/ LGBT+ / Vicious Young Miss Is Lesbian, And Wants Me?

Vicious Young Miss Is Lesbian, And Wants Me? Original

Vicious Young Miss Is Lesbian, And Wants Me?

LGBT+ 115 Capítulos 1.5M Modos de exibição
Autor: vurse

4.58 (20 Avaliações)

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[ Volume 2 Is Officially Starting! ]

Song Liya, the female lead of the novel. She was a
vicious young miss who never backed down, she often got whatever she wanted. No one dared to argue with her or even look her in the eyes, she was that scary to them.

"Why are you looking at me? Get to work!”


“There is one less rice in this bowl! Remake this!"

“Right away!”

Then there is Yu Yingyi, she is the cannon fodder of this novel. She was often bullied by the male lead and mistreated by everyone else. Even the female lead would yell at her time to time, but she never cared about her due to her being a cannon fodder.

Then there's Yu Xuan, she was girl who was reading the novel. She skipped through all of the contents and read the ending without reading the earlier chapters. Suddenly, she was transmigrated into the novel, not as the female lead or anyone important.

She became Yu Yingyi, the cannon fodder in this novel.



Keep in mind, not everything will go the way you think will go, vurses' novels' will always contain unexpected events.

[Writing Goals]

200 votes = 1 Bonus Chapters
400 votes = 2 Bonus Chapters
600 votes = 3 Bonus Chapter
top 50 = 4 Bonus Chapters
Top 30 = 5 Bonus Chapter
top 20 = 6 bonus Chapter
top 15 = 7 Bonus Chapter
top 10 = 3 Bonus Chapter

[Bonus Chapters Will Be Released On Sunday]

  1. Cram_In_A_Jar
    Cram_In_A_Jar Contribuído 2348
  2. adrie2018
    adrie2018 Contribuído 2211
  3. Joey_Usherwood_4662
    Joey_Usherwood_4662 Contribuído 1560


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    • Qualidade de Escrita
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    • Antecedentes do mundo

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    I will be writing a review here today as well! Short story below! Vlad Dracula was also known as Vlad Tepes, Tepes meaning "Impaler" cause, well, that is what he did. The Turks were very frightened of him, calling him "Kazıklı Voyvoda" ("The Impaler Prince"), and mounted his head on the walls of Istanbul, to assure people that he was really dead. Consider the fact this man saw the Turks invading his land, turned to the Turkish prisoners and said 'Well, they aren't doing anything', and created a forest of roughly 30,000 impaled Turkish soldiers. In addition, the name 'Dracula' is derived from dracul, the old Romanian word for dragon. Vlad's father was a knight of the Order of the Dragon, and so Vlad's name means 'son of the dragon'. That's so awesome that if it wasn't true, someone would've had to make it up. Dracul can also mean devil, which also makes it appropriate for anyone who could scare away the Turkish army — and for the demonic imagery Bram Stoker used in his novel several centuries later. His greatest accomplishment, for which the people of modern-day Romania still revere him, was to keep his small, not particularly wealthy or powerful country independent while it was pretty much the front line of a generational war between two powerful civilizations (largely Christian Europe and the largely Muslim Ottoman Empire). Few rulers could have managed that, no matter how clever or how insanely brutal. His ex-Janissary compatriot and co-rebel Scanderbeg got the name that means Lord Alexander, third greatest fighter of the Balkans after Alexander the Great and Pyrrhus, by the Turks. Another associate of Vlad Dracula was János Hunyadi, a Hungarian military figure known as "The White Knight of Wallachia". Even his son was given the name "Corvinus", making his complete name "Matthias the Raven". In Hungary, Hunyadi is known to this day as "Törökverő" (Defeater of Turks), a moniker he gained after turning the tides of the seemingly hopeless Siege of Belgrade and defeated the much more numerous Ottoman army. His son, the aforementioned Matthias Corvinus, who ruled Hungary for several decades, got dubbed "Igazságos Mátyás király" (Righteous King Matthias) after his death, and became reimagined as a folk hero who walks among his people in disguise to put uppity noblemen in their place. In his life, he was actually rather disliked for his harsh taxation of his people to support his numerous military campaigns.

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    I’m hyped just by the title, can’t wait.

