This battle is a battle of will.
But this battle is also decided even earlier.
Strength is not enough, the body is weak, the young against the old, an ambitious conqueror and a person whose ambition is simple, maybe from the beginning the ending of this battle has been written in the star.
The spear is cut into two.
Without breaking stride, Aeryon swung his sword, in a great arc, the edges of the sword singing as it sliced through the air.
It was the last moment. It is the last breath. And in that moment, that only Yanlan would know, he could feel the power of this sword move.
The sword in Aeryon hand moved, as if it is being wielded at all, but rather a force of nature acting naturally.
Like a soft breeze that stirred the grass beneath their horses, the sword blade swaying gently, silently.
The battle is over. the North forward area is caught, now as long the west is cpatured, Aeryon could watch the situation of the world and store grains and wait for the changes of the world.
check my book Last Broadcast
My name there is Keikoku Mars
Last Broadcast Kindle Edition
by Keikoku Mars (Author)
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