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50% The Violet Witch / Chapter 2: Chapter 2.

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2.

Violet woke up to the sun shining in her eyes. She didn't immediately remember where she was until the previous day's events flooded her mind. She lay in bed, waking up, then padded to the bathroom for a morning shower and to get dressed and eat. She wondered where she could run around here. Are there any safe running areas around here somewhere?

Running always helped her clear things up and released endorphins. She liked to run. After she got dressed, she looked at the clock. It was after eight in the morning, but she didn't even know where in America she was and what the time difference would be to Philadelphia.

She walked into the kitchen, and no one was there. Of course, it was logical that men had to go to work. It wasn't automatic that if you were supernatural, you were so rich you didn't have to work. She didn't even know what each man had been doing when she'd met them yesterday and then gotten this coyote inside her who was still asleep.

She somehow sensed this one was a bit lazy and comfortable, not necessarily a conversationalist as she might have wanted her to be. But Violet went to the fridge and got something to eat. Again, she didn't know if the food was somebody's and what was allowed to be taken there.

Suddenly, a voice behind her said, " Eat what you like. Anything goes. "

Oh, this Archie had come into the kitchen, and she hadn't even noticed.

Violet said, "Oh, I didn't even notice yesterday that I asked anything like that. By the way, my power animal is a coyote."

Archie laughed and said, "Yeah, I already know that. But I didn't have time to tell you nearly everything when you were already passed out. The broth that brings out that power animal is strong, and you were inexperienced and exhausted, but let's go over some things today, and I'll see if I can explain this whole supernatural world better to you. Sure, you can read every book Bruce hands you, but the experience is a bit different from book learning."

Violet had gathered herself some eggs and bacon and went to the stove to fry them.

At least she knew how to do this, even if she hadn't cooked much. She sighed and realized how much she missed her parents. How wonderful it was to have a ready breakfast in front of her and watch her father, if he hadn't left for work early in the morning, read his paper at the breakfast table, and then she and her mother always watched as he didn't even look at his food but always tried to get a random piece of it on his fork. It had been funny when Dad's fork had just poked the empty plate and then he had always eventually understood to look at that plate too and actually got food in his mouth.

She should learn how to cook because she has to start living on her own now. She realized that for now, she couldn't contact her parents, and if they had known what she was, they would have known this day was coming. But she wanted to read the book Bruce had given her.

She loved reading books and imagining everything in her mind. They gave her so many keys to worlds she never thought possible. Violet somehow got the food done; the eggs were quite overcooked, and again, she wasn't sure if the bacon was cooked enough, but it would go down when she was hungry.

She went to eat, and Archie went to the fridge and took a plate of something from there. Violet didn't even pay attention to it and put it in the microwave.

Then Archie gave her some water to drink and said,

" Now you are supernatural, so you have a higher metabolism. You also have a power animal inside you that also requires energy, so now you have to start learning how to eat properly. The pack doctor will probably not be here for a couple of days and wants to do a proper medical examination, but preferably only after you have your powers on display so he can see better how they affect everything. You haven't done much cooking, have you?"

Violet shook her head and rinsed a good amount of water down the nearly burnt-dry egg from her mouth.

Archie brought a good portion of the same meatballs and mash she'd had yesterday from the microwave in front of her, and Violet snatched the portion in front of her and began to gorge, oblivious to her attempts at cooking.

Archie looked at her for a moment, smiled, and said, "I'm pretty much at home all the time, so I can always get you something to eat as long as you let me know when you're hungry. The coming week will probably be a bit of a mad dash for you. Once your powers start to release, you'll have to concentrate on looking after that thing. What are you going to do today? I thought we could have a little chat here over food so I could explain things, and then you could ask me what's on your mind. "

Violet nodded, still eating voraciously. She was still hungry, and Archie looked at her for a moment, then got up again and went to the fridge, taking another plate and putting that in the microwave.

Violet emptied her mouth and asked. " Aren't you working?"

Archie replied, " Remote work, every once in a while. You see, after decades of being an Alfa and always investing your money, you build up a fortune, and then you can always take it easy. I've always got gigs to do if I need the money."

Violet wondered how old Archie was. She had guessed him to be between 30 and 35, but if this was decades ago, then...

Archie looked at her and said, "I could say that you're not going to age a day, at least not physically. Depends on your power, of course, but just being a power animal gives you enough of a boost to keep you young. Now, you can be grateful for that, but from what I know of women, not everyone wants to be just some young girl who isn't taken seriously. Somewhere along the line, you might get to that stage."

