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100% Timeless immortality / Chapter 1: chapter 1
Timeless immortality Timeless immortality original

Timeless immortality

Autor: dante_dinico

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: chapter 1

Chapter 1

On a moonless night, in the quiet, dimly lit streets of a small town, a solitary figure walks alone, their presence shrouded in darkness. The figure, enshrouded in darkness, moves with the suave grace of a predator on the prowl. As he approaches the entrance of the local bar, a wave of nostalgia washes over him. Memories of eons spent walking the earth flood his thoughts, like ancient pages of a history book slowly turning.

As he enters the bar, the familiar smells of aged wood, spilled ale, and the comforting aroma of hearty meals transport him back to when he was a young teenager working in a meadery.

Aurelius sat at the dimly lit bar, the nostalgic scents of the place triggering memories of his distant past. He sipped his glass of blood-red wine, lost in thought.

The world around him dissolved into a whirlwind of colors, and suddenly, he was no longer in the bar but transported back to his youth, in a quaint medieval village.

Young Aurelius, with tousled brown hair and a glint of mischief in his eyes, worked tirelessly in a meadery. His days were filled with the sweet scent of honey and the laughter of friends. But lurking in the shadows was a darkness, a secret that would change his life forever.

As the years passed, he slowly became known as a kind scholar, with a penchant for collecting rare books, and falling for his childhood friend Isabella, whose smile could light up the darkest of nights. Until the day that he lost her unexpectedly.

Then, one fateful day, a mysterious figure entered the village, altering the course of his destiny. The man's eyes held an ageless wisdom, and his thirst for knowledge was insatiable. He offered Aurelius a choice that would lead him down a path of immortality and endless nights.

Aurelius's hopes are dashed as he scans the bar and sees no one he recognizes. Disheartened, he gets up to pay his tab. But just as he stands, a scent wafts through the air, one he knows all too well - the unmistakable scent of another of his kind.

This discovery sends a shiver down his spine. It's unique because all other vampires have learned to avoid this territory, respecting Aurelius's status as one of the oldest beings in the world. He's accustomed to being left alone to his own devices, a silent ruler in the shadows.

Now, the presence of another vampire threatens to disrupt the delicate balance. He mustn't allow this intruder to hunt here, for it would not only violate the unspoken code among their kind but also risk drawing the attention of the Van Helsing Society, and others like them,the relentless hunters who have pursued him for centuries.

No one notices as he puts the money on the table and flashes out of the bar; all they notice is the bells as the door opens and closes. He runs as fast as possible, his footsteps barely touching the ground, guided by the scent that lingers in the air—the unmistakable mark of another vampire. He knows they must still be nearby, and time is of the essence.

In the darkness of the night, his senses sharpen, and every shadow becomes a potential hiding place. Aurelius is determined to find the intruder before they can further disrupt the fragile equilibrium he's maintained for centuries.

As he nears the scent, a growing sense of unease washes over Aurelius. It's not just any location; it's his own home, a place he has kept hidden from the world for centuries. His heart quickens as he realizes the implications.

The intruder, whoever they may be, has crossed a line that few dare to approach. Aurelius knows that he must confront this threat head-on, for his sanctuary and secrets are at stake. With each step closer to his home, the tension in the night air grows palpable, and the fate of their encounter looms uncertain.

'Who the hell do you think you are!' yells Aurelius, his voice echoing through the room, filled with centuries of authority and indignation.

The intruder remains seated, unfazed by the outburst, but his eyes reveal a spark of acknowledgment. 'I am someone who seeks answers,' he responds calmly, his voice carrying an air of mystery and determination.

The tension in the room thickens, and the stakes of their encounter become increasingly apparent. Both vampires, ancient and powerful, stand locked in a battle of wills, with secrets and history swirling around them like the shadows of their eternal existence.

'I don't care; you invade my privacy, my sanctuary, and my territory. What's stopping me from killing you, youngling!' yells Aurelius, his anger simmering beneath his immortal facade.

'I'm sorry for the disturbance, elder, but I have important questions,' said the mysterious vampire, his voice taking on a tone of earnestness and urgency.

