At that time, the ten men is already on the top of the hill waiting.
They disappeared into the rocks
They follow Mukhulai toward the area. And Mukhulai objective was fulfilled.
He actually split his men into two group.
The first group hidden among the rock waited until the bandits were in range.
The moment they appeared, Mukhulai gives them a whistling signal.
His whistle break through the sound of the hooves and before the bandits could even try to make sensed of what is happening, they were rained down by arrows.
Appearing where you are not expected. Mukhulai rely on his bravery to lure the enemy, the enemy cooperated like an idiot and got rain of arrows
Fifty horsemen were thrown into chaos and confusion.
That is the task of the first group.
But what about the second group?
Five men using arrows could not shoot fifty men and kills them almost instantly.
Then it relies on bravery and the desire to win.
Mukhulai and Burchu. If you have guessed it by now, these two would play quite an important role. Mukhulai is actually modeled based on one of Genghis Khan victroisu general. Guess who?