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15.38% Transmigrated as Jiren the Gray in Anime / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 -> Tremendous Might

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2 -> Tremendous Might

<< Notice. Good job. >> -> [Wisdom King: Raphael] or "Voice of the World" if specified.

<<< Hello master! How can I help you? >>> -> [Voice of Wisdom: Sophie]

' What?! ' -> used to symbolise thinking (used in convoluted sentences to help in understanding)

" Hello! " -> Speech.


Every being, every object, everything suddenly experienced an untold amount of pressure. Humans collapsed. Monsters fled like cattle. Incomprehensible primal fear ensued.

The planet started shaking, all natural disasters occurring at the same time with scary magnitudes.

Then it stopped.


"I hereby recognize your right, from this day forward, to call yourself a demon lord. Does anyone disa...", the sentence was stopped by a burst of pressure enveloping the entire world.

"Awawawa, that's some outrageous energy. This will get really interesting", said a red-haired person with androgynous appearance showing visible arrogance.

Majority of the Demon Lords in the meeting got goosebumps and went into combat-ready mode.


Dagruel POV

*stare* This might...


Milim POV

She had a lot of fun tricking Rimuru and Clayman. The acting was difficult, but she managed to pull it off! Another win for Milim, tee-hee.

She had been alive for a long time, and she hated tedium. If an interesting prospect came along, she'd greedily jump on it ignoring the consequences. Rimuru made her life extremely fun and she regarded him as her bestie. He even gave her that delicious honey to eat!!!!

Suddenly, the pressure engulfed her.

This pressure, this strength!! A wide grin made its way to her face as she channeled her inner Goku, deciding to fight whoever this guy is, coming to that decision in less than a second.

"Mine, mine, mine, mine!", she was shouting with anticipation as she blitzed way faster than the speed of sound towards the origin of the pressure.


Rimuru POV

As I defeated Clayman and was going to be recognized as Demon Lord, the world suddenly shook and my magic sense went haywire!

Raphael, what is that?!!!

<<Report. An unknown individual has released an undetermined percent of his magicule count.

The measurable phase indicates a magical energy supply at least ten times greater than yours on the low end. On the high end, it is immeasurable. >>

Eeeeeh? But that is the same as Milim!!! Is it some True Dragon?

<<Report. The magicule frequency does not match that of a True Dragon. >>


"Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine", was suddenly being repeatedly shouted by Milim who stormed out of the building at extremely fast speeds even for my thought acceleration.

My mind went blank from the sudden situation, but it didn't take long for me to get my bearings.

"Oh no, wait for meeeeeeee", I shouted in kind as I burst out to follow.


Unnamed POV.

I open my eyes as memories flood into me like a waterbank.

"This feeling of strength…", I say as I clench my hand whilst noticing that the area around me is almost still, feeling a multitude of sensations that I had never felt before, most likely to unconscious Ki sensing. Sophia?

<<<Hello, master! How can I help you?>>>

"Where am I?", my voice becoming noticeably colder the more memories I merge with.

<<<Master, you are in the TenSura verse, or otherwise in your previous universe known as "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime" verse >>>

I see. It is familiar now… I close my eyes to fully complete the integration process.

The souls started mixing as if they were two water sources pooling together, without any roadblocks whatsoever. Teacher…. Betrayal… Strength…. Justice… Pride… Son Goku…. Defeat…

I open my eyes as a tiny part of my ki escapes showing a mighty crimson aura flaring outwards flattening everything hundreds of meters near me.

"Umu. That's how they do it, however...", I say as I gaze upon the razed wasteland around me. "this took as much energy as breathing does…"



Report. The individual is not registered in the system.


<<<Register using selected parameters>>>




Your species is registered as "Super Zeta Reticulan".

Intrinsic skills:

Absolute Perception, Universal Flight, Control Ki, Infinite Barrier, Tremendous Might, Indestructible Body, Self-Sustenance

Scanning for resistances:




Resist pain, cancel natural elements, cancel ailments, cancel temperature, cancel rot, cancel abnormal condition, resist spiritual attack, resist physical attack, resist spacetime attacks

Scanning for skills:



Unique skill - "ᛈᚨᛏᛁᛖᚾᚲᛖ"

Unique skill - "ᛈᚱᛁᛞᛖ"

Unique skill - "ᛃᚢᛊᛏᛁᚲᛖ"

Unique skill - "ᛈᚢᚱᛁᛏ"

Unique skill - "Dimensional travel"

Origin skill - "Voice of Wisdom: Sophia"


<<<Skills can be further synthesized and improved on, approve?>>>

Go on. This incomprehensible gibberish is starting to become old.

