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6.89% The Way We Were / Chapter 2: History Oh My

Capítulo 2: History Oh My

A little form scrambled across the vast bed and stopped next to the dainty figure bundled within the covers. They rested on their knees and observed the person for some time before taking a plump finger to jab at an eyelid.

The unwitting person crunched up their nose and cracked open the one eye not getting assaulted. Her voice was drowsy from sleep as she spoke softly to the child. "Malakai honey, don't poke mommy in the eye."

Malakai flashed his golden eyes curiously as he tilted his dusky head to the side and lowered his hand away from her face. "Why?"

Kagome giggled at the adorable toddler and removed her hand from the tangled blanket, so she could reach out to grab his chubby cheek lightly. 'Aww…He is so cute!'

Releasing his cheek, she grabbed his tiny form and dragged him to her side then tossed the covers out of her way. She swung her legs over the edge and quietly slipped out of bed. "Because mommy said not to."

She gently brushed his ebony hair out of his eager eyes then tapped him lightly on the button nose. "and what are you doing up? You're supposed to be sleeping."

He batted her manicured hand away from his round face and jerked his glossy head hastily before producing a severe expression. "No. UP!"

Kagome laughed merrily at his fierce determination and agreed heartedly with the active toddler. "Yes, you are definitely up. Let's go get you changed, then we can go down to turn on some cartoons." She affectionately patted his soggy bottom while walking through the connecting door to change him.

Malakai clapped his chubby little hands together and crowed excitedly. "BooCoos, BooCoos!"

A sigh escaped while she fought the urge to roll her eyes skyward at the thought of that cartoon. It wasn't like she hated the animation but there was only so much of the cute blue dog she could take. "Oh joy…Blue's Clues..."She mumbled softly to herself." again for the hundredth time."

After Malakai was clean and dry, the duo made their way downstairs and into the living room. Kagome set Malakai in his play space and went about to find the remote.

"BooCoos! BooCoos!" The small child's chanting could be heard as she fumbled with the remote to turn on the television. She quickly loaded the streaming program they utilize and scrolled through it to find the animation.

Once it was playing on the widescreen, Kagome swiveled to keenly watch her son. He clapped his tiny hands and bounced his diapered butt against the tatami flooring as the theme music began to play. She smiled as his antics and toss back her head as she thought silently to herself. 'Well, it makes him happy and that is all that counts.'

She quietly slipped out of the modest room and patted toward the cheerful kitchen to start a fresh pot of much-needed coffee and something to fill their bellies.


All caffeinated up and raring to go, Kagome carefully, and soundlessly pushed open the closed bedroom door. She crept stealthily into the darkened room and tipped toed to the occupied bed. A snore cut through the pregnant air causing the teen to clamp onto her lower lip to keep from giggling aloud and awaken the occupant.

Creeping closer, she spied her best friend sprawled across the soft mattress with her mouth hanging open and limbs twisted every which way. More snores filtered from her sleeping form and Kagome smothered another giggle as she continued watching the embarrassing scene. 'She sounds like something is trying to get out.' Covering another laugh with a hand; her body shook with mirth before calming enough to softly whisper to her slumbering companion. "Sango. Hey. Wake up."

The teen slept on and barely stirred from her slumber. Her loud snores continued while the other teen considered her options: one- she could gently approach and wake her friend up; Or, Two- she could try something far more entertaining.

A naughty grin slid onto her features as she quietly back away then launched herself across the room and onto the bed. Her petite body shook the bouncy foundation while she promptly raised her cheerful voice to a joyous shriek. "Sango wake up! It's time to raise and shine! We're going to miss the bus if you don't!"

Sango shot up half asleep, her unbound hair standing up every which way as she screamed herself. "Earthquake!"

Kagome's bellowing vibrated throughout the room and captured the freaked-out girl's attention. "What the hell?!" She snapped at the hysterical teen, who was presently clutching her stomach tightly.

"Earthquake!" Mimicked Kagome between cackles and fell back on the bed.

