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Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC original

Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC

Autor: Kriuswer

© WebNovel

Prolog (After correction)

,,I am the bane of demons that live in the bodies of people.We've lost demonic wings, so I will take you from this land. you will learn to fly devoid of heavy bodies.There will be no turning back because the game has started."

I don't know exactly what I am. My life was like yours up to a point.Normal. Studies, work, home. Daily monotony. I lived in a Gotham estate. With parents. Hehhehe with parents. Now I don't know if I can call them that.I'll tell you in brief.

It was a beautiful winter morning when I returned to my family home for Christmas. Everything was so normal. My parents hugged me in greeting. They praised hard work in college. And all this crap. That's what I call it now. Nonsense. But let's not deviate from the topic. The first days after returning were calm and normal. Until. When one mysterious day, when I was coming back from shopping in the evening. I did something nobody would expect me to do.

You will ask what I did. So listen carefully.

As everyone knows. The city of Gotham is not the safest city on earth. Quite the opposite. Wherever you look, they happen. Murders, thefts, assaults and rapes. My story starts with the last one. It's not like I was a victim. No, no, none of these things.

As I mentioned earlier, I was coming back from shopping late at night. I was walking along the dark street that surrounded me from all sides. Walking down the street between the large apartment blocks, I heard a soft scream. Normally I'd ignore it. If it wasn't for that voice I knew. And even very much. Without thinking, I turned into a dark street between the nearby buildings. Along the way, I passed several garbage containers, but what I found behind the next one froze my heart. Some dirty type, I couldn't see him clearly because it was dark, but from what I could see. That he was wearing a dark gray coat. As soon as I looked at it from a different angle. I saw something that made something die inside me. I saw a scary scene. This old type just raped a girl. From what I saw, the girl was in a terrible scared condition, wounded in many places and dead in her eyes. But it wasn't the worst thing, the worst thing was that I knew her. She was my classmate. We had a very good relationship. I even hoped for a relationship with her. But now I think none of this. Not because after this experience he won't trust men, no, it's not because. She won't trust me after what she saw. The moment I met her and she met me. Something has awakened in me.

I ran to them and grabbed the pervert with all my strength and threw him with all my strength. I threw it so hard that it flew a few meters until it landed in a nearby container. Behind him, I turned to this guy, and yet I looked at the girl. She was completely naked, she couldn't move too much. Apparently this bastard had raped her for a long time and beat her. The girl just looked at me helplessly. The sight of her hurt expression on her face made me even more angry.

As soon as I turned to the rapist. My expression changed dramatically. This situation changed me by one hundred and eighty degrees. If a friend of mine saw me now, he would be terrified. The expression on my face changed when I looked away from the girl and looked at her attacker. The expression on my face changed from sad and compassionate to sadistic and full of anger. Now my psyche has changed, I don't know why. It suddenly happened, as if some force fueled these emotions even more, and removed all the resistance that a normal person has.

I approached him and started beating him, starting with beating my fist and going further. I began to deal with the worse. It looked more like torture than just beating. You heard so well. A seemingly innocent boy tortures a guy in different ways. Starting from beating, kicking, breaking bones and I kept going further. I was so bad, so bad. That I beat him even more. I even managed to break most of his bones. Maybe not all, but most. Starting from the finger and ending at the spine. It was gruesome. I broke his bones with an old hammer that someone threw into the trash. There was a lot of blood around me. After the death of a guy on the border, I felt something. Suddenly I felt severe pain. I felt every atom of my body is on fire. There was no way to describe this feeling. The moment the pain stopped, my desire for revenge on the girl. He reached the limit. And then I killed him. After half an hour of "fun" I killed him. I shattered my head with a garbage flap.

When I realized what I had done. I almost vomited. But strangely, I had no remorse. None of these things. But it seems that it's not over yet. And I was right. In the place where the massacred body lay now. Strange white smoke began to appear. I was a little scared, so I took a few steps back. A translucent person emerged from this smoke, that person was a rapist who was now looking at his massacred corpse. He stood motionless, assured he could not understand it

(Rapist) - Oh my god. Oh ... oh fuck - when he couldn't look at his dead body anymore. He turned and saw me.

The moment his gaze landed on me. The facial expression changed drastically. There was terror in it. The terrified guy tried to step back. He took small steps back, still looking at me. He said.

(Rapist) - Devil !!!, Monster! Do not approach me unclean force .... - Saying this he stumbled and fell to the ground.

As soon as he fell to the ground, he tried to escape by crawling. And then, on impulse, I did something as if something entered me. And I did something I would never have thought of. Almost subconsciously, I began to approach him slowly. After taking a few steps, I looked into his eyes. And then for unknown reasons I saw all his sins, every sacrifice, all the feelings of his victims. I saw everything down to the smallest detail. How and who did he hurt. I saw and felt what he did when he did it to them. And it was disgusting. When this vision was over, I began to approach him saying:

(Krius) - ** You who shed the blood of innocent women. Just to satisfy your own desires. You who raped, mutilated and ultimately killed innocent women. You will feel what the nicest corner of hell tastes like **. - I said it in a half demonic voice.

(Rapist) - Mercy. Please - he was almost crying.

(Krius) - ** Mercy. Hehehe You shouldn't have asked me, but theirs. ** (Still in a demonic voice) - Saying it subconsciously. With both hands I started pointing at two nearby walls. And what happened next was even stranger. Portals began to appear on the walls, which I pointed with both hands, they were black inside and gold at the edges.