Violet looked at the man and said, "Well, that may be so, but I happen to like you at this stage, and if I'm going to be like this for decades, I can't find anything to complain about at the moment. You see, not all women are the same."

Archie raised another eyebrow, and Violet looked into his dark eyes. Archie was very good-looking. But just in the way that he knew exactly the impression he would always make on women. The kind of confident, cocky bastard. Other than what she'd read in thousands of books, which had been wonderfully syrupy love stories, Violet somehow realized that things don't always work out so perfectly in real life. Violet just hoped that one day she would find someone and she didn't even know if Archie was taken so she couldn't go dreaming about that now.

By the time Violet had eaten another big plate of food, pasta, and meat sauce, she was full and ready to talk to Archie. They went into the living room, and Archie sat down on the sofa in a comfortable position, and Violet got into one of the chairs. It was a very comfortable chair, and Violet settled into it better.

Archie started. "So let's just start with this werewolf thing first. We're not going to change form slowly; we're going to do it fast, and we're going to be really big wolves. Not wolfmen or anything like that. Your coyote form will be bigger and stronger than a normal coyote. Then, you'll have all your instincts on top of that, so it's worth practicing and studying your own form. Once you're a canine, you'll have a period of heat somewhere in between, but that doesn't mean you have to have sex during that time if you're not ready for it. All I can say is that your body is. A pack doctor would probably explain it very scientifically, but a couple of weeks to a month is usually the duration, and then your sex drive is in heaven. And I know you're a virgin, and I have no idea when you're even going to get your heat on. But you don't have to worry about pregnancy because usually witches or their power works like a contraceptive. Although now basically a coyote and a wolf can reproduce."

Violet was silent. It's a time of heat. This would take some adjusting, and while she was never one to spare herself after a wedding or anything, her partners were never the kind she wanted. They couldn't even get her turned on.

But if she became totally impossible in the heat of the moment and had sex with whomever she wanted. She didn't really know how to deal with it in any way yet.

Archie looked at her for a moment and then continued," Well, we'll just wait and see when your powers start to release and see what you're capable of. You'll also have to have some sort of bodyguard because I might not always have to go everywhere and if you want to go shopping or something. But I looked at it when I got a chance. I don't even know who would be suitable yet. And you don't necessarily need a bodyguard all the time once you learn how to use your powers, but that's how it starts. Did you have any questions?"

Violet looked at Archie for a moment and said, " Am I totally uninhibited in the rut then that I'll go with whoever I want?"

Archie said, " You never know. The only thing I know about heat is that you don't jump on strangers if you have a mate. And I'm not talking about getting married here. I'm talking about a wolf relationship. We are faithful to each other, and if we're together, we're together in the rut. The function of the rut is to guarantee reproduction, and that's problematic anyway, so we don't have a baby boom coming. "

Violet thought again for a moment and remembered you can't look a werewolf in the eye or challenge it, and it will tear you apart.

Archie looked at her and said, " You can look me in the eye. I don't consider it a challenge, at least not how you think. But if you look long or hard, I can look back just as hard and kiss you. "

Violet blushed and looked away again.

Archie laughed hoarsely and said, " Just kidding, at least for now, I'm not ruling anything out between us yet. Do you know that little witch? Just remember, I'm a hot-blooded man, and I see a beautiful woman in front of me. Nothing's stopping me from slowly winning your heart, too, is it? "

Violet was silent and said, "I've never had a relationship other than teenage flings and a couple of kisses, and I don't know if they were any good either. I think you're hot-blooded and really handsome, but I'm not ready for a relationship yet. I'm not denying that something could come along, but not yet."

Archie smiled dangerously seductively, and Violet knew this was going to get a little trickier. If this handsome fellow kept up that toast, then her resolve might waver quickly.

Archie said, " Did you have any more questions, or do you want to go and read that book?"

Violet gulped and said, "If I go now, I'll read the book and see if I can think of anything."

Archie nodded, and Violet got up and walked hurriedly to her room.

She took the book from the shelf, got into a good sitting position, and began to read. The book was about the history of the supernatural, what existed, and basic information about each. There was also a brief mention of the Violet Witch. She was a borderline case, always on the edge of good and evil, and it would take some balancing, but she would have the best energy manipulation abilities, meaning she could make little balls of energy that she could throw at enemies, for example.

