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7.14% The threads of destiny / Auxiliary Chapter 3: Training and First Hunt

Auxiliary Chapter 3: Training and First Hunt

During the ceremony thanking Eywa for her good deeds, the young conductor was able to see a perfect harmony between her apprentice and the rest of the musicians. Each of them knew what she had to do to match the timbre of the voices of the different singers and the desired passage. She couldn't help but smile in the corner at Tsylan's adaptation work, even if some of them were still hostile to her.

Once the meeting was over, Lutsey hurried to do her homework, beginning to designate the next night watchmen to leave the previous ones at rest. After that, she inspected the condition of the arrows, weapons, food storage areas and clothing. Then she ended with requests for blessings for mating, reminding her of her celibacy and the desires of her heart, requests for passage to the Iknimaya or Uniltaron, requests for training, mainly from parents to their children, and some cases of minor disputes.

At the end of it all, she sighed, knowing that her day was not yet over. Even though she had gotten used to the pace, while training to keep up and relax, it was still tiring, requiring reflection and concentration to make the right decision based on each person's profile. With this in mind, the young chef went to see her apprentice who was discussing Vylia. Seeing this spectacle, Lutsey felt jealousy invade her mind again and she clenched her fists to control herself. But the trembling of her right arm and the sharp movements of her tail betrayed her tension.

The young warrior closed her eyes, hastily emptying her mind and concentrating on the training she had planned for Tsylan. Although she was still a little afraid of the water, her fear was much less than at the beginning and she thanked her trainer for his patience and his demands. However, she had realized the true nature of her feelings towards humans and this made things more complicated rather than simpler.

Since then, Joltsyn has been giving her lessons to help her better control her feelings. Unfortunately, she was not as good at hiding her feelings as her sister and it took a long time before she regained control.

Once she did, she walked over to them and spoke in her cold voice.

Lutsey: Tsylan, your apprenticeship isn't over yet, I remind you.

He interrupted his conversation and turned to her.

Tsylan: Yes. I'm just waiting for the rest, young tigress.

Lutsey: You often use that word against me but I don't know what it means.

The dream walker answered him only with a smile. Then he told Vylia that he had to take his leave before following his tutor.

Lutsey took care to take him to different shuffleboarders to see where his preference would go. The club with the sharp point, whose heaviness is compensated by the destructive force delivered with each blow, the fighting stick, whose demand equaled the agility and technical power it delivered, and the daggers, whose lack of defense is compensated by the speed they delivered.

After going around, she took him to a room where several wooden weapons were stroked.

Lutsey: These are the training weapons. Warriors use them for their warm-ups or friendly duels. This avoids wounds to be healed.

Tsylan : While allowing everyone to develop their own style. This is the first time I've heard of this kind of practice in a Na'vi clan.

Lutsey with a smile: You still have a lot to learn about the People.

Tsylan with a smile: Fortunately! Otherwise it wouldn't be interesting!

Then he turned his eyes to the wooden weapons.

Tsylan: I guess I have to make a choice?

Lutsey: Indeed.

Tsylan: Why aren't there swords?

Lutsey: The clan had felt that this weapon was too sacred to have a replica. It was the weapon of the first olo'eyktan.

Tsylan: Huh? But it's sacramentally well preserved!

Lutsey with a smile: We take care of our weapons. They are part of us, after all.

Tsylan: Not false. And to get back to the point, a sword doesn't have to be exactly the same as your sister's. Everyone brings their own style to their weapon and decorates it as they wish. How would it be disrespectful if another member had the same type of weapon?

She should have been angry at that statement, normally. However, she had gotten to know her apprentice over time and this kind of talk no longer affected her. On the contrary, she expected it. Besides, her word was not so stupid.

Lutsey: It's not a silly thought! I wonder why I didn't think about it.

Tsylan on the way to the weapons: Maybe your duties as a leader take your mind too much to think about improvements. You should share your responsibilities with someone.

The young leader had often considered this since she took office. Unfortunately, the person who has to do it will have to share his or her life with her.

Lutsey: It's not that simple. I can only delegate this to the Tsahik or my partner.

Tsylan grinned at this thought. Lutsey was the most stubborn person he met and he knew in advance that she would not give up her freedom of choice just to lighten her load. He inspected the club before quickly looking away. He did not like the slowness imposed by the weapon and turned to the club. A fairly versatile weapon, allowing a good defense while offering opportunities for attacks. But this required a great technical mastery.

The young chief saw her apprentice's deep reflection on the weapon and wondered if he had chosen it. She looked at the stick with a nolstatic smile before being challenged by a movement of Tsylan's head, indicating that he had not yet chosen.

He picked up a dagger with an attentive eye, seemingly evaluating the possibilities.

Lutsey : Have you made up your mind?

In response, he stood up with a smile, holding the designated weapon in his right hand.

