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The Young Lannister (Game Of Thrones Fanfic) The Young Lannister (Game Of Thrones Fanfic) original

The Young Lannister (Game Of Thrones Fanfic)

Autor: Ryomd

© WebNovel


In an average size apartment in Japan.

"That was not what I was expecting…they really ended it like that huh such a waste" said a boy named Adam Rowland, in a room that is messy with laundry scattered throughout the floor. "Well that season sucks! They really did Game Of Thrones dirty" the boy continued his 'critique', even so he still enjoy the Game Of Thrones series even though he never read the books and only got into the series through a friend he surprisingly found it enjoyable and got hooked to it even though the show slowly declines he still kept up with it. As he was about to just stand up and go to the bathroom he hears someone knocking on his room, opening the door he sees his father a man who stands at 5'10, his father looks at him and state that he needs to be ready to go the airport to pick my mother who is finally coming to Brussels after 1 year. Considering that Adam followed his father here for his work and transferred here he have not met his mom who have her own job and needs a few months to a year to set everything up before having the chance to come with us to Japan, his father's current workplace. Once that was said, Adam finally remembered that today is the day she travels to Brussels, with renewed vigor he said to his father that he will be ready in a 'flash'. He quickly go back in and take a relatively clean shirt and a pair of jeans which he then took into the bathroom where he took a quick shower and changed into a new outfit from his previous one.

However, once he was finished there was an odd silence, usually the sound of car engine was heard considering his father always warm up the engine. But the odd silence continued, when suddenly he was hit in the arm with something hard. When he react and back up he saw someone stood in one of the doorways in the house with a bat, once he saw that his pupils dilated and he quickly ran to the living room where he saw another intruder with a gun with it pointed at the back of his father's head. He stopped once he saw that and that decision got him beaten by the guy who was chasing him with the bat. He was knock the ground when he heard his father scream to stop hurting him. The assailant heard that and stop trying hit him and roughly pull him up and zip tied his wrist behind his back and kick behind his knees to make Adam kneel. Adam was groggy after the beating he was given by the assailant. While he was out of it, he can kind of make out his father's figure and he sees that his father was beaten to the ground with one of the intruder foot on his head. As Adam vision became clear he saw the smirks of these intruders and he is furious and when he want to do something he heard a grunt and look at his father who just smiled even with a foot on his head as me mouthed "Stay". Adam was frustrated and sad as tears ran down his face, the intruders saw the interaction and kick Adam's father in the head and point a gun at Adam himself. Adam stiffen, although he is angry he is still scared he is still young considering he is only 16 years old. That being said, everything change when the intruders start talking in a language he doesn't understand and start laughing while one of them beat his father again and again while the other sack the whole place taking the jewelries that his father kept for his mother and all of the valuable belongings they can find.

Once they are done, they said in English "Don't call the police and don't tell anyone, if not your son will be chop into pieces" and as if to ensure that his father follow through they broke one of his father's leg. Adam seeing that become furious again as his eyes constricted and veins protruding from his neck, and now with his anger overtaking his common sense he quickly stand up and uses his body to tackle one of the intruders and with all of his strength break the zip tie that was tying him as he punches the guy he tackle. However it all stop when a gunshot was heard and Adam stop in his tracks as he felt pain on his abdomen. Before he fell he saw his father rushes towards the gun man with one leg and throw his weight on him as he wrestled the gun from the intruder hand. After a while another gunshot was heard followed by another as it continued. Adam who was on the ground look at his father who shot the intruder 4 times and his father turn the gun towards the intruder beside me who I heard was begging for his life but Adam's father emptied the clip into the intruder with rage apparent on his face. Once that was finish he drag his body towards Adam and cradle him while also trying to get the phone to call for ambulance and the police. However once his father got the phone and called the police Adam coughed up some blood and his father cries as he tried to put pressure on Adam's wound to slow the bleeding down. "Don't do this to me buddy, we still need to pick up your mother right…" said the heartbroken man as he cries with hiccups. "I am sorry dad, I was impulsive I'm sorry I'm sorry" thought the boy as he too cries with blood dripping from his mouth and abdomen. He slowly felt life slip away and he manage to mutter "tell mom I love her and you, I am sor…." Before he could finish he breathe his last. The man was shaken as he tried everything to wake the boy up but to no avail. Shortly after the sound of sirens was heard and the apartment door open with police swarming the area. The man was then taken by paramedics for his injuries while another group of paramedics took his boy's body into another ambulance.

After an hour or so, a thirty year old woman rushes into a hospital emergency room and quickly ask a nearby nurse about a man and a boy with Rowland surnames. Once she got the information she ran as fast as she could before stopping in front of a ward with police guarding the front door. She approaches the ward and was stopped by an officer, once she told her identity she was let through. Opening the door he saw an older policeman sitting beside her husband, the older policeman noticed her and stood up and bowed and quietly left. The man on the hospital bed sees his wife and broke down into tears as he says it's his fault. The woman went up to the bed and asked what his fault is and he told that he failed to keep their son safe and it cost their son's life. The woman heard that and broke into tears too as she grasp the man's hand and quietly rub it as she kept hearing the man muttering it's his fault and he failed as a father. She quickly said that it's not his fault it's an accident as she continued to calm the man down. Once the man calmed down, the woman quietly left the ward and went to the morgue where she met with the doctor and request to see her son body. She saw her son body and she cried as she hug her son dead body while saying "my boy, my boy". The heartbreaking cries of a mother mourning her son touched even the nearby doctor and nurses as they clenched their fist and tried to calm the woman down.

While this was happening, Adam's soul who separate from his body was sucked into a black hole of some sorts and transported to another place filled with other souls. There he sees that there is a scale and thought maybe it's a scale that weighs his good and evil. When he finally reached to the scale he saw a being that look like Morgan Freeman. That being notice Adam and he smiled kindly to Adam before conversing with the boy, "Didn't expect to see me here didn't you". Adam was shocked and he quickly replied with "Yes, I didn't know that Morgan Freeman was really god". The being laughed before replying with a kind smile "I am not God I'm what you humans call ROB and the reason you seeing Morgan Freeman is because apparently this form doesn't scare or make humans like you apprehensive." "So what will happen to me now?" asked the boy with the ROB replying with "Well I'm going to give you a second chance".

Ryomd Ryomd

Feel Free to leave your thoughts whether it is good? or not? This is my first story and my English is not the best . Also feel free to give suggestions whether you want it to be harem or not and who you want to be in the novel

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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