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24.39% Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed) / Chapter 20: Train

Capítulo 20: Train

Zeus flashed through the city and broke through the window of Iceberg's office before sitting down on his desk. Everybody heard a bang and turned their heads to see Zeus sitting on Iceberg's desk with one leg crossed, the other dangling, and his elbow on his knee with his hand holding his head.

Zeus grinned at the group and said "Hello people!" he turned his head and said "Iceman you all good?" Iceberg was sitting in his chair and waved "Yeah, well I almost got assassinated twice so I mean.."

Zeus chuckled and said "Happens to the best of us pal!" he turned back to the CP9 agents and said "I thought I told you yesterday to leave Water 7." his voice was ice-cold and he added "I don't like repeating myself." the CP9 agents were silent and Kaku said "We just had something to take care of."

Zeus nodded and said "Frame the Straw Hats for assassinating Ice bro? Clever! But when I let you go last night, who thought you would be bold enough to try again today?" the agents tensed up and Iceberg said "You knew they tried last night?"

Zeus coughed and spoke "You're still alive aren't you?" Iceberg grimaced and said "I still got shot..." Zeus waved "A little pain is good, makes you appreciate life more. ANYWAY what are you little babies still doing here?" the agents were about to leave, when Luffy said "Wait! Leave Robin here!"

The agents looked at Zeus, who closed his eyes and pretended he didn't hear anything. Luffy didn't care and took a shot at Lucci, the crew and CP9 agents started fighting, the result.. well it wasn't very good.

Zeus watched the agents and accessed their strength. He labeled them as better in assassinations, rather than prolonged fighting, but could definitely hold their own in a group fight. The trick was to get them alone, especially with their inexperience in fighting tricky opponents, it was simply too easy to dispatch them. These 4 in particular, he didn't know about the zipper mouth guy, the hair guy, or Jabra but these 4 excluding Lucci were not used to tricks.

Even so, the crew was easily beaten. Luffy was sent flying as well as Zoro while Sanji, Nami, and Chopper, were buried in the collapse of the building. Funnily enough, because Zeus didn't want to move, only half of the building collapsed. He looked at the debris and sighed "Why can't you all make less of a mess?" the CP9 agents were silent and directly left, Zeus sneered in the direction they were leaving, his eyes turning as he looked at them.

Zeus turned around and said "Ice bro you good?" Iceberg popped his head out of the desk and said "They're gone?" Zeus chuckled and nodded, Iceberg let out a breath of relief and sighed "4 years they've been working here.." Zeus patted him on the shoulder and said "Don't worry Ice bro, their job is infiltration." Iceberg sighed and said "What do we do now?"

Zeus was amused and waved his hand, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper floated up from the rubble and landed on the side of the building that wasn't destroyed. Zeus looked at them and smiled slightly "How were the cloud shields?" Nami sniffed and said "Could've been better."

Zeus felt his eye twitch as he said "Maybe next time princess. Talk to Ice bro, I have to do something." he chuckled and smiled mysteriously "I'll see you all later." before flashing away. The crew was used to it but Iceberg saw it for the first time and said "Woah! That was cool!" Nami waved and said "Don't let him hear you, it goes right to his head."

Zeus geppo'd around the town and found the train station. He walked inside the station and sat down next to the door before stretching out his back and slumping in a chair to sleep.

A while later

Zeus woke up from a train whistle and saw the agents getting on the train with Robin and Franky. He chuckled and walked over, he got near the agents and said "Poor me, you didn't even wake me up!" Lucci looked at him and said "What do you want?" Zeus clicked his tongue and said "What? I can't go where I please? Do I need your permission?"

Zeus tapped his chin and said "No.. I specifically remember being a big boy now.." Franky chuckled and Zeus snapped his fingers and said "Right! If you talk to me like that again, I'm going to skin you alive!" Lucci shuddered and walked on to the train, Zeus followed happily and ignored the agents before joining Robin at a table seat in one of the train cars.

He kicked up his feet and lit a cigarette. Robin was amused but didn't say anything, the agents passed by, going to the front train car after bringing Franky to the back. Zeus cracked an eye open and stared at Kalifa with interest, the agents left and Robin said "Interested?" Zeus gave her a look and scratched the bridge of her nose as he said "Of course not. Jealous?"

Robin giggled and Zeus grinned "You're much better than her and I can look at you all day. Why would I be interested in her if you're right here?" Robin tilted her head and said "It's like you can have me if you want?"

Zeus chuckled and said "One look at my real face and you'll be smitten, do you believe it?" Robin laughed but quickly covered her mouth in shock. Zeus made a 'V' sign with his fingers, earning him a glare from Robin, he snickered and said "Anyway, if you must know, big beauty. I'm waiting for her to come to me... Think of it as an investment."