Tsylan: Yes, and I just had a wonderful idea.

The young chief raised her ears and eyebrows, intrigued.

Lutsey: What's that?

Tsylan: What do you say if I introduce the principle of double daggers?

Lutsey: You mean one dagger in each hand?

Tsylan: Yes, you have the speed of the daggers and you have more openness. However, it requires a certain technique to make good use of the advantages.

Lutsey: It's kind of like the stick, isn't it?

Tsylan: It's less constricting.

Lutsey crossed his arms, thinking for a moment, before smiling.

Lutsey: So be it. Prove to me the value of this practice and maybe I'll consider putting it in our weapons.

Tsylan smiled, amused: is this a challenge?

Lutsey with a smile: Take it any way you want.

One month later,


One night, Ben, now possessing double blades as a melee weapon. The blades are bones from a dead Ikran. The pilot had taken a long time to sharpen but the result satisfied him. The wrists with which he connected them added even more splendor to his weapons. Arranged at the meeting point, that is to say at the entrance of the village, he was surprised not to see his tutor.

Tsylan of a mummy: It's strange, she is usually always there before me.

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming towards him. The pilot, by instinct, drew his weapons and turned around. His blades collided with the wooden part of Ludsey's weapon that was supposed to represent the blade.

Lutsey :You are always so careful

Ben with a smile: . Let's say that I recognized your tactic since you used the same one the first time. She broke the guard by raising her arms and kicked her opponent back. She broke the guard by raising her arms and kicked her opponent backwards, and the opponent kicked the next time with his left weapon and tried to disarm her with his right weapon, but she dodged the blow with her usual speed.

Ben: I warn you that it won't be easy.

Lutsey: If you say so, the fight between the two of them lasted about thirty minutes, during which they exchanged parries and counterattacks as well as kicks, knees and punches until the warrior dropped him on his back with a kick and with her speed put the knife to his neck before he could get up again.

Lutsey: I won again! But I recognize that you are stronger than before.

Ben: I will win one day!

Lutsey smiled and helped him up with a smile.

Joltsyn: My Tsmuke...Poan zene emziva'u Iknimayari. Ngenga omum. Pelun tìpey? (Sister, he must pass Iknimaya. You know it. Why wait?)

Ludsey, with his ears lowered: 'He's not ready yet). ke alaksi!

Joltsyn: tìngay srak? (Is it true?) Ngenga txopu si tsatawuteteri? (are you afraid for this tawtute ?) Tìng mikyun... Oe tsun tslivam... slä ngengal hulstxem tìfmetokit. (Listen...I can understand but you will only delay the exam.) Txo ngal new futa poan slivu Menariyä Tunti. (If you want him to become Menariyä Tunti).

Ludsey: Oe omum, slä Iknimaya lu ngäzìk. Poan tsun tivatep unilitirantokxit peyä(I know. But Iknimaya is not an easy ordeal. He can lose his unilitirantokxit peyä...

Joltsyn: Nang! Lu ngar sngum Tawtuteteri ?....(you worry about a sky demon....)

Ludsey: My tsmuketsyìp... Ke tsun tslivam txe'lanit oeyä (Little sister... I don't understand my mind (in the sense of what's happening to me).

Joltsyn: Nga omum a fì'ut. Slä ke tsun mll'an... lu poru nrra nìhawng nang ! (You know it. But you're too proud to accept it)

Ludsey: ke tslam? (What do you mean?)

Joltsyn: Nga lu Koltyan (That you are a Koltyan.)

Ludsey: Sìltsa, kefyak srak? (That's a good thing)?)

Joltsyn smiles at him

Joltsyn: Tì'efumì oeyä, Tsylan lu tsamsiyu. Poan emzasya'u (If you ask me, Tsylan is a warrior. He will succeed)

Ludsey: Nìrangal, tìyawr ngaru nang ( I hope you're telling the truth ). Oe fpìyìl ( I will think about it)

Lutsey waited for Tsylan, arms folded. Tahni, her ikran, stood to her right while the young chief held a kind of vegetable scroll as soft and sticky as adhesive. At the end, a stone to facilitate a prism on the target.

Tsylan : Iknimaya

Lutsey nodded his head in agreement.

Lutsey: Not yet. I have to train you for this first.

Tsylan: I thought I had to do my first hunt before?

Lutsey: Your test is coming up. That's why you have to be ready because you won't have much time to pass the Ikrnimaya.

His apprentice nodded his head in response. Lutsey threw him the object which he caught in flight.

Lutsey: It's a meresh'ti. It will allow you to immobilize the mouth of your Ikran when he attacks you.

He remained silent but signaled that he had understood before getting into position. With his leg spread apart, he unrolled the roll and faced Tahni with determination while the young chief climbed into her harness to allow her Ikran freedom of movement.