Violet read up on the different energies she could use. They would then produce different results. She could also see into other dimensions and possibly into the future. But then she would be susceptible to her emotions and often would even affect the weather if she had strong emotions going on. Violet wondered for a moment what the weather would tell her that she needed a man.

Violet didn't know about sex beyond what was taught in school and described in books. She didn't understand orgasm, how good it made her feel. She never even considered touching herself, even though the girls at school had done it. And having sex, she said.

But the time would come when it would come, and Violet was pretty sure that sex was more a man's pleasure than a woman's. She had used a tampon during her period, and now it didn't feel so good. The idea of a man sticking his own genitalia in there and moving it around certainly wouldn't make her come.

It would only be a man's pleasure when just such a movement arouses his genitals. When you think about the handiwork alone, it's the same thing.

Violet didn't understand why she was now thinking all the time, only of her possible heat. It might be that she could restrain herself completely, and there would be no problem when she didn't know the future yet. She kept reading the book as long as she was hungry.

Archie's voice asked in her head, oh, that she wasn't used to it yet, " Are you hungry yet? I'll start cooking so 45 minutes, then come and eat."

Violet thought back, "ok, I was just reading about my future abilities."

Violet read for another 35 minutes and felt how much she had learned, and now it would probably be good to go out for a bit on top of her food.

Violet entered the kitchen and asked, " Are there any safe terrains to run on? I could go for a run after lunch."

Archie looked and said, "Yep, but we'll go on all fours. You'll learn your coyote form. It was one of the jobs of the day, and I was just about to suggest it."

Violet nodded and went to the table to wait. Archie opened the oven and took out a huge roast. He lifted the purple mashed potato onto the table and had already placed a jug of water in front of Violet.

He deftly cut several slices from the roast and smashed such a pile of meat onto her plate that she was shocked. She couldn't get all that down now. Then Archie put mashed potatoes on top and finally handed the mountain of food to Violet and said, "Just start eating."

Violet started eating, and the meat was perfect, juicy, and well-seasoned, and the mashed potatoes were fluffy and tasty. Violet looked at her empty plate in amazement and didn't feel as full as she should have. Archie was about to eat an even bigger portion if it was still possible.

Violet said, " How are we then... Are we going out or what? "

Archie replied, " Once I've eaten, I'll show you, but you'll have to be naked, or else you'll be as knotted up in your clothes as you can be."

Violet nodded curtly and said, "How could I eat that huge amount of Food and not even be overweight? "

Archie grunted, " Your power is already a bit unleashed and demanding energy. I could have sworn you were always eating other people's cooking. One way to control a witch's powers is to limit her energy intake, and since you've never cooked, your mother must have been pretty careful not to give you too much energy, but now that you've eaten a few proper meals, your powers are kicking in."

Violet was silent. She knew her mother had always said she had a good metabolism and could eat anything, but it didn't show. But she had never even indulged in junk food, pizzas, or anything like that, just good, tasty home cooking. She also remembered that if there had been something a little higher in calories at school, there was often vegetarian food or soup at home.

But she wasn't bitter because she understood that her parents had only wanted to protect her. When she was so rare and wanted, she had read in a book that other witches usually didn't associate with violets because her power was so much more innate than even requiring spells. Sure, she could learn to do them, but she wouldn't need to use them nearly as much.

And likewise, making potions would be easier for her than for a regular witch, and the book was so clear that other witches were jealous of her. Or her kind, that is. Violet waited until Archie had eaten. Archie finished his meal and then leaned back in his chair, looking her in the eye.

Archie knew that Violet's whole life had changed; she'd had to change everything from her name, and now she was waiting for her witch powers to activate. Archie knew that the heat was an absolute terror for this young woman, but it could take time, and it could also be very modest. Only a blood test might tell her it was time to rut. You wouldn't know it yet.

He was so much older and more experienced than she was. Archie didn't think it was impossible if he taught her the secrets of sex. But now they were going to run a bit on all fours, and it would do them both good.

Archie stood up and said, " Come over here, and we'll see how your transformation goes. First of all, wake up your coyote. We need her here to start with. "

Violet concentrated and said, " Shadow, wake up. I need to get into coyote form."

Shadow opened his eyes and yawned. She said, "I don't know if I'm sleepy enough yet."

