reefs in order to survive and thrive. In cases like this going out and catching them on your own will be necessary, so it's great that you are a capable fisherman.

Building Expert ( free for Builder) – It would be a bit difficult to be a builder and not know anything about building and construction. Luckily, with this you're now knowledgeable in all necessary things to get your job done.

Crafting Speciality (free for Crafter) – You are an expert in one of the fields of crafting, be it cooking (generic no-specialization or regional specialization), wine-making, perfume creation, sewing or something similar.

(Chosen Field: Wine Making)

Potion-Maker (free for Magical Farming) – You are expert at creating various potions that help you with your farming, from unwithering potions that save your produce if you accidentally let your crops to wither, to fertility potions that make chances of your animals successfully breeding much higher.

Instantly Done (-200 CP, discount for Magical Farming) – Farming takes time and requires use of various equipment, but unfortunately all of this can also be pretty boring. Fortunately you can simply wave your hand and spend some mana to have various tasks on your farm completed instantly.

Insta-Grow (-400 CP, discount for Magical Farming) – All it takes is just a wave of your hand and appropriate amount of mana, but all of your crops immediately grow to harvestable stage and your animals to state for butchering.

Isolated Pond (-200 CP) – One of biggest problems with aquaculture is that isolating areas away from wildlife is practically impossible, especially from smaller critters. To complicate it even more due to it all being in medium things like herbicides can't be used either. Luckily you have this special ability to set around your farming area magical barrier that will keep out all of the unwanted things.

Built To Last (-200 CP) – You have special talent for creating buildings that last for as long as possible against various elements, anything from bad weather to earthquakes and human factors. Almost as if some sort of supernatural protection is extended to them because you built them.

Salesman (-200 CP) – You're now expert at selling your produce, which can be anything from raw crop harvests and animal meat to processed crafts like bread, perfumes and wine. You always manage to get the best price for your products and sell everything that you want to sell.

Veterinarian (-200 CP) – Just knowing the needs of animals you're raising sometimes won't be enough. Sometimes they'll catch diseases or get injuries, but getting access to a veterinarian each time takes time and also costs. Good thing then that you yourself are now a veterinarian thanks to this perk.

Gear and Buildings:+600 CP For This Section

Home Farm (free for Jumper) – Each Jumper starts with a square-shaped home farm, 140 meters x 140 meters of undeveloped land. You can set up things on it however you want, but keep in mind that you're limited to that size.

Additional Farms (special) – In Farmville the player receives a new farm every few weeks, so similar now holds true for you, but since you work on a different time-scale it won't happen so often. Every 3 months you will now receive a new farm, in different parts of the world, size of 100 meters x 100 meters. To keep it simpler for you, you can travel between your farms by teleporting that takes up to a few minutes. Each new farm will, unlike Home Farm, have a theme of its own and to avoid complications, you are permitted to select these themes on your own, either something based on one of the farms in the game itself or anything comparable to it.

Centerpiece Building (free on each farm) – What is that lying right next to your farm? This is a centerpiece building, but unfortunately for you only foundations have been laid down and you'll have to do rest on your own. You'll find a box that has notes on all you need to know how to complete it, including designs and instructions on how to make building materials. So you better get to work. As a bonus, once you complete first out of 10 stages you'll receive a daily reward from it that will appear inside the main room and will be even better with more completed stages. Anything from additional produce to crafting materials can appear, most likely what you'll find at least a little bit useful at that time.

Storage Cellar (-50 CP) – Space can be sometimes problematic on farms, so you've been gifted with this storage cellar in which you can store up to 100 individual items. Strangely enough each of those items takes exactly the same amount of storage inside the cellar, no matter what its actual size is. For additional 50 CP you can expand the storage limit of the cellar for additional 50 items, for up to 1250 items.

Alternatively, you can dig out that additional space in the cellar on your own, but that will take time and effort.

Each new farm starts with its own cellar.

Storage Silo (-50 CP) – Just like Storage Cellar you also need a place to store your produce and this Storage Silo is perfect for it. Starts out with enough space to store for up to 500 bushels of various produce. For 50 CP you can expand that storage limit for additional 250 bushels, for up to 2000 bushels.

Alternatively you can expand it during Jump by expanding it with additional building materials, even if

strangely enough it will only double in height after first expansion, simply getting magically bigger inside.

Starting Capital (first free for Jumper) – Running a farm costs money and until you can produce some harvest it will be a bit difficult to earn any, so here is some starting capital to help you on your way. $4.000.

Fences (-50 CP) – With purchase of this you get endless supply of fences to place on your farm and divide

it into several areas. They will be useful to protect your crops from grazing animals or your grazing animals

from wild predators.

Hay Bales (-50 CP) – Purchase of this gives you an endless supply of hay bales of various shapes and colours. Maybe you can use them to decorate your farms?

Fuel (-50 CP) – Getting any sort of vehicle means that you will need some fuel to run them. While you could purchase that fuel in the market for money you can instead purchase an endless supply of it here.

