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39.71% Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group! / Chapter 80: Chapter 78 ~ Code Geass

Capítulo 80: Chapter 78 ~ Code Geass


World: [Code Geass]


Achieve Victory in the Battle of Narita.

Protect C.C from Geass User, Mao.

Protect the Life of the Britannian Princess, Euphemia Li Britannia.

Defeat the Britannian Knightmare, Lancelot and its Pilot, Kururugi Suzaku using the Knightmare Frame from the Multiverse Chat Group.

Defeat the Purists Faction in Battle.

Liberate Japan from the Current Oppressive Britannian Government.

Number of Participants: 3

Supporting Items:


Knightmare Frame


Enrollment in the Ashford Academy

Identifications and Background history


Starting Money: Equivalent to 60% of the owner's current wealth.

Failure Condition(s):

Lost in the Battle of Narita.

Mao manages to capture C.C.

Death of Euphemia Li Britannia.

Defeated by Lancelot and its Pilot, Kururugi Suzaku, 3 times.

Defeated by the Purist Faction in Battle.

Current Oppressive Britannian Government stays in Japan for more than 1 year after the start of the mission.

Rewards upon completion:

All supporting items will be permanently available to participants upon successful completion of the quest.

Full control over Geass.

10+1 pull ticket from the Gacha

Group Chat Points equal to 1000 x the number of missions completed.

Penalties upon failure:

All supporting items will be removed from participants upon failure to complete the missions.

Group Chat Points equal to 1000 x the number of missions failed will be deducted from participants. If points owned are less than points deducted, the points owned will be 0.


Kiryu Aika: "Eh? Another mission?!"

Shiba Tatsuya: "I didn't expect one to arrive so quickly. And it's…"

Lelouch Lamperouge: "It's in my world, huh…?"

Yuuji looked at his phone with widened eyes. It has been barely a week before the last mission for him.

Moreover, it was in Lelouch's world where both the politics and the wars were equally brutal…

Suzuki Satoru: "This is very sudden… Yuuji-kun, Tatsuya-kun, and Aika-san had just finished a mission around a week ago. And a new mission has come again…"

Chiba Erika: "Code Geass… Ah, I think Aika and Yuuji showed it to me. It's… a pretty tough world. Especially with Geass users running around like that…"

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "Lelouch, the first mission is to achieve victory in the battle of Narita. Does that mean you're close to that battle?"

Lelouch Lamperouge: "I am. I've been preparing for this battle for quite some time. And before that, I also have to prevent Shirley's father from joining this battle."

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "I see…"

Silence fell upon the group chat as they read through the mission details more closely.

The world of Code Geass was a complex one, riddled with harsh, ruthless, and complicated politics between nations as well as equally harsh and ruthless wars waged on every front. And in the midst of this chaos, hidden by great powers, was the absolute power of Geass.

A supernatural power that can be bestowed upon others and manifests differently in each individual, possibly related to their inner desire and personality. It is said to be a power born from the collective consciousness of all humans, past, present, and future, and thus, capable of controlling the consciousness of humans in the present.

But, it wasn't without a cost.

The strength of a Geass grows with each use, and should their will be lacking, they would be consumed by it, affecting themselves and everyone around them.

Yuuji recalled the two people who suffered from the cost; Mao and Lelouch, himself. Mao was unable to control it and his Geass of mind reading became activated permanently, filling his mind with countless voices from the minds of people around him.

While Lelouch… he lost control of his geass during his conversation with Euphemia which led to her… death.

The scene of Lelouch shooting Euphemia dead was still fresh in his mind. And Yuuji vowed not to let the real Lelouch, his friend, suffer from the same fate.

Lelouch Lamperouge: "Achieving victory in the battle of Narita, defeating the purist faction in battle, as well as defeating Lancelot and Suzaku can all be done in the upcoming battle of Narita. Though, I'm quite curious what kind of Knightmare Frame we'll receive that we'll need to defeat Suzaku with.

If it's not a powerful one, then we'll need an extremely skilled pilot that surpassed Kallen."

Shiba Tatsuya: "It would be difficult. After all, none of us here have any experience piloting a Knightmare Frame aside from you, Lelouch. And seeing your skills from the anime…"

Lelouch Lamperouge: "Alright, you've made your point, Tatsuya. So we'll need someone with an extremely fast learning speed. Such as Yuuji or Aika. Perhaps even Satoru-san as well, since you might be able to copy Suzaku's skills with your SSR."

Suzuki Satoru: "Eh?! There's no way I can do that?! I don't have a fast enough reaction! Even if I can copy his skills, I won't be able to use it properly!"

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "Well, we can discuss who will go later. Lelouch, what about the other missions?"