The room crackles with tension, their roles as ancient and newcomer clearly defined. Aurelius contemplates the stranger's words, weighing the curiosity against the intrusion, as the fate of their encounter hangs in the balance.

Aurelius snaps his fingers, and the lights come to life while a fire starts crackling in the fireplace, casting an eerie yet warm glow across the room. 'I have no time to answer questions,' he states firmly as he takes a deep breath, regaining his composure.

He then looks at the vampire, observing him carefully. Aurelius realizes that, to himself, he sees the vampire as young, but for most vampires, this newcomer likely commands respect due to his age. He reminds himself not to fall back into his old ways and resort to violence just because he was disturbed.

'By the way,' Aurelius adds, his voice softening, 'there are right ways and wrong ways of doing things.'

The mysterious vampire nods In agreement, a hint of gratitude in his eyes for Aurelius's restraint. 'You are wise, elder, and I appreciate your patience,' he responds, his tone carrying a touch of humility.

With the immediate threat diffused, they settle into a conversation, where questions and answers dance around their hidden pasts, like stars in the night sky, offering glimpses of what lies beneath the surface of their immortal existence.

'My name is Lucius Darkhart,' the mysterious vampire said, his voice now revealing a hint of vulnerability. 'I'm sorry for intruding on your territory and sanctuary, but I'm looking for a vampire who is supposed to live around here. I've heard rumors that Aurelius "The Grim Reaper" lives close by, and I was hoping the legend was real.'

Aurelius listens carefully to Lucius's explanation and then replies, 'That explains why you were looking for me, but not why you would enter my home without my authority.' His inquiry remains focused on Lucius's intrusion and the breach of his sanctuary.

Lucius clears his throat, still somewhat shaken by the recent encounter. "I apologize for the intrusion once more, Aurelius. My intentions were to find you, not to violate your sanctuary. I realize now that I acted rashly, and I'm grateful that you spared my life."

Aurelius, though still wary, nods in acknowledgment. "Very well, Lucius Darkhart, you have my attention. Tell me, what is it that you seek from me? Why are you looking for someone you've heard of only through legend?"

Lucius takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I come from an organization known as The Society of Eternal Vigilance We are responsible for maintaining the balance between the supernatural and the mortal realms. Recently, we received word that Seraphina Elora Van Helsing, the Van Helsing Society's best hunter, is on a relentless pursuit for vengeance. She seeks to end the vampire she believes responsible for her family's demise, a vampire she believes to be you."

Aurelius raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Seraphina Elora Van Helsing, you say? The name is familiar, though the details are hazy. I must admit, I've encountered many hunters over the centuries. Why does she hold such a grudge against me?"

Lucius continues, "She lost her family to a vampire when she was a child. The incident left her with a burning desire for revenge. She trained rigorously, becoming a formidable hunter and eventually joining their organization. She's been tracking your legend for years, believing you to be the vampire responsible."

Aurelius remains contemplative. "I see. It seems my past actions have not been forgotten. But, Lucius, I assure you, I've long since given up the life of hunting and predation. I seek only solitude and a quiet existence now."

Lucius leans forward, urgency in his voice. "That may be, but Seraphina is relentless. She won't rest until she's found and destroyed the vampire she believes responsible for her family's tragedy. I fear that she's closing in on you, and I wanted to warn you before it's too late."

Aurelius sighs, the weight of his immortal existence pressing upon him. "Very well, Lucius. I appreciate the warning. But what do you propose I do? I have no intention of engaging in a battle with a determined hunter. I seek only to exist in peace."

Lucius nods, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I would advise you to leave this territory, at least temporarily. Disappear from her radar, and she may lose interest. It's the best chance you have at avoiding a confrontation."

Aurelius mulls over the suggestion, torn between his desire for solitude and the looming threat. "I will consider your advice, Lucius Darkhart. But know this: I won't be chased like prey. If Seraphina comes for me, I will defend myself. For now, I'll remain hidden, and I trust you'll convey the message to your organization that I pose no threat."

Lucius stands, a sense of relief washing over him that the encounter did not end in violence. "Thank you, Aurelius. I will report back to the Council of Eternal Guardians and inform them of your intentions. I hope it doesn't come to a confrontation. Farewell for now."

