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71.42% Uchiha With the Nine Tails / Chapter 32: The Improvised Plan

Capítulo 32: The Improvised Plan

Amidst the surge of elemental jutsu colliding and crackling in the air, Kakuzu stood his ground, his eyes narrowing as he countered the attacks of Konoha ANBU with practised precision. 

Each jutsu was an orchestra of power and technique, vivid flames, surging waters, whiplashes of wind, along with crackling thunder, and earthen tidal waves.

"Fire Release: Flame Bullet!" The words echoed through the battle, flames bursting forth like molten rain, illuminating the shadows beneath the trees. 

The air crackled with raw energy as Water Release: Orca roared, a torrential force surging forward, crashing against the forest's natural defences. 

Wind Release: Flag Current sliced through the air, sharp as a razor, while Lightning Release: Thunder struck with a blinding intensity, illuminating the dimming evening with its electric brilliance. 

Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave rippled through the ground, the earth itself rising and falling in response to the jutsu's might.

"You insects are rather pesky!" Kakuzu's voice cut through the elemental chaos, his frustration visible. With a swift motion, his arms shot forward like iron cables, aiming for two masked shinobis who deftly dodged the oncoming onslaught, their movements agile as the wind.

In an instant, Kakuzu's demeanour shifted, his eyes glinting with a sinister determination. With a subtle series of hand seals, he invoked the ancient art of concealment—"Hiding in the Surface Technique," he whispered internally, his form seemingly melding into the very earth beneath him.

"He is using Hiding in the Surface Technique! Quick, destroy the surface!" The urgency in the shinobi's voice resonated through the battlefield. Hands blurred in a synchronized dance, attempting to unveil Kakuzu's hidden presence, but they were too late.

"Too late," Kakuzu's voice resonated from below, his grip, like a snake coiling its prey, wrapped around the neck of an unfortunate shinobi who had unwittingly ventured too close to the target. The air seemed to thicken with tension, the struggling gasps of the ensnared shinobi drowned out by the ferocity of the battle.

His mind, sharp as a honed blade, assessed the situation with a cold, strategic precision. Inwardly, he scoffed at the idea of needing assistance, but he understood the pragmatic necessity in this dire moment. 

However, upon realising that his reinforcement was locked in his own combat, a twisted grin curled upon his lips, revealing a glint of sadistic pleasure; if the most optimal solution isn't available, then he must power through this.

To break through the formation, he needed to unleash a force so potent, so overwhelming, that it shattered their coordinated defence. The sheer audacity of his plan thrilled him; for in this chaos, he saw opportunity—opportunity to sell some heads for a high price.

The chakra within him surged, ready to be unleashed, with a swift motion, he began to weave intricate hand signs, each movement deliberate and precise. The elemental affinities within him stirred, responding to his command. The very air crackled with anticipation as he gathered his chakra, ready to unleash a devastating onslaught.

"'Five Element: Great Suffering!'"

In that moment, Kakuzu transformed. He was no longer a mere ninja; he was a force of nature, an embodiment of elemental fury, with a fierce cry, he released his jutsu, a cataclysmic surge of power that tore through the ANBU formation like a hurricane ripping through an assembly of straw dolls.

The ground trembled beneath the onslaught, trees swayed in the violent currents of chakra, and the very sky seemed to darken in response to his unleashed might. The black ops members, once confident in their formation, now found themselves scattered like leaves in a storm, their defenses shattered.

Kakuzu stood amidst the chaos, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips. The battlefield was his domain, and in his domain, he was unstoppable.

In the aftermath of the Kakuzu's Ninjutsu, the air was thick with tension, the remnants of his chakra still lingering like a haunting echo. Kakuzu's eyes glinted with savage satisfaction. 

He had broken the unbreakable, proving once again that in the world of shinobi, power was the ultimate currency, and he held the deadliest purse of them all.

Meanwhile, amidst the clash of elements, Kakuzu's screams for assistance fell on deaf ears as his ally, Hidan, was embroiled in a battle of his own against Asuma Sarurobi.

The battlefield was a whirlwind of deadly slashes. Hidan's scythe sliced the air in a leftward arc, but Asuma's swift footwork allowed him to evade the lethal strike. 

With a burst of speed, Asuma closed the gap, momentarily stunning Hidan with his speed. His trench knives glinted in a deadly sharpness, menacingly poised to impale Hidan's skull. But with lightning reflexes, Hidan leaped backward, narrowly escaping the blades.