<<<Analyzing and merging skills….>>>

<<<Merging ᛈᚱᛁᛞᛖ and ᛈᚨᛏᛁᛖᚾᚲᛖ, Ultimate skill Indomitable King "Atlas" created.

Merging ᛈᚢᚱᛁᛏ and ᛃᚢᛊᛏᛁᚲᛖ. Ultimate skill Judgment King "Nemesis" created.

Fusing Dimensional Travel with Origin skill: Voice of Wisdom: Sophia….

Done. >>>


I close my eyes as I crisply request:

"Sophia, explain."

<<<Understood, master.

Ultimate skill Indomitable King Atlas

- Aura domination, amplification, conversion: Using aura in any way shape or form: to coerce, to use as a weapon, to add attributes, to convert aura to magicules.

- Penetrative effect on resistances: All attacks carry the penetrative attribute, ignores nullification.

- Unyielding will: Immunity to all negative mind altercations, curses, negations, checks

- Immunity to all attacks below a certain attack potency: Grants omni-resistance.

- Limit Break: When at the edge of defeat, has a chance to break one's own limits.


Ultimate Skill Judgment King Nemesis

- Judgment Eye: The ability to view the alignment and karma value of a person. Sees through all lies. Sees what is concealed.

- Karmic Retribution: The ability to deal additional scaling soul poison damage based on the receiver's karma value.

- Soul Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the soul, includes but not limited to: soul mutilation, soul reading, soul destruction, disembodiment inducement, soul channeling, soul materialization, soul purification.

- Purification Manipulation: The ability to utilize the element of "purity", includes but not limited to: purification aura, purification magic/attack, absolute purification.

- Judgment: The ability to carry out judgment based on verdict.


Origin skill Voice of Wisdom: Sophia

- Thought Acceleration: Raise the thought processing speed by hundreds of millions of times.

- Nigh-Omniscient Analysis: The ability to analyze and appraise without fail.

- Parallel Processing: The ability to detach thoughts and analyze the phenomenon.

- Chant Discarded: When using any type of energy, the chant is no longer necessary.

- All of Creation: The ability to comprehend all non-concealed phenomenon in this world.

- System Management: Management of skills and abilities: analysis, synthesis, merging, discarding, refinement.

- Dimensional Travel: The ability to move through alternate universes (or "dimensions"), crossing over across different planes of existence to reach other, far-off locations.

Subskills: Spatial Domination

- Limited "Voice of the World" control: Conceal, Notify, Connect, Announce.


These skills… are oddly specific.

'Indeed, I see. As skills are created from one's soul, especially the ultimate skills, it would make sense.. An merger of my previous two lives. A justice-driven powerhouse fused with an ever-present observer. That would make…

The Judge.

A more suitable job than the God of Destruction.'

<<<Master, there are multiple magicule signatures coming your way. Based on the timeline and world you are in, they are the Demon Lords. A Walpurgis was being held to discuss the issue of individual "Rimuru Tempest" when you released miniscule ki to the world.>>

"Umu. I will see what they have to offer", was my answer as I started to meditate.


Milim POV

As I arrived at the source of the energy, I saw a destroyed landscape that seemed to be razed down by wind pressure. And in the center, I saw him.

A tall gray humanoid monster that had his eyes closed in a sitting position whilst floating.


"Umu. Umu. Super Zeta Reti.. Retiii... Reticulan. Super Zeta Reticulan. What a long name, I have never heard of that one! And wow, that's a massive amount of aura that's concealed, but nothing fools my Milim eyes!! ", I say as I rush down to greet my possibly new friend.


Unnamed POV:

I twitch as I sense a dense signature hurling near me breaking the ground making a massive crater.

"Hello, hello! I am the demon lord Milim Nava. You look and feel powerful so I came to say hi!", the pink haired loli announced which made me open my eyes to observe and assess her.

'Sophie, use this world's metrics and use full analysis. '


The target information:

Name: Milim Nava

Gender: Female

Race: Dragonoid

Age: 2000+

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Karma value: LV 10

Disaster Rank: Solar System Buster

Current Existence Points: 5,000,000

Maximum Existence Points: 88,888,888

Notable abilities:

Origin skill: ???

