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77.77% Unbreakable (Dragonball Fic) / Chapter 28: Anniversary of life

Capítulo 28: Anniversary of life

As the years go we get older and older and people have made such an anniversary a celebration. As a child, my birthdays had always been enjoyable and had never been anything over the top. I don't remember ever throwing a party in my life, such affairs had been kept between my parents and I and master Lao when he had made himself known. There would be a cake - always chocolate - and small decorations and at the end of the night, I would receive a gift from each parent. Those gifts were never something incredibly striking or luxurious, oftentimes they had been things my parents had made me with their skill in engineering and science. Once I got a guide to make my own hoverboard, which did result in me creating my own hoverboard.

I enjoyed my birthdays.

"Well done"

Praise from Kami feels odd, but is still appreciated. It's been close to a month now and training on the lookout has quickly become a daily and automatic thing. We arrive in the early morning and depart late at night. We have people to return to so we cannot live on the lookout, even if Kami would have preferred it. My training had branched off into the magical arts and today I have succeeded in materializing clothes onto a small stuffed doll. It is nothing impressive and barely even has a face, but that is of no importance. The task had been to clothe the doll utilizing the use of magic and it had been a bit harder than I expected.

We shall move on to bigger subjects, a slightly bigger doll now, just as plain as the last and I must clothe it.

It's my birthday today and I'm here training with Kami and Popo. I haven't mentioned it to anyone. I don't see the need to, it's not that important after all. Birthdays haven't been as enjoyable in a long time so I suppose I'm used to going on about my day as usual. If I were to bring it up, Bulma and Panchy would go out of their way to celebrate me. It would be a waste so I have kept this development to myself.

The bigger doll glows for a moment and the sting of magic prickles my skin.

The doll is clothed.

"You're progressing faster than I thought"

He's impressed, I attempt it again, it is a success.

The sound of Kakarot's struggle catches my ear and I look around just in time to see him go flying through the air. He lands much like a cat would and dashes headfirst back into the face of danger, destined to take another beating from Popo in hopes of hitting him in the face this time. This works out fine for the two of us when I think about it. We take a beating until we can barely draw breath up here, then take a senzu and fall right back into it. With our zenkai - as Kakarot calls it - we grow stronger after each session.

It's all well and good but I would like to get a step ahead of Popo. My speed has increased substantially to the point it feels near unreal, but still, it pales in comparison to Popo. I have not yet reached the speed of lightning and it will take Kakarot a bit longer than me to reach that. He has not gotten as fast, but he has gotten stronger where my strength might only have taken a small boost. He's more power-oriented in his style of fighting while mine relies on speed and reflexes, making me weaker than most.

It's the reason why I try to avoid Kakarot's punches and kicks. They're incredibly powerful and I'd rather not go through that even with my high tolerance.

Kami had joined us once or twice and while I faired a bit better against him, ultimately I still took a beating. Kami had expected me to be confused or upset or something because he seemed a bit surprised when I simply got up and asked for another try. I'm no fool. I know that strong ki does not always equal victory when facing opponents. Yes it makes my ki-based attacks stronger than his own and he would lose had it come to that, but with skill and techniques and simply experience, I'm bound to end with the shorter end of the stick. It is as Kami had said, he is a skilled martial artist.

During one of our breaks, I'm sitting dangerously on the edge of the lookout, feet dangling and eyes directed downwards. There's not much to see but clouds and blue sky, still it is delightful. Today's lunch had been prepared by Panchy who has started making my lunches since she noticed my leave every day. She's bought me a special bento kit that would keep my warm food warm and cold food cold. I've got a flask as well and the cocoa inside is still as warm as it had been this morning. And like my mug they are white with my initial in blue. I have my own pots in the kitchen now and Panchy makes me plant whatever I want in a corner of her garden she has reserved for me. Mr. Brief has given me my own workstation and a whole box of tools he had gotten for me.

They treat me like family.

And here I am not telling them about my birthday.

"Hey" Kakarot joins me at the edge with his bowl of food. He already has a mouthful of meat when he sits down and happily continues to stuff his mouth. "What did you do this time?"

I look at him and he smiles a knowing smile that has me sighing.

"What makes you think I've done something?"