A stealthy foot connected with her thigh causing the snickering girl to let go of her stomach and clutch at her abused limb, whining loudly. "Ouch! Why'd ya hit me?!"

"Because you rightfully deserved it," Sango growled fiercely and reached up to carefully rub the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it?"

Kagome continued to gently rub her hurt thigh as she glanced thoughtfully at the clock on the side table. "Six Thirty."

"Six Thirty!" Screamed the tired teen, who then glared at the other woman before falling back against the bed " What the hell are you doing up and why are you so damn cheery?"

Her abused appendage now forgotten as Kagome grinned delightedly and began to bounce up and down on the mattress. "That's because I have a one-year-old who likes to wake up early. Plus, I had lots of coffee. Now, are you going to get your ass up or not?"

Sango intentionally let out a groan and yanked her pillow from underneath her matted head. She whipped it at the bubbly girl and smiled triumphantly when she heard it make a resounding thump followed by a small grunt.

Kagome tossed the pillow back at her friend and conceded gently. "I undoubtedly deserved that."

"Yeah. You did. Now get out, so I can get ready." Sango said as she flung the remaining blanket from her body and onto the other girl.

Kagome fought her way out of the snare and glared at the brown-haired woman. "Hey! I was there you know!"

Sango's chocolate eyes twinkled with amusement and smirked while moving to her dresser. "I know, and I just couldn't resist."

Huffing playfully, Kagome rolled out of the bed and smoothed out her pleated skirt. "Gee I feel the love." Sniffing slightly and making her way to the wide-open door, she hurled her words over her shoulder. "Since you clearly want me out of your way, I'll go visit with your grandmother. Maybe she'll have some coffee ready?"

Sango raised a slim brow as she grabbed her shower caddy and followed the teen out the door. "Do you really think you need more coffee?"

"Of course, more the merrier." Kagome chirped happily and winked at her bestie before going the opposite way.

Gently shaking her messy head, Sango made her way to the bathroom mumbling about hyperactive best friends drinking way too much coffee.


After an hour or so later, the teens were scrambling off the public bus and gradually making their way down the next couple of blocks to the high school campus.

Silence descended on the duo as they wove around those who were heading to their own destinations and drifted closer to the massive building in the distance.

Sango eyed Kagome and bumped her dainty shoulder lightly. "Hey. You okay?"

The young mother shrugged and exhaled deeply before finally speaking. "I don't know. Maybe this was a mistake?" Her stomach fluttered with butterflies and regret began to seep into her thoughts. 'Why am I going back?' She chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip and wrung her nimble fingers together nervously. 'I could be home with Malakai; home where it is safe. Safe for both of us. Why am I risking exposure? Was it really worth it?'

Another bump instantly drew her out of her anxious thoughts while a comforting arm slung over her hunched shoulders. "You had months to come to this decision and if I know anything about you, I'm sure it was one that you didn't take lightly."

Kagome carefully tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and softly agreed. "Yeah, I debated for a while about coming back."

"What made you decide you wanted to?" Questioned Sango as they hurried through the marked crosswalk to the other side.

"I missed it. I missed being a normal teen. I know I can't go back to the way it was but I was hoping to gain back some things that I was forced to let go of."

They reached the large opened gate, and Sango squeezed her shoulders in reassurance then dropped her arm to rest by side. "There you go. Everything is going to be fine and if it's not, I told you I'd be there to back you up."

Kagome laughed as some of the worry began to decline a bit. "Hiraikotsu?"

"Hai. Hiraikotsu." They giggled gleefully before stepping across the threshold and into the open courtyard.

The communal atmosphere was pretty much the same as it had been in middle school. People were scattered here and there; some sitting on the grass while others sat at the round tables scattered throughout the spacious yard. She noticed a few of her peers but the rest were new.

Her apprehensiveness rushed back when the school doors came into view causing Kagome to take in a couple of cleansing breaths. She could do this. No, she had to do this. Taking in a few more breaths, she promptly followed Sango up the steps and into the massive building.

