Says that Rick was shocked to see two more boys in Ezra's group one pretty much wrecked but he didn't ask anything he had enough problems.
Rick Glen T-Dog and Deryl go into the truck as Ezra Shiro Kamil and Blake get into the Humvee and go on the road to camp sun starts going down anyway.
Camp Pov
Ezra's troops were engrossed in simple activities as four men were on watch standing or sitting on truck while the rest were gathered around the campfire eating and talking.
Nico was seen smiling talking with others and laughing his resolve solidifying in being here as he now knew he was really accepted even when the leader of them is not around
this people just don't care about your past or what you did in it they are seeing you from their own eyes and judge you with time they experience with you that was really nice.
He also starts knowing more and more about them especially the leader as all of them have really good views on him.
A good atmosphere broke screams from Rick's camp. Everyone stood up taking their gear and going to defensive positions. Before their eyes, they saw chaos as
people were screaming running, and shooting between people could be seen zombies and even some vrights. Stray bullets even pass around people in Zack's camp.
"Fuck. Fire only when you are sure to hit also keep watch around vraights can't sneak on us as they do on them" Said Kalan between shooting his AK
"High grass from the lake side !!!" Scream of a mercenary stationed on truck rang out followed by more shots
Nico with two other mercs ran to that said and saw already running from grass vraights less than 200 meters from them. There were more than 30 of them.
Fire from four guns caused some damage but Nico knew they will reach them anyway. He saw as his bullets hit one of them in the chest and throat he ran by next 10 meters before falling.
The next bullet hit the head of the other one but it was not an easy fit to hit them in the head as they were fast and moved chaotically their body when running they must learn from other encounters with guns.
It took a minute for them to reach defensive positions and start jumping on or crawling beneath the cars as Nico and the other Mercs started moving back still shooting one of them launched
himself at Nico and made them fall. Fall made him lose his gun so he started pushing with his hands to make some space. Vraight sitting on him raised up and prepared to slam his arms at the boy body with brute strength that for sure would break some bones. Nico with panic raised one arm to shield himself and with the other took out one of his knives though he knew that from this position he couldn't go for head or throat to give instant death so he vill get smashed anyway but he was ready for death only what he regrets he will don't have chance to live longer when he finally found family. Smille showed on his face at the memorys of these people who taken him it was one day and it already was more best moment he ever had.
With determination he goes for a stab but at this moment vraight gets smashed back throwing its body completely from the boy blood splashed on his upper clothes and face.
Nico looked back seeing Kaleb with a smoking maw of his shotgun who gave him a quick glance and started firing again. Nico knew it wasn't time to talk so he took his drooped gun and looked for another target. Then he saw Merc shooting his MP5 when one of vraights jumped on the car and grabbed him from behind wanting to sing his teeth in man's neck.
Nicko Shot three bullets with the most accuracy he could in how little time he had was he scared of killing man? Yes but if he don't give it a try man was dead anyway. Three bullets fly two of them hit the Vraight in the left shoulder blade and the second in the jaw making it thrown slightly back with an inhuman scream third bullet hit the man in the shoulder making him fall on the ass with back on the car. Another defender saw it and after ending his opponent with the last bullets of his MP5 took out his pistol and sent bullets into vraight that started getting up killing it and moving to his companion checking wounds when wounded holding with unafected arm pistol for cover.
It took the next 3 minutes to things calm down in their camp. Nico looked around seeing Natasha
Kaleb and Kalen look around giving orders to some of Mercs moving and giving one tap to any vraight that doesn't have a clear death shot. At the end camp don't go unscratched two man has broken arm one whom Nico shot and one dead.....
Yes man that was on the truck died witness said he saw how he got grabbed by the ankle by one of vraights and thrown down from the top of the track on the ground. Instantly vraights lunged at him. man didn't go down without a fight even when fall made him lose breath and broke the arm with one hand he got out a pistol and started shooting at enemies killing one of them and heavily injuring another but a third grabbed a gun and bite man in the throat even then man angled his hand and shot the last bullet throw his skull.
When bleeding out he said the last words heard by his comrade that finally made it to him
"I die.... proud...with...glory.....Vallhala" Man died with smile on his face as his companion closed his eyes and returned to battle.
That was what happened to this brave man also he was the one who saw Vraights and alert camp he was a hero of the night. Also, Nico saved one man that made Kaleb smile, and said to him that they are even because they are family and saving his brother is even more than saving his own life. Nico feel good from pride from being prised for good work but also sad his family lost one member but this is a reality of the new world.
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