"You've been quiet today" is his reply and he regards his food for a moment. "It could just be that you're in a quiet mood today"

"I haven't done anything" and that's the problem it seems.

There are sliced tomatoes in the smallest square of my bowl and I gladly snack on them. There are always tomatoes in my lunches even if it wouldn't go well with what had been cooked for the day.

"Tomatoes are a weird thing to like"

Kakarot has no right to judge me when he'll eat anything that's cooked and on his plate.


Krillin, Yamcha, and Chichi - who returned some time ago - are not allowed to train with Kami, which is not something that comes as a surprise to me. Try as I might I cannot convince him to allow them to come up, but if this goes on they're going to fall behind and Krillin has made his thoughts on that very clear. Apparently, he will not allow the fact that we were born to fight, stop him from keeping up with us and he has been training almost as much as Kakarot does. His determination is honorable, and Chichi doesn't like the thought of being left behind either so after I left Kami's for the day I decided to help them out. I feel bad that I couldn't convince Kami, so I might as well aid them in their attempt to become stronger.

When I arrive at Kame house, Krillin is firing off a Kamehameha wave that's grown in size since the last I saw him use it. Chichi emerges from the house with a bowl of minced fruits and Yamcha's training on his own - apparently, he's working on his wolf fang fist. Roshi is the first to spot me, sprawled out as he is in his lawn chair with a disgraceful magazine opened.

"Hey" Chichi grins when I hop off the nimbus and offers me some fruit. "You've been gone for a while. Don't tell me I'm missing out on another adventure?"

"I won't tell you then," I say to which she huffs.

"I always miss out"

I pat her head to offer some form of reassurance. There's nothing to be done about it Chichi, Kami is just a grumpy old man sometimes and I can't force him when he doesn't like the creatures he's supposed to be overseeing.

"I got you guys something"

That gets her interest pretty quickly and she looks at me with high brows and an expectant smile. Krillin must have been listening to our conversation because he all but spawns at my side in curiosity and Yamcha tries to act casual as he approaches.

"What did you bring?" He asks as nonchalantly as possible, but I can see straight through him.

Oh, they're going to love it.

I produce a single capsule for them and tell them to clear the way. I press the top, throw, and watch proudly as my gravity machine appears out of a cloud of smoke. My companions don't understand what it could possibly be or why a spherical building would be of any use to them.

"What is it?"

"A gravity machine," I say and they all look on in disbelief.


"Yup" I tap the side of the thing for emphasis. "Its original setting had been ten times, but that level is too high to start with, trust me. So Bulma and I did some work and configured it to start at twice the Earth's gravity and go up from there"

Krillin brightens and Chichi looks on with a growing smile.

"If you're giving us this, you just be undergoing some serious training"

"Oh yeah, we're training with Kami"

I don't even have to look over to know that Roshi's jaw is on the floor and when he pushes through Yamcha and Krillin I smile at him.

"You youngins did it" I'm not sure if he's proud or in shock. "What is with this generation?"

"It's a surprise really" I admit. "I didn't think he would take me as a student, but apparently he needs me to do some dirty work for him"

"The god of Earth needs you to do dirty work?" Yamcha snickers.

I nod and proceed to tell them the Piccolo situation. I had already told Kami that I would be informing them just in case things go completely wrong and we need help in the field. The more help we have the better, and Piccolo is known for creating an army of demons - or so I've been told.

"Piccolo!?" Roshi exclaims, surprised and angered all the same. "He can't come back"

"Kami is sure it will happen," I say. "Sooner rather than later"

"I think Kakarot is rubbing off on me" Krillin laughs, sounding nervous. "I'm a bit excited and even more determined to train now"

"Either that or we're killed for being weak," says Yamcha with a sigh.

There is nothing like the threat of death to motivate a person.

Soon I teach them how to use the gravity machine - I teach Chichi since she'll be the one who remembers it all - and I join them for their first test drive. I'm sure this will benefit them greatly.

"Please be careful with it" is my only request to them - a plead even. "It was a gift"

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of it" Chichi's words don't reassure me much. "I'll make sure of it"

I would appreciate that.


