/ Book&Literature / The Wizards of Ice and Fire [HIATUS]
Rewrite in progress
When Harry Potter and his wife, Daphne Potter, return to Britain after decades of traveling the world, they find themselves facing an unexpected tragedy - the disappearance of their son. Desperate for answers, they turn to the Unspeakables in the Department of Mysteries, which leads them to the enigmatic Veil of Death. As they stand before the Veil, they are ambushed by a group of masked wizards, forcing them to make a fateful decision.
Thrown into the Veil, Harry and Daphne are reincarnated in the world of Westeros as Jon Snow and Daena Rogare. In this unfamiliar realm, the couple must navigate the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that define the harsh realities of Westeros, all while seeking a way to make peace with their past and enjoy their new shot at life.
Schedule of Release: One chapter every Wednesday and Sunday
Until I build a bigger backlog, I will only publish 2 chapters every week.
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Escreva uma avaliaçãoReally enjoying this one. Some nice and exciting new ideas! Would love to have more chapters <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
To be honest I thought this same as other fanfic of same type but this one has promise I just hope author will continue this story and not scrap it in the middle. Overall it's a good read.
To be honest I don't expect much but, the chapter 15 was good. And I'm always follow my whimsical so 5 star to my satisfaction. ............................
Autor Basso2142
As the author, I'm delighted to give this story a 5-star review to help kickstart its momentum. I began writing this fiction a few weeks ago purely for enjoyment, and I've recently decided to share it with you all. Please be aware that the release schedule is not yet firmly established, as my baby girl was born just 8 days ago, and we're still adjusting to our new family routine. However, things have been settling down over the past few days, and I'm confident that I can deliver at least 3 chapters per week as I work on building a substantial backlog. Thank you for your understanding and support!