Ultimate skill: Wrathful Lord Satanael

Unique Skill: Milim Eye, Milim Ear.

Threat: Upper-Low


This child-looking demon lord is unironically one of the strongest and oldest demon lords in the world, however...

"You cannot defeat me little one, get lost.", I coldly replied, noticing the extreme levels of battle lust oozing from her comparable to the likes of Son Goku.

"Huh? What did you just say?", rumbled Milim who seemingly didn't take well to being treated as a little girl judging from the way a red aura was condensing around her.

I stare at the brat in front of me without budging an inch.

The air was starting to freeze from the pressure Milim was releasing, and just when she was about to pounce:

"Wait, Milim!!!", shouted a blue-haired "woman" that was without a doubt Rimuru Tempest flying towards us.

"Ehh, Rimuru?", replied Milim as if the bloodlust that was released a moment ago didn't exist at all.

"Milim, you dummy, you didn't wait for u…..s", Rimuru starts to say whilst pouting, however freezing upon seeing my appearance.

"Umm, Rimuru, are you okay?", says Milim worriedly seeing the state of her best friend.



My thought acceleration boosting my thinking to insane degrees as I am left wondering…

Where have I seen this guy? So familiar….

<<Notice. The individual has the exact same appearance as Jiren from your old world's "Dragon Ball Super">>

Eeeeeeeh, Jiren… Jiren… AAAAAAH. Jireeeeen?!?! Isn't that the guy who beat everyone up in the tournament, barely losing after getting exhausted?!

<<Notice. You are correct>>

But doesn't that mean we're all screwed if he decides to fight?!?!?!?

<<Notice. Chances of winning: 0%. The individual possesses an Ultimate skill at a higher level than [Wisdom King: Raphael].

Suggestion. Leave immediately >>

Not even 0.00000001?! Also, what's that with being higher than you?!

"Eto, are you Jiren…?", I quietly say, ignoring the warning hoping this guy is non-confrontational.

"Eeh, Rimuru, you know him?", says a surprised Milim that was for some reason feeling little bit jittery beside me.

Those black piercing eyes move from Milim to me, and at that moment I felt as if God himself was judging me, observing every move I have ever done and will do as I felt a thousand ants crawling on my back.

'Rap… hael what is that…?', I ask whilst profusely shaking.

<<Notic... >>

<<< You are being judged by the Judgment Eye.

The lower your karma, the harsher the effect of Karmic Retribution by the skill user.


Alignment: Lawful Evil

LV (Level of Violence): 15/20


'Did something just interrupt Raphael...?'

"Rimuru Tempest." replies a very deep and cold voice that sends shivers down my spine. "If you keep going the way you are…."

The air temperature drops by considerable degrees, felt through cancel temperature.

"you are going to face judgment." suddenly finishing the statement, no... the warning, behind me, making me unconsciously activate Uriel's shield and instinctively jump in place ready to fight.

'When did you… I couldn't see him?! Why do I hear boss music?! What?!', I start to panic as I try to comprehend what he had just said. 'What does he mean with judgment, why does it say I am evil?!?!', I think as I turn back only to be face to face with a towering behemoth with an outrageous physique, his eyes burning with a yellow flare that made me tremble uncontrollably.

"Stop bullying Rimuru!!!", shouts Milim bursting towards Jiren intending to punch him head on.

The strike hit the target and shrouded the entire area in smoke and debris, making me sigh in relief for the briefest of moments, but…. why… is it still there…? that feeling….?

Roxorium78 Roxorium78

You feel... as if you are going to have a bad time.

The discussion of Rimuru's allignment was quite fascinating to read, as you can argue for both sides. Rimuru is undoubtedly "Good" towards his subordinates (ignoring the borderline dictatorship he got going on there), however... everyone else not so much. Light novel sheds more light on his thoughts where he had multiple scenarios of wanting to roast humans alive because they were assholes and such. Wanting to straight up nuke a capital because he couldn't break Castle Guard. Massacring orcs, 20k humans (10k more over what was needed).

You can take him as someone in similar position to Ainz who transitioned into a monster (even though the personality remains very similar).

But whether he's not or he is, take it as a "fanfic" where I say he is. He's not Frieza levels of evil, but he's borderline on evil and neutral.

Jiren wise, simply put - The entire verse has bullshit hax that ignore pure power, and I in return add even more bullshit hax to Jiren because Power is Justice and Justice cannot be defeated. (or can it?)

next chapter
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