The inside of the high school looked quite similar to the Junior high and just like the outside, had students hurrying to their lockers or in small groups chattering amongst their friends.

Kagome smiled at the pleasant surroundings, and it widened when she heard the familiar yelling and the distinct sound of fists hitting metal. 'Inuyasha…'

An angry silver-haired figure stood in front of a row of lockers, and a clawed fist banged on the cover as the other fiddled with the combo. His vexed tone floated above the noise of the other students. "Fucking locker! Open you stupid piece of shit!" He struck the locker again. "I said open, damn it!"

The twosome carefully approached the pissed off hanyō and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He flipped around, his mouth wide open to confront whoever interrupted him. "What the fu…" His harsh words paused and his golden eyes widened as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Kagome?" Inuyasha hadn't seen her in months and thought for sure that she was never be coming back to school. Hell, he wouldn't if he were her. If he could get out of this hell hole, he would.

Kagome rocked on the balls of her feet and grinned up broadly at the stunned hanyō. "Hey, Inuyasha."

The half-demon said nothing for a few breathless seconds before breaking free of his immobility and hauling her into a tight hug.

The teen was genuinely surprised when he wrenched her into his broad chest for an embrace. Inuyasha was more of a fighter than a lover. He definitely would never obtain the Mr. Sensitivity award. The half-demon was an ass and took quite a bit of considerable patience to get used to. After a while, he starts growing on you, and you can't seem to get rid of him. Her breathing was becoming difficult as she was getting a mouth full of button up. She twisted her face away from the fabric to let the dog demon know. "Ah Inu. I… can't breathe here."

Inuyasha instantly released her slight form. His face produced a pleasant shade of red, and a clawed hand ran through his silver locks.

Kagome couldn't help but laugh gleefully at the embarrassed dog demon. "Inu it's no big deal. You just missed me that's all."

The inuyōkai snapped out of his humiliation, and his luminous eyes narrowed while he snorted loudly. "Yeah, wench. I missed you so much."

Her hand shot out to cuff him on the arm and yelled at him sharply. "How many times have I told you not to call me a WENCH!" She hated when he called her that. Kami, she had a name and it was not wench. "Now where is everyone else?" She shifted the subject and peered around the active hallway.

He shrugged his muscled shoulders and leaned comfortably against his locker. "I don't know. They might be in the pit area, Wwwwench."

Sapphire eyes flared brightly, she glared up at him and thumped him upside the head. Evidently the first didn't do a thing. "Don't call me a WENCH!"

His own stare hardened as the argument continued. "I'll call ya what I want to call ya! You ain't my fucking boss!"

Kagome scoffed loudly and rested her hands on her ample hips. "If I was your boss, you wouldn't be such a baka and you'd be able to get into your locker."

A growl of annoyance slipped from the hanyō, and he stomped his foot. "I can get into my locker, Wwwwench!"

Sango stood off to the side of the duo and silently witnessed them bicker amongst one another. The quiet teen bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from busting a gut. It would do no good to attract a pissed off Kagome. She'd leave that all to the InuBaka.

Kagome's heated gaze slivered before she flipped her raven hair over her shoulder and into Inuyasha's face. Her focus moving from the half demon to her best friend. "Sango let's go find my locker. I'm sure I'll have no problem opening it."

Another growl could be heard because of her little jab and the only thing Sango could do was nod for the fear that she would no longer be able to hold it together.

The young mother turned back around to stick her tongue out at the bristled hanyō then quickly hurried away to locate her locker.

Inuyasha growled once again giving Kagome's back a crude gesture as he returned to what he had been initially doing. He gave the metal a good thump, and it swung wide open. He mumbled quietly to himself as he shoved his belongings into the vacant space. "Finally. Shit. Stupid mouthy wenches distracting me."


The 'pit' as Inuyasha had dubbed it was adjacent to the table filled cafeteria and had places to sit scattered about. Many were loaded with other students along with some of her friends.