With that, Lucius departs, leaving Aurelius alone once again with his thoughts and the looming threat of a relentless hunter.

Aurelius goes to a bookshelf on the second floor of his home and pulls a certain book. As he does, the wall behind the bookshelf springs forward, revealing a hidden chamber. He steps inside, the entrance closing silently behind him, concealing the secret room from prying eyes.

The room, unlike the rest of the house, is bare, with plain walls and minimal furniture. In the center of the room, there's a painting of a young woman. Her portrait is exquisitely detailed, capturing her beauty and innocence in lifelike detail. Aurelius gazes at the painting with a mixture of longing and sorrow, lost in the memories of the past.

Aurelius speaks in a language long forgotten, addressing the painting of the young woman with heartfelt words. "My dear Isabella, I may have to pay for the countless sins I have performed on humanity and be by your side, but I know you wouldn't want me to die without a fight. It's one of the reasons I'm still alive for a millennia." His voice carries a deep sense of regret and determination, as if he's making a silent promise to his long-lost love. As Aurelius speaks to the portrait of Isabella in his secluded room, a chilling breeze sweeps through, causing the candles to flicker. It's a presence he hasn't felt in decades, a supernatural aura he recognizes instantly. His senses sharpen as he turns toward the source, and there, standing in the dim light, is none other than Seraphina Elora Van Helsing.

Her presence fills the room with an unyielding intensity, and her eyes burn with determination. Aurelius can sense the hatred emanating from her. She's been driven to the brink by her quest for vengeance.

Aurelius raises an eyebrow, not the least bit surprised by her sudden appearance. "Seraphina Elora Van Helsing," he greets her, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "You've come a long way to seek me out."

Seraphina's hand tightens around the hilt of the ornate crossbow strapped to her back. "Aurelius," she says, her voice quivering with restrained anger, "you're the one responsible for my family's deaths. You thought you could hide forever, but I've finally tracked you down."

Aurelius doesn't deny her accusations. Instead, he steps closer to the portrait of Isabella, never taking his eyes off Seraphina. "You're correct. I was a different creature back then, driven by darker desires. But that was a long time ago, and I've left that life behind."

Seraphina's expression hardens. "It doesn't change what you did. You took everything from me."

Aurelius sighs, his eyes filled with regret. "I can't undo the past, Seraphina. But I can assure you, I'm not the monster you seek. I've chosen a path of solitude and reflection, seeking redemption for the countless lives I've affected."

Seraphina's crossbow trembles in her grip, torn between her thirst for revenge and the undeniable presence of the man before her. "How can I believe you?"

Aurelius's gaze doesn't waver. "I offer you a truce, Seraphina. I won't fight you, and I won't run. But I won't stand idly by either. Let's find a way to settle this without further bloodshed."

Seraphina's inner turmoil is evident, and she finally lowers the crossbow, albeit reluctantly. "Fine, but if you're lying, I won't hesitate to end you."

With a tense understanding, Aurelius and Seraphina begin a precarious journey of reconciliation, one filled with secrets, regrets, and the possibility of redemption. The path ahead is uncertain, but they both know that their fates are forever entwined.

Aurelius kisses his fingertips, then gently touches the painted lips of Isabella in the portrait. "Let us move from this sacred place so that she won't have to hear the sins I've performed and sully my image in front of her again," he says, his voice carrying a mix of reverence and sorrow.

Seraphina nods in understanding, and together they leave the room, leaving behind the portrait and the memories it holds. As they step into a more neutral part of his secluded home, a chamber filled with ancient tomes and artifacts from centuries past, the weight of their conversation hangs in the air. It's a place where secrets are revealed and where two immortals seek to understand each other's journeys, burdens, and the possibility of redemption.

"To be honest, Seraphina, I have no clue who you are or if I'm even involved in the senseless slaughter of your family," Aurelius admits with a touch of vulnerability. "But considering how I have behaved before clarity returned to my mind, I hope you can forgive me somehow. But for now, how can you be sure that I was the one to kill your family?"

