"Zhang Qin once said that Dr. Wang solved a similar situation as soon as he arrived at Wanmin Village,"
Chen Fei was already feeling a bit irritated, so he said impatiently, "I trust Dr. Wang, everyone stop arguing, be quiet, don't disturb Dr. Wang."
Dr. Wang used his unique Secret Techniques to treat illnesses, which were different from the conventional methods.
This time he also checked Zhang Yue's condition and found it to be more severe than Zhang Nan's. He hurried to transfer his Inner Strength to her to help her recover her strength.
If Zhang Yue were to lose strength, even if the child were saved, she would have passed away.
Zhang Qin and the old lady, prompted by Wang Xiaoshuai, supported Zhang Yue, to make it easier for Wang Xiaoshuai to further examine her.
Zhang Yue was hovering at the edge of life and death.