Lutsey: Don't go too hard. We are not trying to kill him.

Tahni: I know how to control myself, don't worry.

With this in mind, Tahni launched an attack with her mouth. To the chief's surprise, the human changed hands and moved aside before placing the banshee catch around Tahni's mouth. Tahni quickly wrapped himself around her mouth, blocking the opening. Nevertheless, the vileness of the blow caused the stone to fall violently on the banshee's head.

Tahni grunting: He was not tender!

Lutsey: Take it easy, Tahni. It's not his best hand and it's his first try.

Tahni: He better learn fast. Otherwise, he's going in my face.

Lutsey: Please avoid that end.

Tsylan gently unrolled the rope and noticed a small trace at the mouth of the stone's passage.

Tsylan: Sorry. I didn't think it would be so violent

Lutsey: Be careful to control your strength. Your goal is to bind, not hurt.

Tsylan didn't respond and backed away, spinning the scroll with his right hand and facing Tahni who looked at him in frustration.

She stood up with her wings spread before launching a quick charge at her opponent. Lutsey's apprentice had to back up by jumping backwards and cushioned himself by putting one hand on the ground before standing up with a determined look.

Tahni: You and he are very much alike.

The young leader almost fell out of her harness, due to the surprise

Lutsey: Huh?

Tahni: He may be different from you, but he has a determination that seems to be yours when he faces adversity.

Lutsey: Now that you mention it, it's true that he's hard to give up in a fight. I noticed it when I confronted him.

Tahni: I'm surprised you didn't see it. Is it your feelings that are troubling you?

Lutsey: We will discuss this later.

Tsylan with a smile: So? Is it time for a break? I'm just starting to warm up!

Lutsey: Don't underestimate Tahni.

Tsylan: Far be it from me. An ikran, even if he is linked to a hunter, remains a formidable opponent. And knowing you, your Ikran must be strong.

Lutsey smiles at this compliment.

Tahni: Doesn't he know that I'm a female?

Lutsey: Let's keep it a surprise.

Tahni sneered at this thought before facing her opponent again with a powerful roar.

Tsylan putting himself back in his previous position: Looks like the real training starts now.

Two days later,

Tsylan inspected the fresh tracks on the ground while sniffing the surrounding air.

Tsylan in thought: A herd of yerik. Five it seems, judging by the footprints.

With these words he glanced up at the tree above him where he could see a pair of orange eyes watching him coldly. Curved, he followed the tracks discreetly, a bow between his shoulders with an arrow attached. Hidden by a bush, he discreetly spread the leaf to see, effectively, five well-spaced yerks. With a glance, he chose the closest one before taking his bow and cocking it.

Discreetly, he pointed to the animal and began to stretch it. He carefully chose his target before stretching the string as far as he could. Several seconds went by when the soldier remained in this stereotypical position, without the slightest doubt. Then he let go of the rope and the arrow whistled in the air before lodging in the head of the yerik, leaving him no chance. The dream walker came out of his hiding place, scaring the rest of the herd away before going towards his prey.

Tsylan: I'm sorry my brother took your life so brutally. May you live peacefully with Eywa.

Lutsey smiles. It wasn't exactly the words she was waiting for, but it was enough.

Tsylan with the yerik on his shoulders: Satisfied?

Lutsey: Yes, it wasn't exactly the words I was expecting, but your words were enough to calm her mind. You like to do things your own way, don't you?

His apprentice didn't answer and set off for Kelutral.

Before the meal, Ben was surprised to have to say another prayer for the victim he had just killed. He had to throw a satuette representing yerik into a yerik household before he said a prayer to Eywa and the victim.

Tsylan: Thank you, brother, for granting your body to substitute for the needs of the clan. May you forgive us and live forever in the bosom of our Mother. Eywa, we thank you for giving the clan your goods and for being able to live peacefully with our brothers and sisters.

When this was over, he blew discreetly, before standing beside his guardian, with a grumpy look on his face.

Lutsey whispered: I know what you're thinking, Tsylan. But why don't you believe in Eywa?

Tsylan: I'll tell you about it when the time comes, Lut. For now, let's enjoy this meal.

One week later,

Once the connection was established, I got up from my personal hammock, looking for my tutor to continue my initiation. My search was not successful until I heard the sound of her voice.

In doing so, she unhooked from the back of her belt an object resembling a large roll of mechanic's tape that I recognized immediately.

And although the name is still totally unpronounceable to me, I know its function...

The object used to muzzle an ikran, I knew what it meant.

Me : Nang ! Iknimaya, oe fpìl. (the Iknimaya, I think)

Ludsey: Tìyawr ngaru (You are right). Oe lu kelemweypey . New ivomum ikranit ngey nìwin nang!. (I can't wait... I want to know the name of your ikran quickly)

next chapter
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