Seraphina's expression softens as she sighs. "I've been hunting you for so long, Aurelius. The stories, the legends, they all pointed to you. It consumed me, and I became blind to other possibilities. But as I stand here, looking at the man behind the myth, I realize that maybe it's time to question everything I thought I knew."

Aurelius nods in understanding. "Sometimes, the truth is more elusive than we'd like to admit. If I am to help you find closure or discover the truth, I need to know more about what happened to your family. Can you tell me their story?"

Seraphina sighs, her gaze distant as she begins to speak, her voice laced with sorrow. "The Ravenscroft family, my ancestors, they were slaughtered by a vampire when I was just a child. I barely remember their faces. The Van Helsing Society adopted me, raised me as one of their own. It wasn't until I was old enough to be blessed with the longevity and strength of a hunter that they told me how my family had died."

Aurelius listens intently, the weight of his own dark history pressing upon him. He knows the truth, but he chooses not to reveal his connection to the tragedy, fearing the anger and pain it would cause Seraphina.

As Seraphina recounts the story of her family's demise, Aurelius's memories resurface. He remembers the night he slaughtered the Ravenscroft family, his own descendants, his actions driven by the insatiable hunger of a vampire.

Yet, he remains silent, his secrets locked away in the depths of his immortal soul. The past remains buried, shrouded in darkness, as they both grapple with their own inner demons.

Aurelius, keeping his face composed, questions Seraphina, "How did the Van Helsing Society come to believe that I was responsible for the Ravenscroft family's death? I have no memory of such an event." His words are laced with deception as he continues to hide the truth, fully aware of his role in their tragic demise.

Seraphina shares with Aurelius that the Van Helsing Society possesses documentation suggesting that he had a vendetta against the Ravenscrofts due to the destruction of his family's tomb many millennia ago. This revelation adds another layer of complexity to their already tense conversation.

Aurelius's complex expression deepens as he realizes the impossibility of his family tomb being destroyed by external forces, as he had personally ensured its destruction to protect his beloved Isabella's final resting place. Seraphina notices his troubled look and inquires about it.

Aurelius, shaken from his memories, responds, "It is impossible for my family tomb to be destroyed by anyone but myself. I took that matter into my own hands to protect their resting place. The bodies of my family were hidden in a place where no hunter, human or supernatural, would dare to go."

Seraphina's eyes widen at this revelation, the puzzle pieces beginning to come together in her mind. The truth behind the Ravenscroft massacre and Aurelius's connection to it becomes increasingly intricate and enigmatic.

Seraphina's voice rings with anger and betrayal as she exclaims, "So, the Van Helsing Society had lied to me from the start!"

Aurelius nods gravely, admitting, "Yes, they lied to you. They likely assumed that by convincing you I had killed your family, you would seek vengeance, which is something many have attempted throughout my long existence. I am one of the oldest beings in the universe."

The revelation leaves Seraphina torn between the truths she thought she knew and the startling reality before her. She realizes that her quest for vengeance may have been manipulated from the very beginning, and the lines between hunter and hunted become ever more blurred.

"I'll destroy them!" Seraphina shouts, her determination unwavering as she starts to leave, ready to take on the Van Helsing Society.

Aurelius, however, contemplates the consequences. He can't bear the thought of losing another descendant, especially one as fierce and capable as Seraphina. With a sense of urgency, he stops her in her tracks, his voice firm but tinged with a hint of compassion. "Wait, Seraphina. I understand your anger and desire for vengeance, but rushing into this may only bring you more pain. Let me help you find a different path, one that doesn't lead to further destruction."

A sudden knock on the door startles both Aurelius and Seraphina. Aurelius, ever cautious, instructs Seraphina to follow him to a different room. As they enter this new chamber, Seraphina's eyes widen at the relics of a time long gone, treasures that humans would kill for.

Aurelius runs his hand along the wall, seeking something hidden, and with a soft click, a painting swings forward, revealing a concealed entrance. He gestures for Seraphina to enter, his voice a hushed whisper, "Step inside, and please, make no noise."

Seraphina complies, albeit with curiosity etched across her face, as they enter a room painted a deep blood red. She can't help but wonder about the purpose of this hidden place. "What is this room for?" she whispers, her eyes darting around.