Violet felt some power inside her and subconsciously tapped into it and said, "Now, if you' don't wake up, then I'll wake you up. "

A cloud formed over the Shadow, and it started to rainwater so that the coyote got wet. She stood up, and the rain stopped.

The coyote said irritably, "Someone is getting to her powers, I see, but you should have asked nicely. I'm probably not that dirty."

Violet was silent and said, "I'm not listening, then no attitude at all. You can be sure of that."

Shadow sat down and said, " Fine, strip naked first."

Violet started to undress, and she was very self-conscious about her body. She was slim but feminine, and she had wondered about that too, as her mother was again very thin in every way.

Shadow said, " OK, start thinking of yourself in terms of my body. Find how I feel and turn that feeling on. "

Violet started thinking, and then she felt what her paw felt like, and she focused on that feeling. Her right hand was the coyote's paw, and she looked at it for a moment.

Shadow said, " Oh, you want to do this body part by body part. I'm going to boost this feeling pretty damn much now, so maybe you can get to Coyote today."

Violet felt the essence of the coyote and then concentrated. She was now looking at the room from a different angle; the colors had lost their meaning, and she could smell so much better. She looked at Archie and then went to sit in front of him. Archie stroked her, and Violet couldn't believe how good it could feel. She really leaned against Archie to be stroked.

He laughed and said in Violet's head, " Does it feel good or what? Well, we're going for a run soon, and you're going to have a new experience."

Then Archie stopped and started to undress.

Violet went off to explore the house. She wasn't quite ready for a naked man yet, and although she realized it was a perfectly normal thing to do, well, she was still allowed to be whatever she felt like being. She wasn't in such a hurry to change. Then Archien came up to her and was a handsome, tall, dark wolf. Violet couldn't see colors in this form, so she couldn't tell what color Archie was.

Archie sniffed her and then went to her rear end to sniff her, and Violet felt how cold Archie's nose really was.

Then Archie jogged to the door, and there was a hatch to go through. Violet went through the hatch and saw Archie already running ahead. She followed and enjoyed this body, too. She galloped as hard as she could and passed Archie. The bigger wolf went off to chase her, and she let it go as long as she could.

Then she stopped and panted with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Archie did the same, and Violet didn't even know how far they had run but that it was wonderful. She'd be ready to move on in no time.

She stood up again, and Archie said, "Let's see who finds the prey now, lady. Start finding yourself something to eat if you can unless you're too finicky and can't kill your prey."

Violet looked at Archie for a moment and sniffed the air rabbit. She felt her instincts kick in, and she went off in pursuit. Archie jogged off in another direction. She stalked the rabbit, saw it, crept slowly closer, and then struck. She didn't even realize how she had killed the rabbit when it was already lifeless in her teeth. She felt a sense of satisfaction.

She went back to the clearing with her prey and waited for Archie. The wolf came closer, bringing the deer with him, and Violet said, "I'm glad it's not a contest to see who can catch the bigger one. But I'm going to go and eat my catch now."

Archie grunted, sank into the deer's belly, and started to rip it open. Violet ate the whole rabbit and then went back to the deer, tearing off the deer's leg and eating what she could.

When they had about eaten the whole deer, Archie said: " Let's go back then, but I'm winning now."

Then the wolf took off running at full speed, and Violet took off after him. They arrived at the house almost at the same time, and Violet hadn't even realized how late it was.

They went inside, and Violet went to her clothes and concentrated on feeling human. She changed her clothes, then she put on her clothes and went to sit in the living room. Archie came in after a while and said, " What did you think? Are you still hungry? I can cook you something."

Violet said, " Yes, I'm hungry again, and I don't know why on earth. I ate a lot of meat, and I have to eat again. "

Archie grinned and said, " Why don't you shower for half an hour, and then dinner will be ready."

Violet sat still for a moment while Archie went into the kitchen, and then she walked into her own room and took a shower. Once again, it was heavenly, and Violet promised herself a long, enjoyable bath at some point. She dried herself and fixed her hair, put on her dress, and then thought to ask Archie about washing her clothes.

She entered the kitchen and asked, " Where can I wash my clothes? Is there a laundry room?"

Archie said, " Just leave the laundry basket outside your door. We have a laundry service, I'll deliver them there. It's once a week. The next pick-up is in two days, so do you have a week's worth of clothes then?"

Violet nodded and said, "Yes, I just have to buy more somewhere in between."

