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88.88% The True Wolf of Beacon Hills / Chapter 8: Wolf moon and Scrimmage

Capítulo 8: Wolf moon and Scrimmage

Beacon Hills Preserve

Shortly after Derek left Kai's Car

(3rd person Pov)

Two teens can be seen trudging along a dirt filled path. Occasionally looking at the floor before one of them starts talking,

"Look, i don- i dont know what it was Stiles, it was like i had all the time in the world to catch the ball. It gets weirder too, im hearing things that I shouldn't be able to hear and… and i can smell things"

"Seriously Scott?"

Scott nods in confirmation.

"Okay, smell things, things like what?" Stiles replies chuckling.

Scott turns to him and takes a step forward before replying,

"Like that mint mojito gum in your pocket"

" I dont have any—" Stiles reaches into his pocket before bringing out a single min mojito gum. "Woahhh"

Scott grins before he keeps on walking.

Stiles hurries to catch up with him with a small grin and asks,

"Sooooo this all started with the bite right?" Scott nods before replying

" What if its an infection, like my body overloading on adrenaline before i go into shock or something."

" You know i think I've heard of this before, its like really rare though" Stiles replies seriously.

Scott notices the serious look on Stiles face and replies frantically,

" Are you serious?" in a worried tone.

" Yeah dude, i think its called… Lycanthropy," Stiles says somberley.

" What's that? Is it bad? It sounds bad" He practically shouts at him.

" Dude its the worst BUT only once a month" He smirks.

"Once a month?" Scott replies inquisivetely>

"Yeah, on the night of a full moon, awooooo" he fake hows before Scott nudges him.

"Dude be serious."

" I am man, your the one who said you heard a wolf howling."

" You know there could be something seriously wrong with me right?"

" Duhhh, your a werewolf now!" He shouts and does his best impression of a werewolf.

Stiles chuckles at his joke before seeing his best friends worried expression.

" I'm joking alright, obviously that's not what's happening BUT if you see me melting all my silver its because Fridays the full moon."

Scott pays no attention to his friends remarks as he stays at the spot he's sure the body was at last night. " I swear this it. The body was here then the deer came running." he stops before bending down and rustling the leaves before speaking again," This is where i dropped my inhaler."

"What if the killer moved the body."

"If he did i hope he left my inhaler those thing are like 80 bucks."

"Scott!" Stiles snaps at his friend. Scott glances up and sees Stiles looking at a man in a leather jacket, seeming to be in his twenties, staring at both of them menacingly. He then walks up to the two before speaking.

"What are you doing here?"

The two stand dumbstruck for a few seconds before he continues ,

"This is private property."

Stiles quickly replies shakily, " uh..sorry man we didn't know."

Scott nods in agreement , " Yeah we were just looking for something,but- forget it, it's not-"

Derek interrupts him by chucking something at him. Scott catches the item and realises it's his inhaler. He looks back up to him but notices he's walking off in the opposite direction. He then starts to smell something familiar from him. He starts walking back to the jeep trying to recognise what it was whilst Stiles stays still for a second before rushing to catch up with Scott and says

"Dude , that was Derek Hale. You remember him right, he's like only few years older then us."

"Remember what exactly?"

" His family. They died in a fire like 10 years ago."

Scott furrows his eyebrows in surprise before replying, " Stiles I smelt something on him before he left.It smelt familiar but I can't remember who it smells like."

" WOAH, Does it smell like the body you found?"

" No it…the smell… I've smelt it before from someone… earlier when we were getting changed for tryouts."

" Okay that's terrifying.Wait are sure it's someone from school?"

Scott nods and says seriously, " I'm positive."


((((( Firstly, the scent is all on dereks clothes from their fight and chronologically he only left Kai's car 30 mins ago and is on his way to The Hale house to get changed. Secondly, Scott smells Kai but only his human scent, plus even if Kai had a wolf scent Scott doesn't have a clue what it'd mean cos of how new he is to being a wolf. Thirdly Scott recognises his scent from when they bumped into one another.)))))