And what came out of them was terrifying. For him of course. Somehow I knew they were not threatening me, and women who gradually came through the portals came out. There were about eight of them. Each of them looked young and attractive, almost. The women looked almost normal, except that they were covered with forged wounds and many bruises. Each of them looked scary and they probably had traces of rapist's acts. But almost everyone had a fatal wound, which was rather obvious, but still. The sight of a beautiful girl with a sore throat is not nice.

Women approach him shouting, they said sentences like "It's your fault", "How could you, I had a son", "You will pay for it." Every sentence of women grabs my heart, the way we say it is difficult to describe. he grabs his heart. Then the women grabbed him from all sides and dragged him under my feet. Then extend your right hand towards the empty space next to me. And there appeared a new portal, slightly larger than the previous ones. through it. It was like a round glass window with a golden sparkling frame. I stood at this portal now and looked at it.

What I saw there cannot be described. I can't choose words. It was probably hell. I felt so. For a short time, I saw souls, each with their own torture series, something terrible. It's hard to describe. Then I looked away from the portal and looked at the women and the garbage. They held him and waited for my orders. They looked at me with their pretty red eyes. (I mean the whole red eye and not just the center but the whole.) They looked even more frightening. Then I looked at him and grabbed his neck and raised him over the portal. The women stood next to me and watched.

(Krius) - ** You who have defiled your soul with the blood of innocents. He condemns you to eternal torment in the depths of hell, where you will receive your eternal punishment ** (Demonic voice). - Then, still holding it in the air, I placed it above the portal. And I let him go.

And there I saw him fall for a short moment, into the regiment a winged demon with the appearance of a woman catches him in flight. [Author: Yes to imagine her appearance: []

Now I have turned to women. And my face and tone of voice changed radically. I changed my voice from devilish to almost angelic. From sadistic expression to calm and polite.

(Krius) - You, souls of unfortunate victims. Which life was terribly taken. Rest in peace and greet God and angels from me. And say that thanks to me the corruption will end. And all evil will end. Goodbye .- I took a step back and began to make the sign of the cross -In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen - At the end of my words, the body and appearance of women changed. They looked quite healthy now. There were no marks of wounds or blood on their bodies. The women then began to rise ever higher, radiating bright yellow-white light. Until they turned into streaks of light. And they soared high into the sky and disappeared.

When they disappeared and the tension caused by the whole situation was discharged and I regained my mind and began to look around. Starting with traces of blood and remnants of the guy's body, ending with burned wheels on the walls and floor. Which arose after the disappearance of the portals. But it wasn't the sight of those things that scared me, but the sight of my changed body. Which I saw when I looked at the pool of blood that was close to me. I saw my reflection in it. And what I saw shocked me. Not that I'm so ugly. I don't mean some new body parts that I didn't have before.

I was shocked when I saw a pair of horns growing out of my head. You heard so well. Horns. It was a bit scary, I checked if they were real by touching them. And the kua were real, and I felt specific about it, but the news doesn't end there. On my body I saw that it is covered with tattoos. This is not so bad, I planned to do it myself. I always saved a few hundred. Tattoos covered my chest and formed a pattern. It looked very cool and was great with my appearance. But that's not all, the biggest surprise were the wings. I had fucking wings. But probably not washed. Because it was not pure white. Or rather slightly gray. In addition, my muscles have been increased and enhanced. I seriously now have a body that I could only dream of before. Not that I've ever dreamed of horns and wings. Although....

When I stopped looking at myself. I looked around, but the girl was gone. At first I thought she got up and ran away ... But when I looked closer, I saw that two people were looking at me around the corner. It wasn't the girl I saved. But a couple I know well.

When I looked, I met them. They were my parents. Who were very religious anyway. And the fact that now I look like a hybrid of devil and angel. Does not help. Added to this is the fact that the body of the massacred man is nearby.

Normally I would not notice them because it is dark and they are gently dodging the corner of one of the buildings. But now my senses are shaken more and seeing them in this darkness was not a problem for me.

When I came a little closer and I had a better view of my parents and what I saw behind them. I saw that my mother was holding my phone, which had to fall out earlier. My parents probably worried, they tracked my phone and in this way they found me. As soon as they saw that I saw them. They turned and fled. I wanted to run after them, but for a thought, I think it would be a bad idea. After that I would get too much attention.

When I lost my parents' sight I saw that an ambulance was standing at the entrance to the street and paramedics were packing the girl for her now. Fortunately, they can't see me, they are too busy saving her, and it's dark.

I looked around again and realized that the corpse of this guy was still lying there and it was better to get rid of them. So I approached the corpse and then almost subconsciously, I knew how and what to do. It's a bit strange. But whatever. I concentrated energy in my right hand. And I imagined fire. And immediately a ball of fire formed in my hand. The size of a basketball. I didn't want to throw a series of fireballs at him, but to do it once and properly. I directed the fireballs towards the corpse. And instead of one sphere a stream of fire fired. Which immediately burned the corpse and blood. A few moments after the corpse and the whole event, there were only black streaks on the walls and floor, and ash.

I decided to leave this place as soon as possible. So I went to the nearby fire stairs and went to the roof.


<If you read on a site other than "webnovel". This is a copied version. Which someone stole without my knowledge.>


Kriuswer Kriuswer

I took up the correction of the first three chapters. I will add a correction to the next two soon. If there is no annotation next to the chapter title (After correction). That means I haven't done the chapter yet. So this chapter may not be consistent with the previous one. If this is a continuation of the story from the previous chapter.

I listened to music. And the idea came to me to create my own dark bochater. And that I recently watched Ghost Rider, a few DC series. And the like. This result can be seen. I don't know if it will burn out. Let's hope so.

Thanks for reading.

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