Bulma's in the kitchen when I return, standing over the coffee maker with glazed eyes and a far-off expression. It's quiet in the house today and the only sound that fills the kitchen is the sound of the clock and coffee being poured. Finding a seat at the bar I open my flask to pour myself some cocoa and that seems to snap Bulma out of her thoughts. She blinks away whatever had been taking place behind her eyes and spares me a glance. Nothing is said and she returns to her coffee, now pouring it into her mug and adding some creamer and sugar. Seems she's in the mood for something sweet today.

"You're keeping something to yourself today," she says as she places herself next to me, her mug of coffee sending steam into the air.

Should I be surprised that Bulma has come to this conclusion? No not at all, she's observant, very observant and she's around me long enough to pick up on certain cues and tells. But if Bulma has come to such a conclusion then Panchy might as well which could mean that she's been worried about me today.

"I am" No point lying through my teeth when she's already suspicious.

"Geez, at least tell me what it is"

"Then I wouldn't be keeping it to myself" it's quite counteractive.

"You're not funny"

I wasn't intending to be this time around. Ah, my cocoa is finished, I should make some more. Oh, we're low on marshmallows if I recall, and milk as well. Going through the fridge I grab what I would need and ignore the feel of Bulma's gaze on me. She'll ask me again, I'll answer her and I'll upset her. I know the drill at this point, know I'm just going to upset her. So I make my cocoa and wonder what Panchy could be up to right now. I don't feel like telling her. She'll be disappointed.

"What's your secret today?" She asks

"It's my birthday" I answer. Milk almost spills when I move to the sink and the bag of marshmallows is placed delicately nearby. "I didn't bring it up because I didn't think it was of any importance. There are far better things to do than to celebrate my birthday. I realize that makes it sound like I don't think I'm worth the trouble and that very well may be. But then I was having lunch and started to feel guilty for such thoughts because while I may think so, you likely do not. Panchy has given me a corner in her garden to use, has helped me plant some tomatoes. She bought me my own pots and pans and everything I would need in the kitchen. Got me a bento box and makes me lunch every morning. Doc Brief gave me my own workstation and tools and has been supplying me with the material needed to work on my project"

"In short I've been treated like family"

They treat me like family and I'm not so dense as to not realize how much they've come to care for me. Panchy would be upset should she learn the reason behind my silence, but it's not something that can be avoided now I've told Bulma.

"I'm not sure why I feel undeserving" it's just an uncertainty that has been festering for some time and today it has been on the forefront of my mind. "It's not a nice feeling"

"Stop feeling like that" Bulma says strictly as if ordering my feelings away would do much. It's amusing at least, enough to pull a short laugh - though I almost spill my cocoa.

"I would've loved for it to be that easy"

"You and your feelings" she scoffs. "What do I need to do for you to feel better?"

I'm not sure and that question wasn't directed at me to begin with.

"We're celebrating your birthday" there is no room for discussion and I nod absently, sipping on my cocoa and watching the lonesome marshmallow drift about. "What cake would you like, I'll tell mom"

"I still d-"

"What cake would you like" this really is not up for further discussion.


Bulma finishes the last of her coffee in one motion, hops off her stool, and grabs me on her way out the kitchen.

"I'm not mad at you" she clarifies after the silence had spanned into minutes and she sounds apologetic.

"I know"


I've never had a flashy celebration, don't think I would like such a gathering of people. A cake is enough to satisfy me and Panchy seems to have understood that when Bulma brought me to her and told her everything. Panchy's smile never faltered and she had said some sweet words to me. I can't recall them for the life of me. I can never remember much of what she says when she comforts me. I'm not sure why but my mind goes off to somewhere far away when she gives me any sort of affection.

Panchy had prepared for this day and she had announced it so proudly. She had produced a birthday hat that she secured upon my head when I didn't protest and proceeded to make a fuss about how good it looked. It is but a party hat so I doubt I looked like the next model, but Panchy was happy about it. Bulma teased me about how easily I comply with anything her mother does to me. It's hard to say no or protest when it comes to Panchy.

"Mom tell her you'd like to see her in a dress"

Bulma smiles all too brightly when Panchy considers the thought, her expression one that belongs on a mischievous feline.

"I'd rather have her in a suit" Panchy then says, carefully mixing cake batter. "She'd be quite handsome"

Yes, I do think I look respectable in a suit and I still have the one Roshi had me wear to the tournament.