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    So, like much to be found on this site, the novel is subpar in every standard beside updating stability. I would not recommend reading this novel. It is not offensive, but a very disappointing execution of a very good concept. There are many more novels that are better than this. The overall the concept was very good. A viscous young lady of the imperial family goes after the reincarnated female MC. But the execution of the concept leaves much to be wanted. 3/5 Writing Quality: The writing quality was barely acceptable. It was easy to read with no horrendous grammatical or spelling errors. From a technical standpoint it was average at best. It looked like a grade 8 or 9 wrote it. 4/5 Updating Stability: I wasn’t able to watch the author updates it as they were reading it. In other words I have just read it this hour. Looking at the chapter list it looks like they update it every day, taking weekends for a break. Though this past month or two the updating wasn’t stable. I’m assuming it was because of the holidays so that’s why it is 4/5 instead of 3/5. 2/5 Story Development: The development of the story was very fast paced. The prologue was only 2 chapters. Which may not be a bad thing, but it could have taken 5-10 chapters and had been decently paced. Within the first 2 chapters the first climax was reached. What should’ve taken an entire arc took 2 chapters. That is a very disappointing occurrence. 2/5 Character Design: The design of each character is described in no more than 3 sentences total. For the MC, if the prologue was expanded to about 5-10 chapters instead of 2, we could have had a much more in-depth understanding of the MC before the reincarnation. The “vicious young miss” was only described in those words, we did not have anything to show us how viscous she was. We didn’t have any details about any characters appearance besides “beautiful”. Extremely disappointing to know nothing about any character, let alone the 2 main characters. 2/5 World Background: Again, if the prologue was expanded to 5-10 chapters, we could have had a much better understanding of the novel before anything was changed due to the MC. We were not given a single description about the setting (world, continents, empires, etc...) in any form. This could’ve been explained to us in the first few chapters of the reincarnation. Giving us an overview of the empire they were in, then a slightly more descriptive explanation of the city the MC lives on would have been a exponentially better introduction than the MC “waking up” and greeting the mother who we know nothing about. 1/10 Overall Review: This work leads much to be wanted. The concept, like most, could’ve been very interesting and enticing if the author had any form of competence above a year 9 writing in the middle of mathematics class because of boredom.

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    Another Review here! this is a great story! worth reading! has great romance! and excellent female leads. also where is everybody? come back!!!!!

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    My third? review on this? it's a great story for now! anyway the short story below! enjoy! 👇 Charles "Mad Major" Carpenter was originally brought in to World War II as a scout pilot for an artillery detachment, a task at which he excelled. At one point he was attached to a small tank/infantry platoon for artillery support, but they encountered Germans pinning down a grossly outnumbered Allied infantry squad. When the tank commander waffled about engaging, Carpenter leapt onto the gun and began firing on Germans, encouraging the rest of the platoon to attack. In spite of the rousing success and rescue of the beleaguered squad, he was nearly court-martialed for violation of the chain of command. Returned to scout plane pilot duty, he grew frustrated with the fact that he could not directly engage the Germans in his tiny unarmed spotter plane... whereupon he had bazookas installed on the sides of his plane to go tank-hunting. Other pilots thought his plan was risky and suicidal, and they were right—the few other pilots who tried this either died in the attempt or swore off it after one or two such sorties. Carpenter continued regardless, and he succeeded, being officially credited with six Panzer and armored vehicle kills and unofficially claiming many more. His only motivation for such fearless feats seemed to be fighting Germans—the moment the war was over and Germany capitulated, he went returned to his pre-war life as a history teacher.

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    Second time rating dis book. Love it🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😌 I've recommended it to some of my friends, rather I have gifted it

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    ------------------------------------------------------------Really great keep going ! -----------------------------------------------------------

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    I like the story so far. the progress is not too fast neither slow. the character is good on how simple the name that not having reader confuse in name and it great !! I love it!!

    Ver 0 Respostas

    The progress of the story is good since it's not to fast nor to slow...i like it!!The character also great since it's name not to long also simple ....

    Ver 1 Respostas

    For now the story is starting just fine! Short Story below! 👇 Two nuclear submarines carrying nuclear missiles hiding at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, one British and one French, collide underwater (no crew casualties). Also qualifies as a Crowning Moment of Incredibly Bad Luck. No bad luck there, really. Submarines are, by design, supposed to go through the water undetected. Technically these two worked perfectly! That could be the start of a Monty Python sketch.

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    I love this book helps me relieve stress everyday chapter by chapter. Sending Lots of love to the author 💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕it's definitely a must read🥰

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    Another review here! Humans have very impressive jaw strength compared to many animals, comparable to most attack dogs in terms of pounds per square inch exerted. And yet, only in the direct bite - human jaws are quite feeble otherwise. A German Shepherd died after attacking a slightly intoxicated man on a street in Ukraine. The cause? The man tore out the dog's throat. With his teeth! What a GOAT.

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    The author goes premium at chapter 50, then after chapter 113 a year of silence, a single chapter another year of silence. Very bad!!! I feel sorry for those who donated money for a story that will never be finished. The worst thing is that it has become common practice...

    Ver 0 Respostas
    LV 11 Badge

    I got hooked up to it. it's good spicy and make me warm inside because of their relationship I like the relationship between them but I got bored at chapter 98 to 114 I don't know why maybe because I want to read more two couples haha but I'll continue reading this and wait for another update❤️❤️

    Ver 1 Respostas

    hikoyani davomi borligidan judayam xursand man ijodingizga omad. siz dan bir iltimosim bor edi kitobni yuklab olsa bo'ladimi menga judayam yoqib qoldi to'g'risi kitob o'qish menga yoqmaydi birinchi marta qaysi dir kitobni sevib o'qishim iltimos.

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    Very good I'm loving the book so far (I write stuff like this in school to) anyway very good I think all lesbian/LGBTQ people will like this book. I love it so much I read it at night and during school!

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    Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading.

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    Autor vurse