Lelouch Lamperouge: "For Mao's mission, I suggest that only the ones who have SSRs or Powers that would protect them against his Geass should be involved. He has a Geass that can read minds, even deeper ones if he concentrates on you, and we have secrets we do not want him to know."

Chiba Erika: "Right, that creepy guy seemed like a hassle to deal with. Well, I have magic resistance in my oni form, but I don't think that'll pass in a non-fantasy world."

Kiryuu Aika: "Same. I have magic resistance, but not anything specific against mind reading. Maybe with the Great Sage, but I can't know for sure."

Suzuki Satoru: "I-I'm the same as well. Perhaps in my "Momonga" form, but I'm still human, and I doubt it'll do having a large skeleton walk around in a world of humans…"

Shiba Tatsuya: "I have nothing specific against mind reading abilities as well, though perhaps Yuuji has."

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "Yes, I have immunity to spells and magic that affects the mind. Let's just hope a Geass also counts as a spell or magic effect."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "I see. Then in the worst case, I'll deal with him on my own. My [Archivist of Universal Knowledge] protects me against mind-affecting spells, so I will be fine."

Kiryuu Aika: "Lelouch! This one mission you must absolutely complete! You need to save Euphie!!!"

No message from Lelouch came immediately. And it was only after a few moments that it came.

Lelouch Lamperouge: "I know. I will not make the same mistake. I've taken precautions for when my Geass goes out of control."

Kiryuu Aika: "You better!"

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "I agree. And, her existence would be important if we want to clear the last mission quickly."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "Liberate Japan from the current oppressive Britannia Government… You're right. Without Euphie, this would be a much harder task…"

Euphemia's death, which triggered the Black Rebellion that ultimately failed… If she were to die, then Lelouch would need to liberate Japan from the oppressive Britannia Government the hard way if he wanted to complete the mission.

Lelouch Lamperouge: "But I will not fail, this time…"

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "That's right. You have powers from the Group Chat and us as your allies. It will be different from the anime."

Chiba Erika: "So? Who will be going on the mission?"

Shiba Tatsuya: "I leave it to Lelouch. It is your world and you are our best strategist. You pick who you think will help you the most."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "Very well."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "First, I would like for Yuuji to join. He is objectively the most powerful in the group and the one with the most potential to become a skilled Knightmare Frame pilot thanks to his accelerated learning speed."

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "Thank you. I'll do my best."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "Then, I would also like for Tatsuya to join. His engineering skills would be a tremendous help for us, who still lacks a knightmare frame engineer and developer. In addition, his magic and skills will also be extremely useful in battles."

Shiba Tatsuya: "It's an honor. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "For the last member, I would like for the rest to choose for themselves."

Kiryuu Aika: "Hm… I'll past for now. I don't think I'm up for even more action than I'm already dealing with now with the devils and fallen angels around me…"

Chiba Erika: "I'll… also pass on this one. I don't think my skills and my SSR would do much here. I don't think I can beat a knightmare frame unless I'm in my ONI state, which is impossible to do out in the open. At most, I can just be someone's body guard."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "I see. I understand. Then, Satoru-san. What do you think?"

Suzuki Satoru: "E-Eh?! M-Me?! I-I don't think I'm suited for this mission!"

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "Perhaps. But Satoru-san, don't you want to… experience the world. The world that hadn't been contaminated by pollution…?"

Satoru immediately went silent.

Sitting on his bed in the dimly lit bedroom of his small apartment, Satoru looked towards the window.

No, it wasn't a window. It was simply an indented part of the wall that used to be a window, but had since been sealed airtight by metal as to not let the toxic pollution enter the building.

Then he recalled the beautiful outside world… or rather, the beautiful sky and outside world his friend, Blue Planet, had created on the sixth floor of the Underground Tomb of Nazrick; his precious home that was built by him and his precious friends.

This… was the chance for him to experience it in real life…

His heart thumped, louder than it had been in quite a while

His chest was slowly filled with excitement, happiness, and anticipation. Something he had almost forgotten from all the days, months, and years of monotonous and endless suffering called "Work" and the sadness and depression he experienced with each departure of his friends from the game they called home.

He wanted to experience it.

He wanted to breathe in clean air, feel the refreshing breeze against his skin, and see the beautiful world without a filter mask with his own eyes.

And thus, what hesitation was left before, was now gone.

Suzuki Satoru: "I-I understand… I don't know if I can help much, but I will do my best…!"

Lelouch Lamperouge: "That decides it. Then, let's start preparing. We'll reconvene tomorrow."

The three men who would be joining the mission all answered in agreement, and began their own preparations for the mission.


Yuuji spent the night packing some clothing and a few necessities as he would if he were to go stay overnight at a friend's place. At least… He imagined these were the things one would bring if they were to go since he had never gone himself.

He also told Alice and Aria about the mission and that he's going to bring both of them with him.