Robin tilted her head and thought for a moment but thinking about something and giving Zeus a funny look and saying "You have a pretty big appetite, Marine-kun." Zeus' eyes flashed and he said "Oh? Think you've figured something out? If you get it close enough, I'll tell you."

Robin smiled and said "You want to swallow CP9 for yourself, so you're starting by the most vulnerable one." Zeus clicked his tongue and blew out a smoke ring as he said "As expected!" he blew out a smoke arrow and shot it through the ring before opening his palm.

A lightning chain condensed in his hand and made a circle. Zeus chuckled and said "Once the weakest link breaks.." he used his other hand and flicked one of the chain links, shattering it, and continued "The whole chain will be mine." he grabbed one end and whipped the chain at the smoke ring, blowing it apart before scattering the chain.

He turned to Robin and grinned "If you can tell me their use, I'll give you a prize!" Robin giggled softly and said "I don't quite know about that one." Zeus gave her a long look and laughed before shaking his head "Whether that's the truth or you don't dare to tell me doesn't matter. But for how smart you are, why are you so stupid sometimes?"

Robin tilted her head in confusion and Zeus turned his head to her and said condescendingly "You don't think the crew will let you go, right?" Robin was startled and a trace of panic crossed her eyes as she said "What do you mean?"

Zeus chuckled and opened the window, Usopp came flying in and fell straight on his face. Zeus smiled and leaned his head on his hand before saying "Did Long nose tell you to come, Sogeking?" Robin was confused, this was obviously Usopp right? Zeus winked at her before looking back at Uso- Sogeking.

Sogeking stood back up and coughed before saying "Yes! Usopp, told me that one of his friends were in danger! I'm Sogeking! Here for the rescue!" Zeus grabbed Sogeking and stuffed him under the table abruptly. Suddenly a man that looked like a mouse walked by, he looked at Zeus and sneered "A little marine is here? Why don't y-"

Zeus grabbed him by his collar and threw him out of the train before saying "You pull another stunt like that and it will be you flying out of the train, Lucci." he turned around and grinned as he added "I remember a fun fact.. Cat's don't like water do they?" Lucci's pupils restricted and he became honest.

Zeus sneered and the door to the first car closed. Sogeking came out from under the table and said "Ahem! Anyway, lets go Robin!" the cabin door opened again but this time it was from the back carts. Sanji ran in and Franky punched through the roof of the train car and fell inside. Zeus watched them all with a smile as they pulled Robin away, back to the other train cars before breaking the cart connectors.

The CP9 agents rushed in and saw the cart getting further away from them, Kalifa used her whip and pulled the cart back. Zeus didn't move a muscle and watched as Lucci kicked Sanji and Usopp back before taking Franky and Robin and letting the train car fly away on the tracks.

Robin and Franky were thrown into the chairs at the table Zeus was at and Zeus said "Welcome back. Shishishishishishi" Robin smiled slightly and Franky said "Oi! Mask face! Who are you?! Why do you wear a mask?! Are you ugly?!" Zeus felt veins appear on his forehead with every question and the CP9 agents quickly fled the car seeing Zeus' anger.

Zeus' eyes turned to crescents and he said "I know a part of your body that's not metal." Franky closed his legs and said "You wouldn't!" Zeus chuckled evilly and said "If you call me ugly one more time, I will! Shishishishi" Franky paled and Zeus took a deep breath and muttered "Damn tin can bastard.." before lighting another cigarette and rubbed his eyes.

He exhaled and said "Alright. Here's the deal. I'm a marine, not a part of CP9. As for who I am, you can just call me Kurama.. And I'm not ugly, I'm extremely handsome!" Franky rolled his eyes and Robin looked at Zeus, her eyes turning as he spoke. She had a theory but she wasn't sure about it. Needless to say, now wasn't the time for theories.

Zeus tapped on the table impatiently until finally the car door slid open. Zeus grinned and said "I thought you'd never come. Shishishi" Kalifa stood at the table and looked at Zeus, before looking at Robin and Franky.

Zeus waved and said "Speak." Kalifa did as she was told and spoke "I want to travel without having the burden of being tied to the government." Zeus tilted his mask and put a cigarette in his mouth as he looked at Kalifa, at Robin's angle she could see a sinister grin on his face. She looked at Kalifa and sighed, poor girl was being used like a puppet but she had no idea.

