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Keep calm and write something...
Or don't, you can spite the world and not write anything. Not that that anyone would know, because you didn't write anything so they don't actually know that you didn't write to spite them. But spite isn't always known, or clear, or even sensical. So we probably won't judge you (partially because we don't know). I say probably because even though judging is rude we're still only human. Unless you're a cat, (you can never tell on the Internet,) and if your a cat you just judge everyone, because that's how cats roll (also in grass, I think they're trying to confuse us.)
(All the parenthesis. Your welcome.)
Or maybe you're not being spiteful, maybe you just don't know what to say. That happens to me sometimes too, but you just gotta work past that, it's okay, you can do it. (Did you think I was distracted, cuz I wasn't.) But that doesn't mean it won't take work on your part. Everything worth doing takes work, and that's why it's so worthwhile. It just continues on in infinite circle of worth and work, because the worth comes from the work, but you want its worth so you work for it. Worthwhile work for a worthy cause. Working because it's worth it. (Those words are starting to not look like words, I've probably made my point.) But sometimes you don't know what you even want, so you don't know if it's worthwhile or if you want to work for it; another cycle of worth and work, but not one you want to get stuck in, because it's backwards and you don't get anything from it, except confused. And nobody actually wants that (unless they're confused) and again nobody wants that. (Watch out for nobody)
Don't get stuck in the endless backwards circle. Push your limits. Work hard. Try new things. Find your inner fire. Maybe you don't know what makes you tick (yeah, I know you're not a clock, unless you are, I don't know, it does say general audiences; I don't know how general it actually is) but if you aren't looking for your passions how are you supposed to find them? The universe isn't going to drop them into your lap (unless you're a cat, the universe favors them, that's why they have nine lives). But chances are, you're not a cat so you will actually have to work for the worthwhile things in your life. But they're totally worth it, so find them. Take that class, join that club, try out for the sports team (even if you don't make it show up anyway, work hard, show them you want it, they'll let you stay, even if you're basically the mascot for one year, your hard work and determination will eventually get you there), apply to that job, try new hobbies, find the answers to your questions, be adventurous! Or don't, I mean it is your life, I can't make you listen: you're choice, not mine. Though I do wonder what your doing here if you're not listening... entirely your business. Though I do wonder.
What are you doing? I know what I'm doing, at least sometimes, other times I haven't the slightest. That's part of life I guess, you learn with experience.
I'll be back.
Leave author's thought here...
Or throughout entire chapter, or just wherever. I do what I want. Thank you, by the way, for reading my nonsense. Hopefully you had as much fun as I did.