Undeterred, Hidan sidestepped to create a distance, his body a blur of movement as he harnessed the momentum from his evasion. With a spin, he redirected his power into a slashing arc aimed at Asuma.

Asuma, recognizing the imminent threat, leaped into the air, executing a graceful backflip. Mid-air, he hurled one of his trench knives with uncanny accuracy. The blade found its mark, embedding itself in Hidan's shoulder, eliciting a scream of agony.

"Ahh!! Hey you..!!" Hidan's cry of pain echoed through the chaos. He pulled the knife from his shoulder, his face contorted in fury. 

However, before he could retaliate, a kunai shot from Asuma's direction, hurtling toward Hidan's throat with calculated precision. Hidan's expression shifted from shock to rage as he deflected the projectile, his anger fueling his resolve.

But the onslaught didn't end there. A lighter landed at Hidan's feet, causing Hidan to look forward only to see an ominous sight before him. Asuma swiftly completed a series of hand signs, a smirk playing on his lips. "Fire Release: Flint Yagura Technique," he declared.

In an instant, the lighter transformed into a raging pillar of crimson flames, engulfing Hidan's frame. His screams melded with the crackling of the fire, his silhouette dancing amidst the inferno. Asuma, however, was far from finished. With another set of hand signs, he unleashed a powerful gust of wind, "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough," he spat out, amplifying the flames into a roaring pillar of destruction.

The scene unfolded like a nightmare in fast motion: Hidan's desperate struggle, the searing flames, the fierce gusts of wind amplifying the inferno. The battlefield was ablaze with crimson fury, an elemental tempest consuming all in its path. 

Hidan's defiant cries were drowned out by the furious dance of fire and wind, his fate sealed within the raging fire, or so it appeared to Asuma.

"Water Release: Swamp Forest!"

The command hung in the air, following it, a vortex of water materialized beneath Hidan, its force propelling upward and expanding with relentless power. In a matter of seconds, the raging fire was snuffed out, leaving behind a trail of steam and dissipating embers.

Yet, the spectacle was far from over.

The water, once tamed, surged outward with unyielding force. Asuma, who had believed he was far away, soon found himself dangerously close to the expanding whirlpool. His attempt to retreat faltered, and in an instant, he was engulfed.

The water spun him in a cruel dance, its currents relentless and unforgiving. With a violent expulsion of force, the water hurled Asuma towards a cluster of trees. 

The impact resonated through the forest as Asuma, propelled by the force of the water, crashed through multiple trees with bone-shattering intensity before finally coming to a jarring stop.

The aftermath of the elemental clash left the battlefield in a state of eerie calm, a stark contrast to the fury that had raged just moments before. Water droplets hung in the air, glistening like diamonds in the fading light. 

From a small puddle nearby, water began to rise, gradually blending into the form of Kakuzu.

Kakuzu's eyes, cold and unyielding, scanned the area until they fell upon Hidan, who lay on the ground. Hidan's skin, once burned to a crisp, was slowly healing, a testament to his immortality.

"Hey. You dead?" Kakuzu's voice cut through the air, sharp and devoid of empathy as he pulled Hidan up. 

Hidan flinched, his response punctuated by a mixture of pain and indignation. "Can't you be a bit nice! Do you know how much it hurts to get burned alive!?" Hidan exclaimed, his defiance undiminished even in the face of his injuries.

While Hidan searched for his lost scythe, Kakuzu turned his attention to Asuma, who sat against a tree, his body mangled and broken. The tree bore a vertical trail of blood, marking the path of Asuma's impact before he had slumped to the ground, barely clinging to life.

Kakuzu approached Asuma, his gaze unyielding as he assessed the extent of the damage. Countless cuts marred Asuma's body, a testament to the brutal force of the water jutsu. A somber silence hung in the air as Kakuzu regarded his opponent, his thoughts hidden behind a mask of indifference.

"Another thirty-five million in the account," Kakuzu declared coldly, his words devoid of remorse. With an abrupt motion, he extended his fist, which shot forward, impaling Asuma's chest. The air crackled with tension as Asuma's body convulsed, the last vestiges of life fading from his eyes.

The battlefield, once a battleground of elemental fury, was now an assembly of death and destruction. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the fallen warriors, their fates sealed in the cruel dance of shinobi warfare.


