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Capítulo 13: Chapter 13: I May Have Just Altered The Course Of Your Novel.

Regrets, a remorseful emotion that seems to be enveloping U-jin's psyche at present. With Eun-kyung's hand nestled in his, he watches an assemblage of emergency medical professionals expertly wrap a gauze around her head to stem the inexorable bleeding. He ruefully regrets ever asking her to meet him at the back entrance, he should have never asked her to leave the club before it closed. He is left chastising himself for not personally escorting her, opting instead to have her to traverse to the back entrance of the school building, an equivocal decision now leaving him with a profound sense of remorse. With each second ticking away during the long ambulance ride to the hospital, U-jin languishes in an unremitting monologue of self-blame, his thoughts incessantly prodding at the chasm of his guilt.

After they arrived at the hospital, they brought her down from the ambulance as she was on the stretcher and took her into the hospital building. When they were in the elevator, Eun-kyung opened her eyes slightly, "U-jin...." she tried to speak out.

"Eun-kyung, don't be scared we are already in the hospital the doctors will take care of you" U-jin holds her hand tightly in a bid to reassure her.

"I don't....think that I can... " But before she could finish what she had to say, she started convulsing, leaving U-jin in a state of trepidation and the medical personnel bewildered.

As the elevator's doors opened, a sudden force propelled them forward, hastening the movement of Eun-kyung's stretcher. A nearby nurse promptly scurried towards their direction, offering her assistance without hesitation.

"Nurse, we must locate Mr. Wang immediately," U-jin ordered sternly, his commanding tone sending the nurse into swift compliance. U-jin wanted his uncle to supervise Eun-kyung's situation, who was promptly transported towards the operating room. As they neared the operating room, Eun-kyung's convulsions subsided, immobile like a statue as her hand fell limply from the stretcher. U-jin's eyes widened in shock.

"She's not breathing anymore. Undoubtedly, we require CPR immediately," one of them exclaimed urgently, rushing Eun-kyung to the room while the others fruitlessly attempted to restrain U-jin from entering. Without a second thought, U-jin cast the impediments aside and rushed into the room.

U-jin watched as they performed CPR on Eun-kyung, utilizing the defibrillator to no avail. Despite their efforts, Eun-kyung remained unresponsive.

"Clear," the doctor announced, proceeding to apply the defibrillator to her open chest while continuing CPR. Despite their tireless attempts, Eun-kyung remained lifeless. U-jin's heart raced in panic, "They can't die. Eun-kyung and Ji-woo can't die," he anxiously contemplated, shaking his head in despair.

The medical personnel then took it upon themselves to forcefully remove U-jin from the room, leaving him disoriented and causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground. He remained there, screaming and holding his head while the staff quickly shut the door behind him.

At that moment, Eun-woo, Si-woo, and Mun-hee arrived on the scene to witness U-jin's distress. Concerned for his well-being, Eun-woo rushed to U-jin's side to offer comfort, but U-jin aggressively pushed him away and tried to attack him. A Doctor that was around his early thirties, immediately intervened, he restrained U-jin and administered a sedative to him.

U-jin fell onto the doctor, and Eun-woo assisted in carrying him away from the doctor's body.

"Uncle Wang, thankfully you arrived here on time" Eun-woo thanked Uncle Wang for his timely arrival, expressing his gratitude, "But how did you know that U-jin was here?" he inquired.

"He reached out to me, likely on behalf of his friend," Uncle Wang replied. "Who is this person to him, and what caused him to lose control?"

"It's Ji-woo," Eun-woo revealed.

Uncle Wang was taken aback. "What happened to her this time? Never mind, let me attend to her first. Take U-jin to my office," he directed before rushing to the operating room.

Si-woo and Mun-hee had been silent since arriving, unsure of what to say or do. Seeking an explanation, they turned to Eun-woo.

"I'll explain later. For now, please stay here and do not inform Ga-ram of Ji-woo's situation until we know she's alright," Eun-woo instructed before accompanying U-jin to Mr. Wang's office.

Upon entering the office, he meticulously positioned U-jin onto Uncle Wang's bed, protecting him with the warm and comforting duvet. Despite his best efforts, Eun-woo couldn't help but feel sorrow for U-jin's vulnerability and weakened state. Who could have the audacity to harm Ji-woo, especially after U-jin's previous warnings? Some individuals are illogical and unreceptive to reason.

Abruptly, Eun-woo's phone began to ring, and upon examining the caller ID, he acknowledged, "Ae-ra, I'm presently at the hospital. You're welcome to join me if you wish."