"Awe, but wouldn't she be adorable in a dress?" Bulma attempts to sway her mother with a sweet image.

"I do believe so," says Panchy, nodding absently. "Well, I should get you a dress and a suit, hmm?"

"We should get her an entire wardrobe of clothes" is Bulma's suggestion. "She needs more clothes"

There is no issue with the set amount I have, but I don't voice said opinion. I don't have many clothes because I don't need many clothes. I have two pairs of my gi and maybe six sets of casual clothing and that's more than enough for me. Bulma never agreed and always thought I should get more clothes. I suppose she's seizing the moment.

"Yeah, I'll get you some clothes" Bulma decides when Panchy doesn't respond to her suggestion. "Consider it your birthday gift"

I like gifts.

"Oh and I saw this fruit mixer the other day" she's next to me now, smiling. "I should get you that too, you like fruits"

The things she has set out to acquire for me cost quite a bit of money. While I'm not used to such things and a part of me wants to protests in some way, I understand that Bulma will not listen and will get me everything she promised. And money has never been an issue for this family.

"Anything special you'd like?" she asks, expectantly. I shrug, she huffs. "Come on, there must be something you want"

Yes, there are things I want but she's already getting me enough stuff as it is. When I tell her that I'm content with what she's already promised she's not any happier than she had been.

"An ice cream maker" I've been craving ice cream lately and would enjoy the process of making my own. "Is that alright?"

"Yes, of course, anything you want" and she wears the sweetest smile this time, incredibly pleased

"Because it's my birthday?"

"No, if you want something, I'll get it for you"

That's a big promise to make.

"I suppose this is why many dream of marrying rich"

"Feel free to marry Bulma" comes Panchy's cheery voice and her suggestion is full of mirth. "I would love to have you"

"That so?" It's amusing how easily she promises her daughter to me. "I don't have a ring, sadly"

Panchy giggles and Doc Brief wanders into the kitchen a moment later.

"Heard something about a marriage," he says as he approaches. He pats my head as he passes and his little cat takes a leap of fate in that instance. It lands on my chest, and its claws are the only thing keeping it attached to me.

Bulma sighs and buries her face into her hands. Usually, she puts up a fight when Panchy does such things.

"Bulma and Durian are getting married," Panchy says so certainly. "Isn't that wonderful?"

Doc looks surprised for a moment, blinking behind his glasses before chuckling.

"Well they're a bit young for that right now, but yes it is splendid news," says the man in good nature. "I'll help you buy a ring, Durian, don't stress it"

Bulma groans now, ears red in embarrassment, but her parents pay her no mind.

"Durian Brief," says Panchy around a giggle. "How does that sound?"

"Would you stop already?" And there's the protest I had been awaiting. Bulma peers through her fingers, not willing to remove her hands from her face. It's a useless thing when it's quite obvious how red she's gotten.

"Whatever do you mean, dear?"

"I'm not marrying Durian"

"Hush now" Panchy flicks her hand as if willing those words out of existence. "You don't know what you're saying"

Bulma looks done with her mother's behavior.

"Don't listen to a word she says Durian" says a mirthful Panchy who fixes the birthday hat on my head.

"Yes, she's a confused child," Doc says around a smile and Bulma shoots him a glare. Her ire is ignored as Doc comes around to place an arm over my shoulder and pulls me a bit so we're huddled close. "I'm getting older eh, so I would like some grandchildren. You're both smart kids so I'm sure you can make it happen"

This has started off as a joke but it feels as if Panchy and the doc have suddenly started taking things seriously and that just makes the situation that much better.

"I'll take you shopping for a ring when you're of age. I know a man who makes the most beautiful rings, he owes me a great favor"


"Hush, it's been decided" he doesn't even spare her a glance. "She's quite temperamental, eh?"

"That she is" I agree. "However will I manage?"

"Would you stop going along with their jokes?" I'm poked in the side and jerk away from the feeling.

"It's become quite serious, bunny," I tell her seriously. "It can't be helped, they've practically wedded us already, there is nothing to be done"

She stares at me and I can't contain my laughter much longer. She doesn't appreciate my antics and almost wrestles me to the floor when I don't stop laughing at her, but it's fairly useless.

"You'd make a useless wife!" She declares stubbornly.

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