In the Southwest Region of Yundian Province, there is a desolate old forest rarely visited by humans. Yet hidden deep within it lies a small settlement called Hei Luo Stockade, where no family name other than Hao exists, and the residents still adhere to the clan-based social system.
Due to the influence of its terrain, Hei Luo Stockade has been isolated from the world, naive and wild, seemingly unaffected by the changes of the outside world. To this day, only traces of early 20th-century civilization are evident; naturally, there is no electricity. The main livelihood remains farming for men, weaving for women, supplemented with hunting and gathering.
However, at the end of the last century, a young man from the stockade, yearning to see the outside world, snuck out at night against the strong opposition of his kin, and from that point on, there was no further news of him.
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