Zeus exhaled and said "What about the rest?" Kalifa was taken aback and said "The rest?" Zeus nodded and said "I was just curious, why are you making it sound like a life decision?" he shook his head and closed his eyes, but his grin widened and his eyes flashed a cunning light before they closed, Robin would've gasped if Kalifa wasn't here, this guy was too sinister.

Kalifa nodded and looked disappointed before going back to the rest of the agents, Zeus called out from behind her "I'm curious as to what they want as well, maybe you can get that for me?" Kalifa paused for a second before going through the door, back to the rest of CP9.

Zeus chuckled and tapped the ashes off his cigarette, right onto the floor. He sneered and said "It's almost too easy." Robin shook her head and said "That's not true, you are manipulating her. She has no idea.." she thought for a moment and added "Did you beat her before asking her what she wanted?"

Franky gasped and said "You hit a woman!?" Zeus slapped the back of his head and said "Do I need to hit her?" he looked back at Robin and replied "You could say that. A little carrot and stick, never hurt anybody. Fortunately, she's not well versed in mental games. I would've had a much harder time with Lucci."

Robin nodded and smiled wryly "Is that what you're doing with the rest of them?" Zeus froze and said softly "Is that what it looks like?" Robin was silent and Zeus took a drag from his cigarette before throwing it out of the window and keeping silent for the rest of the trip. Robin frowned and Franky was unnerved by the silence, he was talking just now why did he stop?

Zeus stood up and walked to the car door before going outside and onto the roof of the car.

Franky looked at Robin and said "What did you say to him?" Robin frowned and said "I don't know, maybe I was wrong. Seems like he's angry." Franky looked out the window and nodded "Mm looks like it."

Zeus was in fact angry, did it really look like he was manipulating the crew? Obviously not, so then why would she say that? He sat down on the train and took a deep breath before standing up and throwing a thunder spear as hard as he could across the horizon, it shot forward and disappeared. Zeus let out his breath and returned to the cabin and sat back down in the chair.

He tapped the table and said "I'm not. Frankly I don't believe that you think that I am." he looked at Robin and said "So what's your goal." his tone was different and made Robin feel cold, even Franky felt something was wrong. Zeus tapped the table rhymically and said "You can eat what you want, but you can't say what you want." he stared into Robin's eyes.

Robin flinched and said "I didn't mean to have it come out that way. I just question your intentions. You can play around with the marines and you have CP9 in the palm of your hands, what's the motive for playing around with a small pirate crew?" Zeus calmed down and went back to his usual tone as he said mysteriously "That's for me to know and you to find out no?"

He smiled playfully, completely changing from moments ago, and said "After all, I'm not the one who decided to sacrifice herself did I?" Robin opened her mouth to speak but Zeus didn't give her the chance and said ironically "Questioning my motives, when you're obviously in no position to do so. Instead I would think about what your speech will be when Straw Hat comes to save you."

Robin was stunned into silence and Zeus continued "I'm not going to mince my words Robin. You are extremely smart but you miscalculated Straw Hat's drive and determination. First it was the cook and long nose, do you really think they came alone?" Robin's eyes widened and she said "You don't mean?!" Zeus grinned and said "That's right. They all came for you."

Robin teared up and started crying silently, Franky frowned, feeling left out, and said "Mask man, mind filling me in?" Zeus chuckled and said "She's part of a crew, but she never thought she was. So she sacrificed herself to save them, but the crew is a bunch of hard headed morons and are risking their lives to come and save her. Oh right, and I guess you as well, Cutty Flam." he leaned his head on his hand and looked at Franky curiously.

Franky's eyes widened as well and Zeus burst out laughing "I love that look! Yes, I know who you are. Don't worry though, I don't care about whatever blueprints you have. Ruling the world doesn't interest me." he waved his hand and Franky and Robin recovered before saying curiously "What does?"

Zeus was startled and frowned for a moment before saying "I don't know. I guess I just want my family to be safe and happy." he smiled at the thought and Robin and Franky were curious as to who the family was, but before they could ask any more questions they arrived at Enies Lobby.

Zeus brought Robin and Franky with him and walked through Enies Lobby getting salutes from the marines all the way to the Tower of Justice. He nodded towards the marines on the way as a form on greeting and walked into the building, going to Spandam's office on the top floor.

Zeus looked at the interior of the building and nodded secretly, it sure was nice. He thought of a funny sentence 'So this is where my tax payer's money goes', they got to a door and immediately heard an extremely annoying voice "Where are those idiots!? They should've been here a long time ago! They'll pay for making me wait!" Zeus was disgusted and pushed the door open.

(Author's Note)

Nice cliff-sama. Did you like it? I did. Anyway, hopefully you didnt think Kalifa was a love interest lmao.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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