Kagome fought back a cringe when a shrieking couple ran joyously in her direction. She paused in mid-step and waited for the impact. When they finally enveloped her in their excited embrace and made her a friendship sandwich, she giggled happily. "Kikyou, Ayame."

They both released the woman in the middle and greeted her enthusiastically. "Hi, Kagome!"

Kagome opened her mouth to inquire how the duo was doing when she felt a hand brush against her ass. Anger coasted her distinctive features while one of her hands whipped around and smacked the offending person.

The young hentai fell to the floor, rubbing his sore cheek and trying to look as innocent as possible. "Lady Kagome my hand slipped. I am truly sorry."

Her hands dropped to her hips, and she glared daggers at the dirty man. She was no fool and knew that that hand had many slip-ups. He was no innocent babe, just a horny teenage male coping a feel. "Miroku, you hentai! That was not the welcome I was expecting. All you had to do was say hello not grab my ass!"

Miroku stood up, brushing off the imaginary dirt as he continued with his feeble excuse. "Like I said my hand slipped. I did not mean to press upon your person."

Sango snickered at the expense of the pervert and called him on his clear lie. "Yeah right, Houshi. You're so full of shit."

Miroku's innocent expression slipped when he heard her best friend's jovial voice and quickly switched his primary focus to the taller woman. A grinned appeared as he gushed happily and took a step closer placing a hand over his heart. "My dearest Sango. It is no lie, though I have missed your warm touch."

The brown-haired woman smirked menacingly causing the smooth-talking man to gulp nervously. "What you missed me slapping you that much?" Her deft fingers came forward to curl towards herself while she began eagerly to close the considerable distance. "If that is so then come here and I'll repeat what Kagome did."

His Adam's apple bobbed frantically, and his desperate eyes flicked about as if he were looking for the best exit before slowly backing away.

Chuckling delightedly and swaying her dark locks about, Kagome quietly made her way to a line of countertops splitting the two areas from one another. She dragged out an overstuffed stool and hopped on, so she could watch her friends and the busy cafeteria. She swiveled in the seat to follow the antics of her bestie and watched as the enthusiastic teen chased the terrified pervert around the full tables and other students. 'Aww. They were too cute.' If only they would get together by now, though it has always been a love hit relationship with them. Shit, this has been going on since the pair met in grade one.

Maybe it was Miroku's approach? Sadly, that hasn't changed either. Even then he possessed grabby hands. Another laugh spring passed her lips as the teen remembered their first meeting and a tiny Sango chasing a lovestruck Miroku around the play yard. Somethings never change.

Shifting back around, she propped an elbow on the polished surface then leaned against her palm while eyeing the boundless sea of students in the cafeteria. Hundreds of untroubled faces naively going about their day not giving a thought about the world outside. If only she could be that naïve again.

Her gaze regarded the array of colored heads and froze when she swept over strands of exquisite silver. Her tender heart slammed against her ribcage as if it were trying to escape, so it could run and hide. Suddenly it became difficult to swallow as her throat tightened. 'There he is. Did he see me?' Panic began to seep in, but she shook it off when she realized that he had not. 'Good. He doesn't know.' It was better that way; safer that way.

The unspeakable dread tentatively started to fade only to rear its ugly head when she heard her name being bellowed down the vast hallway. Her head snapped in that direction and watched the soon to be dead wolf yōkai jogging her way. 'The gods must really hate me…'

She dared to glance out of her peripheral to check if Sesshōmaru had heard the obnoxiously boisterous wolf. The nervous mother bit back a whimper once she discovered his intense gaze glued to her stiff form. 'Wonderful.' So much for staying underneath the radar. 'Fucking loud mouth wolves.'

Abruptly, Kagome was pulled from the stool and enfolded in the sturdy arms of the damned wolf demon. He twirled her around like a ragdoll and sent her a flirtatious grin then kissed her cheek affectionately. "Kagome your back!"

The spinning came to an end, and he set her on the counter surface causing her legs to dangle off the edge. Kouga wedged his way between her legs and stared down at her all gooey eyed.

