Gobble and chew.
That's what John thought of as his greatest skill. That's what he was doing right now.
Donuts fell down his throat like rain.
By the time the next person woke up, he had already eaten two boxes.
The person who shot up first was a woman with light black hair and dark circles painted under her eyes.
Her teeth were clattering. like a jackhammer and there was a look of sheer terror on her face.
"My chest. Cold. Cold. Cold."
She clutched her chest and babbled incoherently.
"Ripped open. Heart beating."
"Are you okay hon?"
Asked Harry.
She shook her head.
"Cold. Chest open. Cold."
"Do you need a blanket?"
She paused her muttering to stare blankly into the distance for a few moments.
Harry walked over to the corner of the room and grabbed a thin cloth blanket for her to drape over herself.
The woman was too preoccupied staring off into the distance to take the blanket. So Harry just draped it over her.
"Cold. Chest open."
John was furiously chowing down on donuts as this happened.
It was almost like he was in a trance.
I have to eat it before someone else gets it.
At this point, John had already eaten ten boxes of donuts.
Another person shot up. It was a man with a hollow-looking gaze and an uncanny amount of muscles. He was clutching his arm with a look of pale terror on his face.
"It bleeds! I'm bleeding! I'M BLEEDING! IT HURTS!"
He began to slam his head into the hard stone floor.
Blood splattered.
Harry watched on with a passive gaze.
Bone clattered in every direction as his skull broke.
"Well. I guess that's the first dropout."
As this happened, John ate donuts.
Almost done!
At this point, he was thirty boxes deep.
His stomach was distended, and his face was adorned with a smile of utter Joy.
Just a few more!
"Well, that sucked. Never knew illusions could be that bad."
A man with a hamsburg chin and thick blue lips stood up. He had a frown on his face and looked mostly unperturbed.
"There's coffee and donuts on the counter if you want some." Said Harry.
The man turned to see a massive figure of muscles and fat gobbling donuts with a possessive ferocity.
"I think I'll just take coffee."
John had a victorious grin on his face as he took the last bite of the last donut.
{150,000 calories consumed.}
{Calorie goal met. 150,000/110,000}
{+1 strength +1 agility}
John smiled and pumped his fist into the air in celebration.
Finally! Growth after so long!
All John had to do was get strong. Then, he was sure he would be able to find his mother.
John's celebration paused. That sounded like one of his dragon's shouts.
Crap. I forgot. They might still be asleep.
John blubbered out from behind the counter at the maximum speed he could muster. He almost knocked over a man with a hamburger jaw as he did so. But John just ignored it and continued to stomp.
Most people get this attached to animals after having them for a few days. This is completely normal.
Harry looked at John with a calm smile.
"They're laying over where you were. Right there."
Harry pointed to where the dragons were. Most of them were still asleep except for bandaid. It was awake.
Bandaid was looking into the sky. Whines of fear were coming from its mouth.
John scooped up a bandaid into his arms. Bandaid nuzzled into his chest.
The whines continued for another few minutes. Before the bandaid finally calmed.
The next one to wake up was Stove. John put bandaid down and picked up stove. Rather than nuzzling into John stove instead Chose to bite John's hands.
Stove's bites couldn't do any damage to John. So he let it bite and gnaw at John for the next few minutes before it claimed.
Next was refridgerator.
Refrigerator seemed to be utterly unaffected by death. It looked into the distance for a few moments, then crawled onto John's shoulders and started to watch the people around them.
John spent the next few minutes simply sitting there with his babies.
People slowly awoke.
They all could be slotted into three main groups. Some had a mental breakdown. Some self-destructed in the most literal way possible. And some seemed to shrug off the death as if it had never happened in the first place.
The room was filled with a cacophony of deranged mutters.
Harry looked at the crowd with a business smile.
"Congratulations to all those that survived! GOOD JOB! You are now officially one-third of the way to being accepted into the warrior training program. For those who aren't currently going insane! You will get a modest pension of forty thousand dollars a year." (Edit so readers know that was an entrance test.)
John smiled.
Unless he was missing something he was not currently going insane. Meaning he had passed the test.
Harry started handing out maps to the not-insane people.
"This will lead you to your rooms."
John took the map with a smile on his face.
"You will be brought to another testing facility to slot you into your combat roles tomorrow morning." Said Harry.
John spent a few seconds reading the map.
Okay. I know where I need to go.
He got up and left the building.
John was given a small room that had a bed, a nightstand and a desk. Other than that it was barren.
"It's been so long since I slept in a real bed."
John laid himself on the bed.
The dragons laid down with him.
He hadn't slept well since this apocalypse started.
So it was obvious that John would be tired.
He fell asleep in mere moments.
Sitting on a small curved stool was a little girl. She was clothed in a black sundress and had a cute flower crown upon her head.
Her eyes held malice that was never seen with a child.
"You can't shut me out forever John. Sloth never ends. Sloth never dies."
A hole appeared within the envelope. Horrible visions and searing memories escaped through that hole. John's mind grew enflamed from the pain of it.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
I will always be sorry.
A green light was blown upon John's head.
The hole in the envelope was closed.
The envelope swelled. `
Give me power stone. I am caveman and I like rocks