Archie came over to Violet, took a tablet from one of the shelves, opened it, tapped out some addresses, and handed it to Violet. It was a branded clothing store, and she had never bought anything that expensive. Her money would have gone fast, though.

She said, "I can't order from there. I'm not that rich."

Archie said, " My pack will take care of the bill; don't worry about the price. As I said, I'm wealthy now. Place the order, leave it open, and I'll finish it. And if you don't order enough, I'll add clothes in there, and I don't know if our tastes are the same, so if you want to get clothes to your taste, I suggest you order a fair amount."

Violet took the tablet and started ordering. Then she asked the question she had been meaning to ask for some time, " Where are we, I mean, in the state?"

Archie looked at her and said, " Near Boston. Oh, no one even remembered to mention where this house is located. "

Violet nodded and then concentrated on ordering hopefully enough clothes. At least she ordered sensible underwear and hoped the bra would fit well. She had always liked to buy bras from the store when they could be fitted, and luckily for her, she had her better bras with her. She had finished ordering, and Archie was already setting the table.

Her total was in the four figures, and she handed the tablet to Archie, who just took a quick look and then tapped it for a while and said, " Those are ordered. I added some more accessories. As I said, always order a fair amount so there's a change of clothes, and you haven't even bought any party dresses yet. Well, we'll have to talk about the party at some point, but there's always more to come so that you can represent. They're quite safe, and it's good to show everyone who you are and what you can do."

Violet was silent and watched as Archie had made her another mountain of food on her plate, and she realized she was hungry. She went to eat with a good appetite, even though it was 11 p.m.

By the time she had finished eating, she was quite tired and said, "I think I'm going to go and get some rest now, and maybe I can have a good night's sleep."

Archie smiled and said, " Good night, tomorrow is another new one. We can go to the gym, and I'll teach you self-defense."

Violet was quiet and said, "I'll give it a go."

She didn't bother to say that she had been going to karate classes since she was ten and was already pretty damn good. But then, tomorrow, she would show Archie that she wasn't the delicate little girl he sometimes seemed to see her as. She is a Violet Witch, after all, and she had felt her power more and more clearly after each meal and knew it wouldn't be many days before using this power and controlling it would be her main thing to focus on.

She was so surprised by the time she wet her coyote that she didn't want to accidentally create a rain cloud on Archie in case there was even a disagreement between them. Violet was very responsible in this case and was already determined to become as good at controlling her powers as possible.

She made her bed and changed into her nightgown. At least now she wouldn't be passed out from any potion but from sheer exhaustion. She looked forward to what the next day would bring. She fell asleep and began to dream that she was walking along a long sandy beach, and there was a man, but she didn't immediately see his face.

The man came closer and was the most handsome man Violet had ever seen. He had slightly longer blond hair, which was thick and shiny. The man's eyes seemed to look right through her, and they were so green, she had never seen anyone's eyes so green. The man's mouth was perfect and slightly cruel, his nose perfect, straight.

He took her by the shoulders and said, " You are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined how I have earned you as my soul mate. We will meet one day, my love, I promise."

He then took her by the head and kissed her like she had never been kissed before. And his kiss tasted like a storm, wild, and it made Violet aroused in a way she had never experienced.

When the kiss ended and the man broke away, Violet found her voice and asked, " Who are you? What are you?"

The man stroked her cheek and said, "I am your soul mate. I have had many names over the centuries, but now I am Gabriel Angel. We will meet again, my witch. We will meet."

Then the dream faded, and Violet began to dream of a lovely meadow, knowing she was looking for a treasure there. She saw a chest and walked in the tall hay towards it. She knew she had the chest key, so she went to the chest. There must be treasure there, and she dug the key out of the lining of her dress and put the key in the lock when a startled voice said, " Kitten, kitten, kitten!"

Violet looked up and then saw another man. The man looked away and repeated, "Kitten, Kitten, Kitten!"

Violet moved closer and said, " WHAT, WHAT, WHAT?"

The man turned around, hugged Violet, and said, " There you are, kitten. I've been looking all over for you. "

Violet looked at the man who had set her free. This was another stunning revelation: raven black hair, and this was a real bad boy. This exuded it. And for some reason, Violet was also strongly attracted to this man.

He looked at her and said, "Kitten, we'll meet, and I promise to be yours, always and forever. Remember that, even if I don't always give you a reason to."