Amidst the dark forest, Kankuro's voice cut through the forest's quietude, a ripple in the silence that surrounded them. "The explosions have quieted down for a while now, do you think we should return to see what happened there?" he asked, his tone laced with concern as he leaped from tree to tree, closely following Temari.

"No, Kankuro-san, you can't put yourself in danger like that," Temari began, her voice firm and unwavering, ready to dissuade her brother from risking himself needlessly. However, before her words could fully form, an authoritative voice interrupted her. 

It was one of the Konoha ANBU guards, his demeanour resolute as he addressed their concerns. He exchanged a silent nod with a comrade, a silent agreement passing between them.

"However, do not worry, for one of us will go to check on the battlefield," the ANBU guard reassured them, instilling a semblance of confidence in the sand siblings. They watched as one of the ANBU operatives detached themselves from the group, disappearing into the shadows with practised stealth.

But the sense of calm was short-lived.

"There is no need to look for us," a chilling voice cut through the air, drawing the sand siblings' attention. Their eyes widened in alarm as Hidan emerged, perched atop a tree, his presence an ominous harbinger of danger.

"Wha-" Before anyone could react, Kakuzu, lurking in the trees, launched a surprise attack. 

The three ANBU operatives attempted to defend themselves, but the abrupt assault left them disoriented and vulnerable. Despite their valiant efforts, the ANBU guards succumbed to Kakuzu's charge, their bodies falling silently to the forest floor.

In the aftermath of the failed defence, the sand siblings found themselves standing alone, a chilling silence enveloping the once-vibrant forest. Their eyes were wide with a mix of fear and determination as they prepared to face the imminent threat.

Kakuzu, undeterred by their previous distractions in his way, approached the trio with a menacing intent. His hands were poised, ready to unleash a deadly jutsu on Gaara. 

But just as he prepared to strike, Kankuro sprang into action, his puppets attacking Kakuzu from all sides. Simultaneously, Temari conjured a powerful gust of wind in an attempt to propel him away from her siblings.

"Enough with the games!" Kakuzu declared, his voice laced with irritation as he casually punched the puppet once, reducing it to splinters that scattered in all directions. Without missing a beat, he leaped forward, treating Temari's wind attack as if it was a gust of spring breeze.

The sand siblings watched in shock as their attacks, once effective during their first bout, seemed useless against Kakuzu's assault. 

Unbeknownst to them, Kakuzu had been toying with them before, but now his patience had worn thin. He no longer intended to merely play with his prey; he aimed to incapacitate them swiftly.

With precision and efficiency, Kakuzu incapacitated Kankuro and Temari, his blows skillfully rendering them unconscious but mercifully spared from fatal wounds. Despite the intensity of his attacks, Kakuzu held back, guided by a twisted logic. He believed that given enough time to grow, the sand siblings had the potential to become formidable ninjas, each with a bounty worthy of his interest.

In the midst of battle, Kakuzu's cruel pragmatism spared their lives, his calculated strikes ensuring their survival while leaving them defeated. His intentions, though warped, were clear – a desire to nurture potential threats for future profit, a sinister plan hidden beneath the violence of the moment. Then he looked beside him.

Gaara, the youngest and least experienced, stood frozen in terror, his body trembling as he faced the imminent threat.

In the tense silence that followed, Kakuzu extended his hand, his intent clear: to deliver the single, knock-out blow to Gaara. The air crackled with anticipation, the young jinchuriki's fate hanging precariously in the balance. But then, in a heartbeat, the battlefield was transformed.

A blade of water, swift and silent, shot past Kakuzu with astounding speed, catching him off guard. 

His hand, poised for destruction, slid down and fell to the ground, surprise etched across his face. The abrupt intervention was unforeseen, a momentary suspension of time that left the combatants stunned in disbelief.

The source of this unexpected salvation revealed itself – a blonde kid with a scar over his left eye, his expression cold and calculating much like Kakuzu's. 

"Who are you, kid?" Kakuzu demanded, his black tendrils snaking out to reattach his severed arm. Hidan, too, had joined Kakuzu's side, his presence adding to the mounting tension.

"You think I'm a kid?" The blonde, named Yagura, retorted, his frustration evident as veins popped on his forehead. His grip tightened around his club, eyes blazing with a fierce resolve that seemed to channel the very essence of determination.

"You will pay for this humiliation!" With a battle cry that resonated with raw determination, he charged forward. The air crackled with suspense as he faced the formidable duo before him, his unexpected water attack lingering in the air like a ghostly reminder of hope amid the darkness.

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