"Why should I make an appearance at the hospital?" she retaliated.

"U-jin had an episode, U-jin isn't in good shape," Eun-woo clarified.

"So, I should be there because I'm his mama right" she yelled through the phone.

Exasperated, Eun-woo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are you yelling? I've already told you my location, I'll hang up now," he stated, regardless of Ae-ra's continuing outburst.

As Eun-woo rested on the adjacent couch, near U-jin's bed, he emitted a groan while remembering his girlfriend's peculiar and strange conduct during the recent weeks. She acted immaturely and threw tantrums, even when U-jin was involved. In the past, Ae-ra would rapidly rush to U-jin's side in case of an emergency, which made Eun-woo jealous. However, he now regretted having those feelings.

Suddenly, Eun-woo received a text message with a picture attached. The image had been taken at the spot where Ji-woo was hurt. The frame featured a young girl posing, but what captured Eun-woo's focus was the male student clutching a flowerpot beside the window on the second floor of the school building. Although the face was obscured at first glance, he could recognise that the person was male. He started to realise that it couldn't have been Ha-rin, who could have sent someone to harm Ji-woo as she did not interact well with males.

After several hours had passed, Uncle Wang entered the office and exhaling with relief as he saw U-jin still asleep, he then promptly settled atop the bed on which U-jin was reclining. As he gently brushed U-jin's hair away from his face.

"Uncle Wang, is Ji-woo alright" Eun-woo asked.

Regrettably, Uncle Wang's answer brought about an uneasy silence in the room, "Yes, but she remains in a comatose state," he replied.

Eun-woo, weighed down by the burden of preserving hope, retorted," This is not a comforting circumstance, U-jin may not be able to deal with this news very well."

Uncle Wang reached down and reminisced," This reminds me of when Hye-jin's mother passed away, but U-jin survived that encounter..."

"Perhaps because he was also present and was unable to save Ji-woo," Eun-woo interjected, contemplating U-jin's devastating losses.

Uncle Wang released a melancholic sigh, "Just like how he lost his mother and grandmother, poor kid".

"Thankfully, you are still available," Eun-woo appended.

Uncle Wang's tone was laced with anger as he responded, "You impertinent child, are you insinuating that I will soon depart this world?" Undeterred, he maneuvered around the bed, squeezing Eun-woo's ear unrelentingly.

Eun-woo, in agony, made an attempt to escape from Uncle Wang's grip, "Ouch! I plead your mercy, please release me. My words were misconstrued."

"Do you dare suggest that I am so uneducated that I misunderstood your words?" he continued to press on, squeezing Eun-woo's other ear. Eun-woo winced, he was inquisitive as to why every encounter with U-jin's uncle ended up like this. He had no idea if Uncle Wang had a problem with him.

Suddenly, U-jin stirred, his eyes slowly opening, observing the scene before him, a familiar one. His uncle abusing Eun-woo like a child. "Uncle," he called out to him, and swiftly Uncle Wang relinquished his hold on Eun-woo, immediately going to U-jin's aid, "Are you feeling better now?" he inquired.

"I am alright," U-jin responded, his face contorting with the memory of Eun-kyung, "How is Eun-kyung?" But his uncle, looking slightly confused, remained silent.

Upon observing his uncle's visage, U-jin swiftly altered his words, "I am referring to the current state of Ji-woo."

"She is presently stable, but still in an unconscious state, she might be awake by tomorrow" he deceitfully declared as Eun-woo gawked at him in disbelief, swiftly receiving a glare from Uncle Wang.

"You need not concern yourself, she shall recover in due time," Uncle Wang continued.

"We must station bodyguards outside her quarters, as we are currently in ignorance on who desires her demise," U-jin stated as he arose to depart.

"Her sibling is already present," Uncle Wang informed him.

"I cannot be at peace unless I ensure her protection," U-jin responded, departing from the vicinity.

Eun-woo, who had remained quiet until now, stepped forward to address Uncle Wang, "Why did you deceive him?"

Uncle Wang proceeded to clutch Eun-woo's ear again, "Do you desire for an identical incident to occur once more?"

"But what if she does not awaken?" Eun-woo whimpered.

"Why must you perceive the worst, she shall recover," Uncle Wang proclaimed.

"U-jin will eventually discover the truth," Eun-woo pondered aloud.

"That is why I shall build my stamina first. Are you experiencing hunger?" Uncle Wang inquired, as he released his grasp on Eun-woo's ear.

"I am not hungry," Eun-woo replied.

"Then escort me," Uncle Wang ordered.