'Aww…' Her frustration at the yōkai melted, and she realized that she couldn't stay mad at that baby face. It wasn't like he meant to do it. He didn't know she was hiding from tall, intense and jerky.

Kagome returned his grin with one of her own and giggled playfully. "Yep, I'm back. Did you miss little old me?"

He puffed his chest then wrapped his arms around her slender waist and pulled himself closer. "Of course, I missed my women. The question is, did you miss your man?"

Kagome restrained her tongue and almost informed him that if he really did feel that way then why was this the first time in more than a year that she has seen him. Whatever he felt for her was not the feeling of love and she wished he'd turn his attention to someone else. Hell, Ayame would jump at a chance if he bothered to notice the younger wolf.

Before she could respond to the misplaced yōkai, she was saved by a loud snarl followed by a bunch of yelling. Inuyasha's brash tone cut over all the noise. "You fucking wolf! Get your hands off of Kagome, damn it!"

The tiny female wasn't certain if she should be relieved or annoyed with the angry hanyō. It wasn't like she needed him to go all macho man like she was some damsel in distress. She didn't require any male to save the damn day.

Kouga let go of her waist and intentionally blocked her form from view as he snarled at the dog demon. "Why don't you leave me and my woman alone before I kick your fucking ass, Mutt face."

Inuyasha growled even louder, and his mighty fists clenched tightly. "Then why don't you try, mangy wolf?"

Dutifully accepting the challenge, Kouga instantly left Kagome's side and was up in Inuyasha face. Both screaming at one another and completely forgetting about the attractive female in front of them.

Her bright eyes rolled dramatically and shook her dark head at the testosterone filled fools a few feet away. Like she has said beforehand, some things really haven't changed. Inuyasha and Kouga arguing fiercely were one of them.

She glanced at the students around them and noticed this must be a common occurrence because no one was batting an eye at the screaming duo. She turned to see if the cafeteria was the same way and immediately came in contact with fiery gold. The urge to look away was great, but she couldn't find her resolve to do it.

As they continued to stare pensively at each other, so many questions trickled through her conscious mind. Why was he staring at her like that? Why the hell was he so mad? Was it because of Kouga? Why would be upset about the wolf demon? It wasn't like he genuinely cared about her. He was the one who dumped her, so he retained no right to be angry when another male showed her some interest.

A clearing of the throat hurled her out of her daze, and she whipped around to see Sango's athletic form standing beside her. The taller teen's slim brows rose, and curiosity swam in her dark stare as she glanced from her to the cafeteria in silent question.

Driving the troubling thoughts away and bringing up a dazzling smile, Kagome pretended that Sesshōmaru's heated gaze wasn't burning a hole in her back. She jumped down from the horizontal surface and sought to distract her curious friend with a question of her own. "Hey. You get a hold of Miroku?"

A satisfied smirk stretched over her friend's features, and a laugh broke out of the brunette. "Oh yeah. He won't be getting up for a while."

"Well, he's going to be late for his first period then."

"He should have thought about that before he got all handsy. The pervert will get no sympathy from me." Her brown eyes flickered over to the two yōkai still arguing amongst one another and cocked her head in their direction. "What are they arguing about?"

"Me. At least that was what it started about, but now I'm not so sure anymore…They do this a lot?"

"Yep just like Junior High," Sango confirmed her theory about the twosome then the brunette rolled her chocolate eyes upward and changed the subject. "You need me to show you to your first period?"

"Yes, please. Let's go before they break it up and want to help."

"Aww. Don't you want their help?" Her cheeky companion grinned before taking a drink from the water bottle in hand.

Kagome snorted while her blue eye twinkled mischievously, and a sly smirk played on her plump lips. "Do you want Miroku's help?

Sango chocked on the water and squeaked out a meek response. "Touché." The brunette teen spun around and made her way away from the fighting pair, glaring down at the unconscious Houshi as she strolled passed him.

A low giggle bubbled forth at her friend reaction then hurried to catch up. It would do no good to get lost on her first day, especially with certain yōkai about. Seeing him was one thing, but actually, having to speak with him was another. She wasn't sure if she could do that.