"It's dangerous, so you need to be careful, okay? Just like usual, always stay with me, okay? Don't roam around. Be good girls."

Alice jumped up and down in excitement, an equivalent to a little girl nodding excitedly. While Aria obediently rolled forward and back, nodding seriously after listening to his words.

"Good. Other than that, you can enjoy yourselves. This would be your first time in another world, after all."

Yuuji struck both slimes softly with his hands, and the two cuties nuzzled back, pressing their gelatinous, smooth bodies against him.

"Alright. Let's go to sleep."

Yuuji laid down on his bed, and the two slimes immediately claimed their spots on either side of his neck before going to sleep.

The next day, Yuuji went to school as usual. And after school, Yuuji immediately returned home with Yuna and Nina after apologizing to Yotsuba for not being able to come and tutor them today.

He helped Mira with dinner, and after the entire family ate together, Yuuji announced that he had two things to tell them.

"Is this why you didn't tutor the quintuplets today, Yuuji?"

Nina guessed, and Yuuji nodded with a soft smile to his sharp sister.


"So? What is it? Is it related to you… magical group?"

Aika crossed her arms, consequently propping her voluminous chest upwards though she didn't intend for it, and looked at him questioningly.

Hearing her term for the Multiverse Group Chat, Yuuji smiled helpless, unable to deny it.

"Yes. First, I'd like to give you a copy of the Multiverse Messaging App that I made."

"...The what?"

Yuuji then explained about his newest creation, and with each feature he listed and explained, their eyes became increasingly wider and wider.

"I-I-Is this… real?"

Nina asked, her eyes still not leaving Yuuji's phone, which had the app opened, that he had put on the table, just like the others.

"Yes. With it, you can talk with my girlfriends, Aika, Erika, and Mayumi, as well as the friends I made after joining the Group Chat."

The mention of Yuuji's girlfriends caused Yuna, Nina, and Aika to flinch for a moment, still unable to accept fully that the man they've been secretly in love with already had not one, but three girlfriends before they knew it.

While Mira, who had long since accepted and even encouraged it, was all smiles.

"Oh my~ I'm so excited to be able to talk to my future daughter-in-laws~"

And sister wives~

She added in her mind as she winked teasingly at Yuuji.

"U-Uhn… That's certainly interesting…"

"I'm still having a hard time believing that… characters from an anime in our world actually exist in another world, and that we can contact them…"

"... Seriously. If you hadn't shown me all that magic, then I would've thought you've gone crazy, Yuuji."

Aika held her forehead with her hand and shook her head tiredly.

"Ahahaha, I'm sure you will. But, it's real. You can try talking to Aika, Erika, or Mayumi later."


There was still a slight hesitation in Aika's eyes, but her curiosity and interest slowly replaced all notions of suspicion, disbelief, and hesitation, just like Yuna and Nina.

"But before you do, there's one more thing I need to tell you."

"Hm? What is it?"

Yuuji looked all of them in the eyes and announced…

"I will be going on a mission again."

Silence fell as they all widened their eyes at once in shock.

"Mission… So you're going to another world, again?"

"Yuu-kun, does that mean you're going to be gone for a long time?!"

"Mm. I will be going to Lelouch's world, Code Geass. And no, Yuna. For you, it will be an instant. Though, it might take a few months for me."

A mix of relief and sadness appeared in Yuna's expression. On one hand, she was relieved that it wouldn't be long for her. On the other hand, it will be very long for Yuuji.

"Code Geass… I think I've seen it before. I recalled it's… a pretty dangerous world."

Nina frowned and looked at Yuuji with a face of worry, anxious, and slight anger. Through her eyes alone, she successfully conveyed her intention of telling Yuuji not to go to such a dangerous world.

But Yuuji simply smiled soflty, walked up to her, and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Don't worry, Nina. I'm strong, and I have a lot of dependable friends to help me. It will be fine, and I will return to you unharmed."


She clenched her teeth and curled her hands into a fist. She still didn't want Yuuji to go, but knowing him and after hearing what he said, she knew he wouldn't back down.

"...Promise me you'll be careful."

"I will."

"Have you prepared? If it's a dangerous world like Nina said, then you better have something planned."

Aika asked with a harsh and strict voice born from worry, care, and love for him.

"I am. Lelouch is a genius strategist, and we all have… powers beyond what that world could go against. In the worst case, we could simply use a more forceful means to accomplish our goal."

"I see…"

Mira then walked towards him as he separated from Nina, and pulled him into her embrace.

"Be careful. Don't be careless. And promise me, you'll be safe."

"I will."

Yuuji returned Mira's embrace twofold, and after hugging Yuna, Aika, and Nina once again, he returned to his room with the girls watching his figure recede with worry.

EclypseX EclypseX

AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at ~!!

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