However, Eun-woo promptly fled the office, knowing full well that he could not accompany the man. He would endure a more severe punishment from Uncle Wang if one wrong word was uttered from his mouth, his facial features would now be a target rather than his ear.

Si-woo sat on the sofa beside Mun-hee in Eun-kyung's hospital room. He could not fathom how this was occurring for the second time; his sister already suffered greatly, yet why did they still aim to harm her? Must she perish before they could be at ease? He retrieved his phone and played the video that an unknown sender had sent him. It revealed Ji-woo standing on a bridge, gazing at the river with her hands firmly gripping the rail to prevent herself from plummeting into the water. As she had second thoughts and attempted to return to safety, someone dressed in black clothing and a hat shoved her into the river, with the video ending at that point.

Mun-hee that had leaned towards Si-woo to catch a glimpse of what he was watching inquired furiously, "What the hell, Ji-woo didn't commit suicide?"

"It would seem so," he replied.

"Have you reported it to U-jin or the authorities?"

"No, the anonymous sender requested that I refrain from doing so, as there may be a mole among them. We can trust no one," he explained.

"Not even U-jin?" Mun-hee probed.

"I do not know why the sender warned me not to trust him. It's a mystery to me," he shook his head.

"Why did you allow me to watch it if you knew I was beside you?" Mun-hee asked.

"I trust you, and I need your help," Si-woo replied.

"How can I help?" Mun-hee asked, feeling pleased that he had faith in her.

"Can you trace the number that sent it to me?" he requested while handing her his phone.

"Yes, but if the number was discarded, I might not be able to do it," Mun-hee replied, "But I will still try"

"Thank you," Si-woo expressed his gratitude sincerely, and she patted his back while assuring him that they would figure it out.

At that moment, U-jin entered the room and approached Eun-kyung's bedside. Si-woo stood up and asked how he was feeling now.

"Yes, and yourself?" U-jin replied.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking," Si-woo said as U-jin nodded his head.

U-jin then continued to gaze at Eun-kyung, lying on the bed with a device attached to her face, and a machine beside her. He felt a prickling sensation in his heart because Eun-kyung had saved his life, yet he could do nothing when her life was endangered. He attempted to rid himself of these thoughts because he must be strong for her.

"Has anyone gone to see Ga-ram?" he inquired.

"No, we've been here all this while," Si-woo answered.

"Alright, let me go check on her," he declared, leaving the room where he encountered Eun-woo running towards him.

"What is chasing you?" U-jin questioned.

"You abandoned me with your uncle, and you still have the nerve to ask me?" Eun-woo panted as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'm going to check on Ga-ram," U-jin said ignoring his words while walking away, prompting Eun-woo to follow him as he had no other option.

Upon their arrival at Ga-ram's hospital room, they discovered her pacing back and forth, with a disposition filled with deep thoughts. Once she spotted them, she approached and checked their surroundings but found no one else with them.

"Where is Eun-kyung?" she queried, causing them to look at her with shock.

"Oh, so it is only me that hasn't acknowledge her as Eun-kyung, what changed your mind" Eun-woo inquired, glancing back at her.

"Please answer my question first," Ga-ram insisted, with a tinge of nervousness in her tone.

"She had a cold, so I dropped her off at home. She had a little tantrum before I left, but there is no need to worry; she is okay," U-jin lied with a straight face, leaving Eun-woo in a flabbergasted state. He couldn't believe how convincingly someone could lie. It seemed to him that the Wang family might all be liars. If U-jin and his uncle could lie so effortlessly, he doubted whether he would be capable of identifying if U-jin's father or any other relatives lied to him. A thought then came to him, 'What if U-jin has lied to me about something in the past?'

"But why is she not answering her phone?" Ga-ram inquired.

"Oh, she left her phone in my car," Eun-woo interjected.

"But U-jin told me that he dropped her off, not you," Ga-ram probed, her suspicions rising. U-jin glared at Eun-woo, who in turn swallowed the lump in his throat.

"We used Eun-woo's car as mine had developed a fault," U-jin lied again, trying to rectify his false statement.

"Alright," Ga-ram said, making her way to her bed to lie down, while U-jin stood by the side of her bed with Eun-woo.

"Have the investigators arrived yet?" U-jin inquired.

"Yes, they have," she replied.

"So, did you provide them with the information they needed?" U-jin asked, looking at her for any signs of nervousness.

"Yes," she confirmed, nodding her head.

"For how long have you been going through this? You couldn't even tell us, your friends," Eun-woo pointed out.