Timeskip next day

Lacrosse field

(3rd person PoV)

Dozens of boys in red and white uniforms are frantically moving across the pitch, eager to show that they can make it to the team.

Scott McCall gets up off the bench ready to play before he's halted by just best friend Stiles who's panting as he tried to talk to him.

" Scot… they… found animal hairs … on the body"

" Seriously! I don't have time for this I gotta go!" He shouts lightly.

" Wait .Scott! You won't believe what animal wa-" but he stops seeing Scott's already out ear shot before mutter quietly and gloomily," It was a wolf."

But no one pays attention since Coach does what he does best and begins frantically blowing his whistle to signal the start of tryouts.

" you know how this goes, if you don't make the cut, you'll probably be riding the bench this season,but you make the cut… YOU PLAY! Parents are proud and yeh girlfriend loves ya! Everything else is uh … cream cheese. NOW GET THE HELL OUT THERE AND SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!"

The Boys all shout in agreement at coach's speech before running off to their positions for the scrimmage game. He blows the whistle and Scott's team gets the ball and makes a run at the net but is blocked and the balls then flung to Scott. He catches it and runs foward. He barges into someone and uses it to half spin around them but is body slammed hard to the floor. He grimaces before looking up and seeing who hit him. It's Jackson and Kai both smirking at him on the floor before walking away. He stays stunned for a second, contemplating what he's just figured out before he grimaces at the embarrassment before he gets up and rushes over to Jackson and hunches over in preparation to get the ball. He hears the whistle and swiped the ball and takes of running towards the goal before Jackson can react. He sees someone ahead getting ready to block him but he effortlessly spins around him and keeps running foward until he's stopped by three players all aligned in his way. He then does something extraordinary that baffles everyone present. He jumps and flips over them before dashing the ball in the net. It's dead silent for a few seconds before the crowd jumps up cheering. Coach blows the whistle and shouts,


Scott rushes over and looks bewildered before Coach continues,

"What in gods name was that!This is a lacrosse field. Are your trying out for the gymnastic team or what!?"

As soon as the words are spoken everyone shut ups and are listen to the conversation, wondering where it's going.

" No coach," he replies downtrodden .

" So what the hell was that out there!"

" I don't know coach, I was just trying to make the shot."

Coach scoffs before smiling widely,

" Yeah! Well you made the shot. Your starting buddy. You made first line."

Scott's baffled expression changes in to one of excitement instantly before everyone cheers loudly once more. Everyone except two people are standing and cheering. Stiles Stilinski who looks like there are dozens of different thoughts going through his mind and Kai Graves who is smirking at the surrounding atmosphere.

Scene Cut+ Timeskip 3 hours later

(Stiles Stilinski's Bedroom)

-3rd person PoV-

Frantic clicking is the sound coming from the bedroom of Stiles Stilinski as he scours website after website on werewolf myths and lore and with every word read his expression darkens further and further. The occasional sound of printing disturbs the clicking as each piece of paper is read and discarded leading to the disastrous state of teh rooms floor covered in paper. He continues frantically reading until he's interrupted by a sudden series of knocks. Startled, he looks to the door then back to the computer before walking forward and opening the door. He opens the door and sees his bestfriend Scott before sighing loudly before saying speedily,

"Get in, you gotta see this dude. Ive been up all night reading, websites, books, all this information."

Scott, shocked at both the state of the room and Stiles, immediately quips back,

"How much adderall have you had today?"

"A lot. Doesn't matter. Okay just listen to me?

"Wait I've got something to say too."

" Nope, mines more important, me first."

"No Stiles its about Derek Hale."

" That's no- WHAT?WHAT ABOUT HIM!"

" Remember what i smelt on him, how i said it smelt like someone from the Team?"

"Yeah wha-, oh my god did you find out who it was?"

" Yeah it was when Jackson and Kai bulldozed me. It was Kai's scent, im sure of it."

"Woahhe. How did Derek have his scent on him. Wait how would he even know him?"

"They probably met in town before or something."

