Frisk continue with thier journey. they saw a pile of mushy snow... And a stand with a dog face on it and a sign beside the stand... And inside of the stand is a box of pomeraisins... And the sign says
please pet dog"
They continue on their way and they have finded thierself at another X O puzzle, They did it within 6 tries When he was going to the switch he fell to where it seemed to have a papyrus flexing snow man well, skeleton and a lazy pile of snow... man? That just says Sans... They goes back to the X O puzzle then go to the switch and continuing... "There's a lot of trees here..." Frisk is still walking then goes down... "What's up." Sans greeted Frisk. Frisk keeps walking after saying. "Hello Sans." Then Frisk ran into Sans again... "How the..." Frisk looks confused while looking at the other side with no Sans over there... "Okay..." Frisk says while still looks confused... "Say... Are you following me?" "More like you following me Sans... To test this out..." Frisk goes back to the other end... And the other end and other end and Sans is somehow on both of the sides... "Okay, I'm even more confused now... Whatever..." Frisk goes to a dark cave. Frisk goes in the dark cave and there's a long hall way, not that long tho, They reachedthe end of the hall way and there's a purple door same as four blue and white mushrooms, but the purple door, They went up to it... Looks like it's locked tho... So they went back out of the dark cave... When they were going back, they got confronted by a kinda Christmas deer named "Gyftrots" Frisk of course don't want to kill it, but CHARA on the other hand do want to... CHARA took over Frisk's body because CHARA gets stronger everytime a monster dies by CHARA and CHARA killed the Gyftrot... Frisk is getting really annoyed that CHARA is keep doing this... Frisk is continuing while thinking of how to stop CHARA from doing that... And Frisk sees a tiny dog house same as Snow Poffs... After looking at all, the last one they looked at they have found 30 G (Gold)... there's also a sign beside the dog house they didn't wanted to read the sign to they just keep on going the way, till they saw another Snow Poff, and a tail and head of a dog comes out of it... then it became a big dog with armor and a spear with a white tip with a dog like face like the dog's face on the spear too and the same face above of the dog's hand... "Uummm... Crap?" It was a Greater Dog... "I don't want to kill him..." <Well... Too Bad *Evil Laughter*> "Noooooo.o.o..o..o..." Chara took over Frisk's body again then killed the greater dog... "CHARA you are a monster..." <Well, yea, I am a demon ghost child after all...> "Let's just continue..."
Thank you for reading, btw the title of this chapter was supposed to have the word "Sanseption" but, too long... sadly...