"I couldn't. You all had your personal issues, and I didn't want to burden you with mine," she explained.

"Burden us? Did you see how easily Ji... I mean Eun-kyung was able to help once she found out?" Eun-woo wondered aloud.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

"It's alright. Luckily, we discovered it in time, or we might have lost a friend," U-jin tried to console her, patting her shoulder.

"Thank you, guys. You have been the greatest thing that has happened to me," she expressed sincerely, and they smiled in return.

"Feel free to tell us your story when you're ready" U-jin told her as she nodded.

Adorned in the morning light, Si-woo awoken on the same couch that he had spent the night on. Mun-hee had left in search of the unknown sender to report back to him, leaving him yearning for home where he could confide in his aunt about the recent occurrences. However, he was still apprehensive about leaving his sister alone. Today, U-jin's bodyguards would arrive to check on her safety, and only after he was assured could he leave. It appeared that he would have to skip school for the next two days.

Feeling parched, Si-woo rose from the couch to kiss his sister on the forehead before leaving to get a drink. However, she grabbed his hand as he was about to leave, he turned to see her eyes opened and he quickly alerted the doctor.

On tensed toes, U-jin, Eun-woo, and Si-woo stationed nearby the bed as Uncle Wang examined her medical status. An immense sense of joy loomed when Uncle Wang confirmed her arousal and well-being. They expressed gratitude that she was alright.

Uncle Wang recommended she rest for several days as she recuperated.

Eun-woo's elation got the better of him, and he rushed towards her bed exclaiming, "Eun-kyung, you've decided to stay a little longer?"

"Eun-kyung? I'm Ji-woo," she responded. The sudden revelation left Eun-woo and everyone present astounded.

"Ji-woo, you're back!" Si-woo exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace his sister, but U-jin intervened by separating them, facing Ji-woo directly.

As he locked eyes with her familiar pitch-black iris, he breathed a sigh of relief, declaring, "Yes, she's back." U-jin was overjoyed to know that Ji-woo was back but saddened by the realization that he may never see Eun-kyung again.


Eun-kyung exclaimed in astonishment and bewilderment as she woke up on her bed, surveying her surroundings in utter confusion. Her brother, Eun-woo, was seated beside her while reading a novel, he was so focused on the novel that he didn't realise that she was awake.

She scanned her surroundings once more and she realised that she was no longer within the pages of the novel, but was now in the real world.

Overwhelmed with gratitude and immense joy, she let out a sigh of relief; and a tear of happiness glimmered in her eye. As she straightened up from the bed, she inadvertently kicked Eun-woo who fell off the bed to the ground and he then stood up.

"What's your problem" he tried to regain his stance as he turned towards her.

"Eun-woo, I had the most long and terrible dream" she held his two hands.

"What is it" Eun-woo retorted, his face set in a quizzical expression.

Struggling to steady her voice, Eun-kyung endeavoured to recount her bizarre experience. The content of the dream revolved around her entering her brother's book and taking over the persona of a minor character named Ji-woo. Eun-kyung's bewildered brother listened intently as she relayed her fictional account - one in which she became acquainted with Ji-woo's friends and even the main character, U-jin. However, she tumbled down the stairs as she tried to dodge a flower pot that was aimed at head resulting in her untimely demise.

"What do you mean by that, it is exactly what is written in this novel" he said as he raised his hand to show her the novel.

"What" she said as she hastened to reunite him with the source of her consternation - the novel - only to find her name inscribed within its pages. She browsed through it only to find that the words in the book stopped precisely where the characters found out that it wasn't her but Ji-woo who woke up this time.

She dropped the book as she fell to her bed, Eun-woo picked it up, "What were you doing writing a novel bearing my name? Don't you realise that's illegal?" he quipped.

But before Eun-Woo could further prod his sister, Eun-kyung interjected nervously, "Eun-woo."


"I think I may have just altered the course of your novel," she said as her brother's eyes widened in shock.


CelesteVega CelesteVega

Please I'm so sorry for the late update again

Wow!Ji-woo is alive, Eun-kyung is back to her world

Eun-woo: Why did you hide?

Ji-woo: I died you moron

Eun-woo: But the doctor said you hid yourself

Ji-woo: Who the hell is that doctor (turns to Uncle Wang)

Uncle Wang: Why the hell are you looking at me, you think I'm a quack doctor

Ji-woo: I didn't say so

Uncle Wang: (Looks at Eun-woo in anger)

Eun-woo: (Perceived danger and started running with Uncle Wang closely behind him)

Thanks for reading

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