"Umm no Scott. They couldn't. Kai only moved here after the fire when Derek left. The Hale fire was like 4 months before Kai moved here and Derek left within like the first two weeks."

"How'd you know that Stiles?"

" Dude, freak fire kills family, those who remain claim Arson yet everyone else claims accident. I did research when we got back from looking for your inhaler, the guy scared me, i wanted to know more."


"Totally. Wait, forget that for a second and listen to me now."

" Im guessing this is about the body right, did they find out who did it?"

"No. They're still questioning people, including Derek hale but that's not it okay."\

" What then?"

"You know the joke from the other day? Not a joke anymore.


"The wolf, the bite in the woods. Look, i started doing all this reading right. Do you know why wolves howl?"

"Should I?"

"Dude, its a signal, okay when a wolf is alone, it hows to signal its location to the rest of its pack. So if you really heard a wolf howling, there could've been other nearby, maybe even a pack of them."

"A whole pack of wolves?"

"No, werewolves."

" Are you seriously wasting my time with this," he remarks snidely before continuing,"You know im picking up Alison in an hour."

"Scott,i saw you on the field today, okay what you did wasn't just amazing dude, it was impossible."

"Yeah so i made a good shot."

"No.You made an incredible shot. I mean the way you moved, your speed,your reflexes. People can't just do that overnight… And there's the vision, the senses and dont think I haven't noticed that you dont use your inhaler anymore."

"Okay! Dude I can't think about this now. We can talk tomorrow."

" What! No! The full moons tonight! Don't you get it?!"

" What are you trying to do? Ive just made first line. Ive got a date with a girl who I can't believe actually wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is perfect somehow. Why are you trying to ruin it for me?"

"I'm trying to help you. Your cursed Scott. You know and its not just the moon will cause you to physically change. It just also happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak."


"Yeah, your urge to kill."

"I'm already feeling an urge to kill Stiles."

" You gotta hear this. The change can be caused by anger or anything else that raises your pulse. All right. I've never seen anyone raise your pulse the way Allison does. You have to cancel this date. In fact ill call her right now."

He then rushes to Scotts bag before pulling his Cellphone only to be interrupted by Scott grabbing his shoulder and pushing him against a wall and growling, "Give it to me!" Scott then raises his right hand like he's ready to punch stiles but he hesitates, trembling before he lashes out, bringing his hand down to teh chair before pushing it over and shouting,

"ARRRHHH!," before he begins to start breathing deeply before looking at teh chair and then to his best friend and seeing his fearful expression he immediately calms down and apologises,

"I'm sorry.Umm. I … i gotta get ready for that party." He walks over and grabs his bag and heads for the door but just before walking out he looks to Stiles and apologises once more. " I'm sorry." Before he opens the door to leave.

Stiles immediately takes a deep breath of air as he'd unknowingly been holding it for the past few seconds and sniffs his nose. He walks to grab his overturned chair and as he puts it the right way up, he notices three slash marks at the back."

SCENE CUT+ 2 hour Timeskip

(Lydia Martins house party)

Kai Pov

Forgot I can't get drunk now. I swear if that hormone filled moron Scott weren't coming here id be at home or out in my wolf form under the moon. But no Scott McCall wants to be with a pretty girl. Teenagers. Feels weird saying that when i technically am one. Whatever that's not important. Now… WHERE THE HELL IS HE I WANNA GO HOME. Wait.. i smell Derek near and if hes near then Scott not far..

Third Person POv

Scott McCall and Allison Argent can be seen walking out the back door into the garden where the party's taking place. They slowly begin to dance happily unaware of the the two supernaturals gazes directed at them. The dance well until Scott breaks away with a grimace looking like he's suffering a terrible migraine. Allison worriedly asks," Are you okay?"

Scott replies, Ill be right back." he begins staggering slowly through the house, clutching his head and grunting before he makes his way to his car and drives off home. Once home he immediately gets in teh shower. He sits facing down in teh tub before the pain begins again. He stretches his hand out but notices claws growing and portruding from his fingernails. Startled, he gets up and looks in his mirror only to notices he has fangs in his mouth and his eyes have begun to glow a brilliant yellow. He's interrupted by knocking on his door and the voice of Stiles.