Four classes later had Kagome forgetting about the unusual moment with her clandestine ex-boyfriend. Presently she was laughing heartily at something her best friend had said as they piled into their fifth-hour class.

A content smile overcame her features when they sat in the back row and kicked back waiting for the class to begin. All at once she felt like she did their Ninth year; deliriously joyful and carefree.

Sango nudged her arm with the end of a pencil and leaned in so no one could overhear. "Do you know if anyone else is in this class?"

Kagome shrugged lightly and flipped open a notebook to get it ready. "I don't know. I didn't really have time to look at their schedules. Why? Do you want to know if Miroku will be in here?"

Sango's cheeks flamed brightly and snapped at her harshly. "No! I was just curious that's all."

Kagome just smirked flashing the denying teen some teeth. Sango wasn't fooling anyone, especially her. At one time she may not have been interested in the perv, but that ship had sailed some time ago. "Yeah just curious."

The reddened flesh darkened, and Sango's focus suddenly dropped to the planner on the table, leaving silence to stretch between them.

Gradually folks began to trickle in taking random seats throughout the classroom. Kagome watched her best friend's eyes flick to the entry, and a faint smile appeared when Miroku and Inuyasha stepped noisily into the room.

The guys rushed towards their table and swiftly pulled the vacant seats before someone else did. Inuyasha plopped down in front of Kagome looking quite smug with himself while Miroku smiled cheekily and sat down next to his friend.

A deep growl echoed throughout the expansive room causing everyone to peer at the doorway as Kouga stormed in. He dusted himself off and glared furiously at the thoroughly pleased Inuyōkai. Inuyasha just grinned broadly at the dirty look and sent the wolf demon an offensive gesture.

Kouga snarled once again and returned the sentiment before securing an unoccupied seat.

The bell rang just as the teacher strolled in and the class hushed when she set her briefcase on her desk then looked up with a smile. She opened her mouth to say something when an abrupt knock echoed off the classroom door, and someone walked in.

Kagome nearly fell out of her chair at the unwelcome sight of the newcomer. She stifled a groan and dropped her horrified face into hands. 'Oh, come the hell on!' She silently screamed to herself. The gods had to be freaking punishing her. Why else would Sesshōmaru be in this class? He was a year older, so the Inu should have already had this squared away. Did he not take it last year or something?

Inuyasha's unfriendly growl cut in on her confused thoughts, and he whispered under his breath. "What the hell is fluffy doing here?"

She yanked her pinched face away from her hands and shrugged too nervous to reply.

Her hanyō friend glared at his half-brother and irritably watched as the older inuyōkai handed the teacher a note.

The sensei quickly skimmed the piece of paper then set it on her desk and pointed at an empty seat. "Okay Sesshōmaru, you can sit there for the time being." With a silent jerk of his head, Sesshōmaru said nothing as he went to the seat indicated by the teacher.

Kagome's wary gaze followed the silvered haired Inuyōkai while he sat down at the front table a few feet away. She eyed the back of his head and fervently hoped that if she stared hard enough, either he would disappear or blow up. Woefully, neither happened, and the teacher carried on with her introduction.

Their sensei cleared her throat loudly to draw everyone's attention then waited for the noise to die down before speaking. "Kon'nichiwa minasan."

"Ohayo sensei!" The class responded unanimously in return and caused the new teacher to smirk happily. "I am Sensei Watanabe and before we begin, will be getting started with a seating chart. So, can I have everyone stand up and go to the left side of the room, please?" She flicked her fingers up and down then to the side that she wanted them to be. The class did as she asked though most of the student whined about a seating chart.

Sango was no exception and softly cried to her best friend, clutching her items tightly to her chest. "What if I get stuck sitting by Houshi? The hentai would never leave me alone again. My ass will never be safe."

