Domain looked at her wall clock, it was already past midnight meaning that marked another day of Sebastian's silence.
'I have to find him first thing when I wake up.' She yawned and fell on the bed reserved for Seb and his so-called friends. The lively chatter of birds like an alarm reminded her of her mission.
Seb had stayed for quite some time and so she had nothing left in the fridge. She walked out of the homestead Seb's hat covering her head.
Meanwhile, Bestow was enraged by Sebastian's absence. She had to find him at all costs. How was she supposed to tell her friends that she was some discarded goods used and left by a man?
She rated herself too pretty for that. Moving from side to side, an idea crossed her mind. She held her head angrily, she tried hooking him up pretending to be pregnant when she wasn't and now she would lie to him that she had a miscarriage of their baby.
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