Violet felt somehow that she had already been with this man, and this man had cheated on her, been visiting women, and physically hurt her. And yet she loved this man. Then Violet remembered that she could see into the future, and she began to wonder if this was just a dream or if her power was coming out.

But then the whole dream, or whatever it was, faded, and Violet wondered if it would have been nice to open the chest. She had no dreams for the rest of the night, and when she woke up in the morning, she remembered both men.

She showered and was very thoughtful when she went to breakfast.

Archie was already there and asked, " Did you sleep well? "

Violet looked at him for a moment and then said slowly, " When I'm not sure if I slept or saw my future?"

Archie was silent and then said, " You probably saw the future, but that doesn't mean the future can't change. Was that bad?"

Violet said, " No, it wasn't. I had two men. One blond and one dark, and I loved them both just as much."

Archie looked at her for a moment and said, " Well, that remains to be seen. Oh, I look forward to going to the gym with you. With your experience, you can already give some resistance. Did you really think I hadn't picked up on you and your karate experience?"

Violet looked at Archie and said, "I guess it would have been pretty funny if you thought I couldn't do anything, and I would have knocked you down right then and there."

Archie laughed and said, " You can't knock a werewolf unconscious with one kick, no matter how accurate, but we'll see what you can do, and then I'll start training you a bit better. It's to your advantage that you can fight, but it's time to make your skills a little more flexible. I mean, you're not just doing karate moves all the time. You're learning other moves, and I can tell you, little girl, that you're going to be using your strength to the fullest. As hard as you can, and it's exhausting, so I don't think you'll be able to fight for very long at first."

Violet had eaten, and Archie was ready. Archie started to walk towards the basement and said, "Come on, little girl, and you'll see what you have to do. "

The fight room was big in the basement, and it had carpets and everything. Archie had changed into a sleeveless shirt, which showed off his gorgeous body a little better.

Archie said, "First, I'm going to do a set on that bag, and then it's your turn. Then we'll have a little look at your skills on that mat, OK?"

Violet watched as Archie showed the kicks, the punches. She could see the sandbags moving and swaying with the force of the punches and kicks and was pretty sure she could get them moving, too. Then, it was her turn after Archie had been working for 45 minutes. Violet went up to the bag and kicked it as hard as she could, and the bag didn't even move. She kept going, punching, kicking, hitting, and the bag stayed in place. Then she realized again how strong Archie really was and wondered what shape she was in fighting him.

They went to the mat, and Violet was already a little exhausted from all that bag-beating.

Archie said, "I'm not going to hit, I'm going to block, and you're going to hit, you understand?"

Violet nodded and threw a punch. Archie blocked. He blocked every punch effortlessly, and every time he blocked, Violet felt like she was hitting something hard and unyielding, but at one point, she found herself doing as Archie told her and coached her.

After an hour, she was finished, and Archie said, " Not bad. You'll get stronger as your power activates, and then when you learn how to use the energy balls again, you'll be a decent opponent. I'm looking forward to it. Bruce doesn't really fight at all, and good partners are few and far between these days."

Violet left the gym to shower as Archie went back to cooking. Violet felt as if her life was nothing but eating. She went to her bed to dry herself and put on her clothes. It would be a while before dinner, so Violet decided to go out for a walk. It was nice outside, and Violet just wandered around the yard for half an hour.

She was glad it was a little cloudier, and the sun wasn't always shining on her. When she went inside, the clouds cleared, and the sun started shining again. Violet thought it was a good time to come inside before she realized that she had probably used her powers to put a cloud on herself so it wouldn't get too hot.

But what would come of that? Would she mess up the weather or her location for the whole planet? She had to go and study her powers today.

She went to the dining table Archie was setting and said, " My powers are starting to come out. I need to start studying them now. I just put a cloud outside to shelter myself from the sun. I can't mess up Earth's climate for my comfort. "

Archie looked at her for a moment and said, " You're not messing anything up, but study your powers. It's important you get them under control, and then everything will go better. But now let's eat again, and then you can get on with it."

Violet went back to eating and enjoying herself. This witch business might not be as hard as she thought, and then the two men still in her dream were always in her thoughts. But one thing at a time. It was good to know that she would have men in the future.

The only annoying thing about it was that there was nowhere to go when what was happening. You just had to take one day at a time and go through one challenge at a time. She was getting more and more in control of yourself day by day. It's going to be okay if you just take it easy. Violet thought while she was still eating and enjoying herself.

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