"If he is, then you will handle it like always. You don't see me worrying about who's going to sit by me, do you?" Lies. All lies but Sango didn't need to know that she was actually terrified. A little white lie to help her bestie feel better was worth her own discomfort in the situation. Kagome tried to give her friend a reassuring smile and lightly hip bumped her as they rested against the wall. "Sango it will be fine."

The sensei beamed as she stood in front of her desk with a notepad in her hand and began the arranged seating. "At table number one, Yakosoku Ayame and Meiwaku Kouga."

Ayame smiled as she sat down almost giddy that her crush would be sitting next to her and maybe the yōkai would finally take notice of her. It was the opposite with Kouga, who was not as happy with the teacher's choice as he stomped to his seat. He plopped down and began to sulk in it. The wolf yōkai was rather hoping it would have been Kagome he had been paired with and not the stalkerish adolescent wolf next to him.

The teacher continued without any notice to the discomfort of her students, "Then Damasu Kikyou and Tatakau Inuyasha."

Kikyou silently took her seat not caring who she sat by, though she was thrilled that she and Ayame were at the same table. The semester wouldn't be that bad after all. Inuyasha, of course, was just happy that Kouga wasn't sitting by Kagome, but he wasn't too pleased to have to sit at the same table with the mongrel himself.

"Table number two is Houshi Miroku and Taijiya Sango."

Miroku sent Sango a toothy smile which she returned with a reproachful glare. The lovestruck teen ignored the look and quickly hurried to his seat waiting for his dearest to draw nearer. Sango eyed her new neighbor reluctantly then cautiously sat down in the chair. She shoved a finger at the Houshi and snapped lowly. "Keep your hands to yourself. You got that."

Miroku held up his hands in a defenseless manner and smiled innocently. "Of course, my dearest Sango. These hands will do no such thing." His words gave her little comfort, and she kept a sharper eye on those sneaky appendages.

Kagome was on edge when she heard the sensei call out her name. "Then Higurashi Kagome and…" She chewed on her bottom lip, her nerves skyrocketed with the pause. She watched the teacher scribble something out and write something next to it instead before speaking once again. "Tatakau Sesshōmaru."

Kagome's stomach dropped, and her mouth felt like it was filled with sand. She couldn't believe her bad luck. Really how much worse could this day get? Did the gods hate her that much? She slowly made her way to the table not looking at the Inuyōkai in the chair next to hers.

The sensei continued with the other students in the classroom, while Kagome shifted uncomfortably in her chair. A multitude of emotions washed over her as she sat beside the man that had ripped out her beating heart and stomped it to mush. She didn't dare look at him- too afraid that the tears that she had cried all those months ago would return with a vengeance. Her eyes traveled to her best friend sitting across the way and spied that she was just as uncomfortable as she.

Sensei Watanabe smiled and clapped her hands together to draw their attention. "Well class as you know this is history, and we will be learning about different periods in time. I would like to do things differently than your previous teachers." She handed out a sheet of papers to the tables. "This list has different subjects that we are going to be learning about throughout the semester. I need you to pick a subject off the list. This subject is for the report you will do for your final exam. Do not fret, you will not have to do this alone; the person sitting next to you will be your partner. I expect you to have this done for the final exam. There will be no makeup since you had the whole semester to work on it. Now one of you may come up here so I can write down what subject you're going to do."

Staring pensively at the paper, Kagome gradually took in all the information. 'Oh Kami.' Her chest felt tight, and her head became dizzy with mild panic. She had to work with Sesshōmaru! How the hell was she going to accomplish that while hiding the fact that she had his child? It wasn't going to work; it would never work! Her mind was so distracted that the fretting teenager never noticed that the yōkai in question was watching her as if he were waiting for something. When she didn't respond,

he got up to write down what they were doing before coming back to sit.

The sound of her blood echoed in her ears causing it to drown out what the teacher was now saying. All thoughts were no longer with this class, but on the demon beside her and the immense panic, she was now experiencing.

When the bell finally rang it snapped her out of the panicked daze and without bothering to look at the others, she swiftly grabbed her things and made a beeline out of the classroom.