Fertilizer (-50 CP) – Good fertilizer can be sometimes difficult to find and even more difficult to purchase,

but luckily for you with purchase of this your farm will have an endless supply of fertilizer.

Crafts Shop (first free for Crafter) – Crafts Shop in which you can sell things that you've crafted. Comes with a workroom in the back where you actually work on your crafting. Pick whichever works best with skills that you have, anything from bakery to spa and winery is possible.

(Chosen Building: Winery)

Garage (-100 CP) – You can leave your various vehicles standing outside on your farm or you can instead

purchase garage for them, which while taking a bit of farm's space ensures that your vehicles are

protected against weather and animals.

Super Fertilizer (-100 CP) – Having endless supply of fertilizer is great, but even better is to have endless

supply of super fertilizer, which is so good for your crops that they give you double the amount of produce.

Animal Pen (-50 CP) – Purchase of this gives you an animal pen in which you can place up to 20 animals of selected type. You select its animal type by yourself and it can be anything as generalized wildlife and livestock to anything as specific as horses, cows, or deers. For additional 50 CP you can expand the holding space of your animal pen for an additional 20 animals, with max of expansions for up to 100 animals per pen.

Orchard (-50 CP, first free for Trees, others discounted) Purchase of this gives you an orchard in which you can plant up to 20 trees, bushes or vines.

Beehive (fist free for Beekeeping, others discounted) – Get your own hive of bees on your farm and enjoy the benefits that bees bring, like having your own honey. Some even say that bees bring good luck to farmers that take good care of them.

Box of Building Materials ( first free for Builder, others discounted) – Magical box containing enough building materials for building one specific building, which you'll have to state loudly before opening the box. Refills each month.

Packet of Potions (Free) – Packet of 20 magical potions of varying uses, including insta-grow potions, unwither potions and animal fertility potions. Refills each month.

Animal Feed (-200 CP) – Endless supply of animal feed to feed your animals.

Tractor ( first free for Horticulture and Aquaculture, others discounted): – Instead of doing all the work by hand, why not use some farming vehicles to do it for you? Tractor to plow plots, seeder to seed or plant crops and harvester to harvest them. Modified versions for use in water can

also be purchased.

Shipping License (-600 CP) – For some reason transportation of items, animals and trees between your

farms are normally forbidden, but with help of this shipping license you can now do it freely.


Golden Shovels & Hanging Gardens (+400) You've been given this annoying quest of clearing out Hanging Gardens. Doesn't sound like that troublesome? It is because you can use only Golden Shovels to do it and they will magically appear in your storage only if you perform a variety of tasks on your farm. These tasks aren't any specific, so just by doing your standard farming you'll be gathering them, but perhaps you should try to figure out if some actions give more shovels? Either way it will take quite some time before you manage to clear out these Hanging Gardens although if you succeed you can add them to your farms and use them for farming, getting 160 meters x 160 meters of additional available space.

Unhelpful Neighbours (+300 CP) – Turns out that your neighbours are extremely unfriendly and unhelpful, never accepting any of your help requests and thus slowing down your work due to lack of equipment.

Quests (+400 CP) – You've gotten caught in endless loop of quests and missions that you have to complete

while working on your own farming plan. These quests involve cultivating specific plants and animals,

crafting specific crafts and so on, luckily geared towards specializations you have. Unfortunately they

appear to be extremely repetitive and as added annoyance you don't get any sort of break before you

receive next quest after finish previous. Even worse is that they're all on time limit.

Holiday Insanity (+300 CP) – Whenever some big holiday like Halloween, Christmas or Easter comes up it seems that everybody goes insanely crazy about it, with markets suddenly getting overflowed with thematically-appropriate products, holiday music playing on radios, everybody wanting you to cultivate thematically appropriate plants and animals and make thematically appropriate crafts, and so on. First few times you won't even mind that much but by end of Jump you'll be ready to start pulling out your hair whenever some big holiday starts nearing.

Pen Escapes (+400 CP) – Seems like your animal pens have a bit of a leaking issue, with animals managing

to randomly escape for them. For 100 CP this is minor annoyance as few individual animals escape every

so often, but can be caught pretty easily and damage to pens repaired.

Unwanted Critters (+300CP) – Looks like your farm is experiencing waves of unwanted critters, anything

from gophers and mice to deer and foxes, helping with your hard work and merrily eating your crops, fruits and animals. For 100 CP this is mere annoyance, few individual animals that can be caught and problem solved more or less, although they will eventually get replaced by new critters. For 200 CP you have to actively work on preventing them from causing trouble, with things like fences and traps helping. For 300 CP you'll need to figure out something more serious or the entire herd of deer will eat your crops while you try dealing with foxes and weasels attacking chickens in your coop. Luckily none of these are really that dangerous for you, at most just scratching you.

Dangerous Wildlife (+400 CP, requires Unwanted Critters) – Looks like wildlife has turned even more dangerous, besides annoying unwanted critters you now also have to watch out for more dangerous animals that will be pretty happy with turning you into their next meal. Scales along with Unwanted Critters, so be careful how you combine both of these.

Total CP: 3,900 CP

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