Aurelius, focused on the impending visitor, responds with a sense of urgency, "I'll explain everything once we've dealt with whoever is at the door. For now, stay quiet." The tension in the room is palpable as they wait for the unknown guest to reveal themselves.

" Aurelius I know you home ,what happened to having a drink with an old friend today at the bar and what is that God awful stench that is lingering "yells a familiar voice outside Another voice shouts "why do I smell another vampire and something familiar but strange" Aurelius turns to Seraphina "never mind might as well follow me since they already know you here but absolutely do not harm them my home is sanctuary sometimes for loss causes"

Aurelius exchanges a worried glance with Seraphina as the voices outside become more distinct. His composure remains unshaken, but he's clearly concerned about the intrusion. He leans in closer to Seraphina and whispers, "Stay close, and remember, no harm."

With a sense of resignation, he leads Seraphina out of the concealed room and back into the main area of his home. The two unexpected guests outside will soon have their answers, and Aurelius can only hope that his sanctuary remains a place of safety for all involved.

As they enter his living room, he tells Seraphina to stay inside until he calls for her, then exits the house.

"I don't know how many times I've told you both to stop yelling. If I don't answer when you knock, there are still humans close by. I'm quite busy at the moment. Go away, and I'll talk with you later," Aurelius scolds the intruders, who remain insistent on meeting whomever is inside.

Aurelius sighs, realizing that they won't easily be deterred. He steps back inside, and Seraphina remains concealed in the living room, watching as Aurelius opens the door to face the man and woman, who immediately demand answers. The tension in the room is palpable as the ancient vampire prepares to navigate this unexpected encounter.

Understood, let's continue:

Seraphina hears Aurelius's words as if they were meant only for her. He asks her to nod if she wants him to be honest or shake her head if she wants him to lie. Seraphina nods her head, signaling her desire for honesty.

Then, Aurelius raises his voice to address the intruders. "Stop the ruckus. I'll explain everything. But first," he turns to the woman, "I need your pledge to Anubis." He then looks at the man, "And a blood pledge from you." Finally, he turns to Seraphina. "I also require a hunter's equivalent, that what happens this night and who is in this house stays between us."

Aurelius stands before Seraphina and the two associates, his expression stern yet thoughtful. He addresses them all, "I understand your concerns, and I respect your desire for assurances. Let us proceed with these pledges for the sake of cooperation."

The woman, still wary, nods in reluctant agreement, and the man, though visibly hesitant, follows suit. They stand before Aurelius, ready to take their respective oaths.

Aurelius begins by turning to Seraphina and explaining, "Seraphina, for our cooperation to continue, we need pledges to ensure the confidentiality of this night's events and that we won't pose harm to each other. It's a tradition as old as time among our kind."

Seraphina, now more composed, listens carefully. "What kind of pledges?" she asks.

Aurelius's demeanor becomes slightly more stern, underscoring the seriousness of the oaths. "First, the woman," he gestures to her. "She will make a pledge to Anubis, he will use his blood essence for the pledge, then you will make an eqaulivant pledge.

Aurelius turned to the two individuals who had disrupted his encounter with Seraphina. He gestured for them to introduce themselves, the seriousness of the situation weighing heavily on his ancient shoulders.

The woman stepped forward, her expression stern but curious. "I am Cassandra," she began, "and I am a priestess of Anubis. My pledge to protect the secrets of this night is unwavering."

Aurelius nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze shifting to the man beside her.

The man cleared his throat before speaking, "I am Marcus, a vampire, and I offer my blood pledge that the events of this night will remain hidden from all who seek to uncover them."

Aurelius appreciated their willingness to pledge and protect the secrecy of his home and the truths that had been unveiled. It was a necessary precaution to ensure the safety of all involved.

He turned to Seraphina, his expression slightly stern as he addressed her. "And now, Seraphina, it is your turn. Make your pledge, for the seriousness of this oath cannot be understated. The consequences of revealing what transpires here tonight could be dire."

Seraphina stepped forward, her determination unwavering as she introduced herself to the group. "I am Seraphina Elora Van Helsing," she declared. "A hunter of the Van Helsing Society, trained to rid the world of supernatural threats. I, too, pledge to protect the secrets of this night, as they are now intertwined with my quest for truth and justice."