Kagome hurried down the hall towards her locker to ditch her things and to get the hell out of the school. The sooner, she was away from the situation the better. She couldn't think clearly and needed to reflect on what just happened.

Tears wanted to rush forth as she cursed the gods. 'Why? Why do you hate me so? Did I run over a child or something? Was I terribly vindictive to people in a past life?' She wished they would send her a clue, so she wouldn't be walking around waiting for the next unkind trick they were going to drop on her.

She reached her locker and began to fiddle with her lock. "Come on damn it! Open you piece of sh…" She stopped in mid-sentence as she felt a familiar aura behind her. Kagome took in a deep breath and whipped around. Her nose was mere inches from touching Sesshōmaru's chest. The young mother couldn't help it when her throat tightened and the panic she had felt before came rushing back. 'No. No, this cannot be happening.' She felt her heart thumping against her rib cage and knew that Sesshōmaru could hear its wild chase. Letting out the held breath, she tried to keep her voice from shaking. "Y…yes?"

Sesshōmaru stared at her for a moment then finally answered in his abrupt way of speaking. "I will meet you at your house after the end of school. I wish to get this thing done ahead of time."

Clearly, the gods weren't going to give her a break. 'You have to be kidding.' Only Sesshōmaru would want to work on a freaking project right away. Why couldn't he be like a normal high schooler and put it off until the last minute? Why did he have to do it now? Why not later in the week so she could prepare at least?

The panic she was feeling began to get worse, and the tightness of her chest increased. She rested against her locker and tried to take in some deep and calming breaths. 'Calm down and think Kagome, think damn it! You need to find an excuse NOW!' "I c…can't tonight, I have plans with Sango. Sorry, but we'll have to do this another time." There she said it, and it sounded plausible.

His golden eyes narrowed, and she knew that he didn't buy her words for a second but did not call her on the lie. Instead, he completely ignored her excuse and shook his silver mane. "No, I will meet you at your house at six sharp."

Why did he have to be such a bossy asshole? What right did he have to tell her where to be? He was not her commander- hell, he wasn't even her boyfriend. He had no right to tell her what to do. Her temper flared while she glared up at the dog demon and snapped. "Damn it, Fluffy, I told you I can't! For the love of the gods Sesshōmaru, are you deaf?"

Sesshōmaru slammed a hand next to her raven head and leaned in with narrowed eyes. "Do not call me that again."

Kagome was not afraid of him and would be damned if he was going to intimidate her. Anger was now dictating how she was reacting towards the Inuyōkai. "I'll call you what I want, Flllllllluffy. So, if you wouldn't like for me to knee you in her family jewels, then I suggest back off of me."

The growl that vibrated through his person was a clear warning not to challenge him, and a snarl ripped passed his lips. "Do not threaten this Sesshōmaru." His glare burned into hers as he dipped his head closer. "It would not be wise."

Kagome snorted, not remotely scared and shoved at his broad chest. "Wise my ass. Cut the crap Sesshōmaru. Now if you would excuse me, I need to go find my friend so we can go for lunch."

Sesshōmaru straightened and took a step back but continued with his resolve. "As this Sesshōmaru said, I will meet you at your house at six sharp."

She scoffed with a hand resting on her hip and gave him a haughty look. "What if I'm not there?"

The Inuyōkai didn't respond while he turned away and began to walk down the hall. He glanced over his shoulder to arrogantly reply before continuing on his way. "You will be."

The teen watched the egotistical male turn the corner, and her anger finally depleted with him out of sight. It was replaced with a sense of dread. 'What am I going to do?'

Kagome felt a hand rest on her arm and drew her away from the hallway. Blue eyes caught brown ones, and her best friend sent a sad smile her way. "Are you okay?"

At the sight of Sango, the tears welled up in her eyes, and the tone of her voice wobbled. "I…I don't know..." What was she going to do now? The distraught teen felt arms encircle her shaking form, and the little droplets slid down her cheeks as she buried her face in her friend's shoulder. "Sango I just don't know…"

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