"Scott its me," he says befor trying to open the door before Scott forces it to stay closed, "Let me in Scott, i can help you

"NO listen, you gotta go find Allison."

"Dude she's fine alright i saw her get a ride home from the party, alright she's totally fine."

"Stiles i know who it is…

"Scott just let me in, we can—"

"It's Derek. Derek Hales teh werewolf who bit me. He's teh one who killed the girl in the woods.

"Scott… Derek and Kai are the ones who drove Allison home in Kai's car from teh party."

The door suddenly flies open but the room is empty And just outside crouched on teh floor is Scott, fully transformed. He looks up at teh moon with his fully shifted faces and roars before taking off into teh forest.


"You know Derek there are other ways to get Scott here, you ain't really painting a good picture of yourself here."

"I dont care."

"Of course you dont—- Hes coming."

"I know, now shut up."

Scott McCall arrives on all fours and looks at Allisons jacket that is hanging from the tree. He looks around before muttering, "Where is she?"

"Safe, safe from you." Derek replies before grabbing him and throwing him and they begin tumbling down teh little hill. They come to a stop and Derek grabs him by the throat and holds him against a tree. Scott Glares at him before speaking, What did you do to her?"

But then my hearing picks up movement, and something far more worrying, strings being pulled nad guns being cocked. I quickly come out from spot just to teh right of them before warning them,

"Shut up, there's people with guns out here."

Derek looks at me before he listens himself, and straight away his expression changes before he says to us both, "It's too late, they're already here. Run."

He then starts running and so i, Out of instinct, begin running after him, completely ignoring both the look on Scotts face as he looks confused as well as how he hans even begun to run, I dont make it mor than a dozen metres before i hear him screaming out in pain. I look back hesitantly and see that there's an arrow sticking out of his arm, pinning him to the tree.I freeze in place, unsure of what to do, before Derek grabs me and forces me down to teh floor next to him,

" When you hear screaming, take the arrow out of him and run."

"What do-" he grabs me by the collar and and stare at me intensely before muttering, "Just do it."

I snap out of it and nod hesitantly before he takes off again. I focus on teh we here i see the silhouettes of the crossbow holding men, waiting for Derek to move, Seconds later i hear the screaming and notice show they've all taken their eyes off Scott. I take off instantly and yank the arrow out of his arm before i drag him with me as i start running, hes does the same and follows me for about a minute before Derek barges him from teh side into a tree. Scott looks up to him, petrified and exhausted before he asks softy,

"Who were they?"

"Hunters," Derek replies,"The kind who have been hunting us for centuries."

"US! You mean you! One of you is the one who did this to me!"

"Hey I didn't do anything to you so watch it!" I reply angrily, " Not to mention we just saved your life so how about you be thankful!

"NO you ruined my life!"

"Seriously how bratty can you be! If you not not gonna start using your head then im not gonna try and help you!

"Good because I don't want it!"

"Im leaving Derek." I say before i shapeshift into my wolf form as i need a release from the anger im feeling and the full moon making it worse and take off, leaving Derek looking at me in slight jealously and Scott in pure shock>

Im halfway home before i let out a snarl. Im pissed off. WE just saved his Life! No thank you or anything just complaining like its our fault. Doesn't he realise how lucky he is, People would kill for our abitlities and yet he says we ruined his life! I bet he wasn't thinking that when he was kicking ass at lacrosse!

Few. I needed that, juts cos i got control on the full moon dont make it easy, especially since its only my second, though i guess i was right as although im still angry its nowhere near as much now. Well… might as well do some exploring for an hour until i go home since the sun wont rise for another couple hours and im gonna need sleep for tomorrow since i need to find Derek and ask him what the deal is with these so called werewolf hunters…


YO, proof I'm still here and writing but I won't lie don't expect regular updates, I'd suggest monthly checks to see if there new chapters,but I will be continuing however long it takes me too ,


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