Her words carried the weight of her purpose, and she locked eyes with each member of the group, reinforcing her commitment to the oath they had all taken.

The room was filled with a solemn sense of unity, as the ancient vampire, the priestess, the vampire, and the hunter found themselves bound by a shared purpose and a determination to face the challenges that lay ahead.

With the oaths taken and the understanding that they would protect the truths revealed, the group settled into an uneasy alliance. The mysteries of Aurelius's past, the threat of the Van Helsing Society, and the bonds that now connected them would shape the path they were destined to walk together.

Aurelius glanced around the room, his ancient senses attuned to the needs of his unexpected guests. He knew that his secluded abode had been disrupted by their arrival, and he felt a sense of responsibility to provide for them.

"I'm quite famished," Cassandra admitted with a weary smile. "Traveling here has left me quite hungry, Aurelius."

He nodded, acknowledging her need. "Very well, Cassandra. I'll prepare something for you."

The vampire, ever the enigmatic figure, simply shook his head. "I have no need for sustenance, but I appreciate the offer."

Aurelius then turned his gaze to Seraphina, curious about her response.

She hesitated for a moment, torn between the unfamiliar situation and her hunter instincts. Eventually, she spoke, "I could eat. It has been a long journey."

Aurelius nodded, a hint of warmth in his eyes. "I'll make arrangements for food then."

With that, he headed towards the kitchen, leaving his guests in the dimly lit room, their oaths and secrets binding them together in this unexpected alliance.

Seraphina chuckled at the unexpected revelation. "Well, then, Aurelius, I look forward to tasting your culinary skills. It's not every day one gets to enjoy a meal prepared by an ancient vampire."

Aurelius continued on his way to the kitchen, leaving Cassandra, Seraphina, and the enigmatic man in the dimly lit room. As the aroma of his cooking began to waft through the air, the tension in the room eased slightly, replaced by a sense of curiosity about what the evening would bring.

Aurelius, his gaze still fixed on a painting of Isabella, spoke with a hint of vulnerability in his voice, something that rarely escaped his stoic demeanor. "Cassandra, Marcus, you're two of the few wanderer supernaturals I've allowed into my life, faithful companions who visit me sporadically through the centuries. It's time I shared a glimpse of my past with you."

Cassandra and Marcus exchanged a surprised glance, intrigued by the rare revelation.

"I was not always the recluse you see before you," Aurelius continued. "In my early existence, I reveled in the darkness, embracing the power and control that came with being one of the oldest vampires in existence."

Cassandra nodded, her expression empathetic. "We've sensed your inner torment, Aurelius."

Aurelius acknowledged her words with a somber nod. "As the years passed, I witnessed the consequences of my actions, the suffering I had caused. It became unbearable. It was then that I made a choice—a choice to retreat from the world, to seek forgiveness in my own way."

Marcus chimed in, his voice filled with understanding. "You've tried to make amends, to help those in need without revealing your true nature."

Aurelius met their gazes, gratitude in his eyes. "Yes, and it's a path I continue to walk. I hope that in helping you, Seraphina, and others like her, we can find redemption together."

Cassandra placed a reassuring hand on Aurelius's shoulder. "We stand by your side, as we always have."

Marcus added with conviction, "We'll help you make amends, old friend."

Aurelius felt a warmth in his undead heart, a glimmer of hope that perhaps redemption was not an impossible dream. Together, they forged an unbreakable bond—one of trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to righting the wrongs of the past.

Aurelius turns to Seraphina and begins to speak to Marcus and Cassandra, "Allow me to shed some light on the situation. Seraphina here was sent by the Van Helsing Society to hunt me down." Both Marcus and Cassandra gasp in surprise as they listen intently.

Aurelius continues, "However, it appears that she was lied to by the Van Helsing Society. They fabricated a story claiming that I was responsible for the slaughter of her family, the Ravenscroft." The shock in the room grows as the truth is unveiled.

Seraphina, though she knew the deception all too well, watches the reactions of Marcus and Cassandra, her expression a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. The revelation has changed the dynamics of their meeting, and the weight of secrets and truths hangs heavily in the air.

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